Blender Beginner Chair Modelling Tutorial - Part 3

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Blender chair tutorial series continues! In this part we tighten edges, add bevels and finish the wood base.


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... I've really gotta stop pressing CTRL + R to create a loop cut whilst YT is the active window.


3:38 / 4:38 / 8:38 The new shortcut for merging duplicate vertices on Blender 2.83+ is now only M, while Alt+M does the inverse operation (split). This was done because it is such a common shortcut that it got a brand new, easier shortcut just for that and because the Alt key is usually used to invert the command, so there's that.


13:02 - When he said lets enter into clean up mode, he got a complete mesh to work with and I just had lines and not a complete mesh. My dumb-ass couldn't figure out what the issue was for about 15 minutes. You need to uncheck the 'optimal Display' option under your subsurface modifier to view the entire mesh.


for those who want to set the orange dot in the rotation to the *bottom* of the chair leg:
1. in your toolbar (hot key: t) select the second icon (''cursor'')
2. left click the bottom of the chair leg so that the cursor gets fixed there
3. in object mode, make sure the mesh is selected, and then right click
4. select ''set origin'' > ''origin to 3d cursor''
done, you can rotate around that point


Guys I am doing this tutorial in 2024 after finishing the 4.0 donut tutorial and honestly this is such a good tutorial and it has aged very well. I have ran into problems due to differences in blender versions but have tried my best to solve them and succeeded! Thank you Guru and all the people in the comments who helped me with shortcuts and tips for future blender versions !!!


I'm kinda new at this so at around 12:27 I got super confused about how his 4 vertices became a face. Turns out if you select all the vertices, and right-click, there should be an option called New edge/face from vertices (or just hit the F key). Hope this helps the other noobs out there. :)


Me: *clicking "M"*
Blender: "removed 66 vertices"
Me: 0_0


18:56 If you want to resize your chair but it is leaving the bottom line and increasing from all the sides, that's because the origin of your leg chair (small orange dot) is not at the bottom of the front leg (see Andrew's).
To do that, follow these steps:
1. Put your 3D cursor at the base of the front leg, by holding Shift and then Right-clicking at that *specific place* . I will suggest that the *specific place* to put the 3D cursor should be at the midpoint of the front leg's base from "inside" i.e., by zooming in the mesh.
2. Tap on the chair, right-click > Set-Origin > Origin to 3D Cursor.
Now you can re-move the 3D cursor back to where it was while your chair's origin will stay at the selected place.
Now you can resize your chair with ease.
PS: Make sure that you resize only on the X-axis (or at whatever axis your thickness lies), otherwise your chair will go beyond the reference image's scale.


Me, looking at the single chair leg I made:
Babe you are soooo beautiful.


Hey guys my "PC" still rendering the dounts and cup how you guys doing


5:20 There is something like this in Blender. In Edit Mode: Select->Select All by Trait -> Non Manifold, this will select everything that is not manifold: loose vertices, double vertices, mesh inside of another mesh, ...


For the rotated object part, it's alot easier to double tap the direction you want it to go, so one z is global, a second z is local, much faster


Not just a chair , but the skills & insight to build anything I can imagine . Take your time Guru, the more you talk the more I learn ( wish I could say that for everybody )


Blender 2.9 - When doing the bevel, click on the display icon so that it is off under your Subdivision modifier to see the same basic cube mesh that Andrew has! Took me a minute!


If anyone's wondering how Blender Guru's chair is so flat,

He unselected the 'display in Edit Mode' button on the Subdivision Surface modifier.


*blender guru:* Press _Alt+M_ to merge by distance.
*blender 2.83:* I'm about to ruin this man's whole tutorial series.

(it's gonna be just _M_ for merge ;) )


if having trouble doing the bevel command to flatten the curved part at 6:00 I think its because for newer versions of blender the mirror modifier actually duplicates the object across the 3D cursor, . Instead of doing those steps in the last video where he made a loop cut down the middle you're going to actually need to add that loop cut. Also he only selects one side of the vertices and you're going to need to select both. The same goes for 8:30 where he's merging vertices you're going to need to do the same on both again.


When you're using the second part of Ctrl-R, or GG, to slide edge loops, there's an E option to keep the loop parallel to one side or the other. F flips which side. Better than the default weighted average, for holding-edge loops. It's very useful, and often overlooked. You can cut in any old geometry with a knife, slide it, and wham! it's lined up.


4:22 dissolving didn't do anything cause u didn't make the edge a part of the mesh u just made an extra edge overlapping the face u can tell that when u select the face it's not divided in two tho u can do that by pressing "J" instead of "F"


If anyone is having trouble seeing all the vertices and edges, go to modifier settings and in sub surf setting uncheck the optimal display option.
