How The Body Uses Food - You Are What You Eat - How Are Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat Used In The Body

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In this video I give a very basic look at how food is used in the body. How the body uses carbs, protein, and fats. It can help you understand, to a small degree, how do people get fat, and why do people get fat. And hopefully an understanding of why you are what you eat.


So, how does your body use food? Well, we have to look at the macronutrients, carbohydrates, proteins and fats. We are going to take a very basic look at this by starting with carbs.

Essentially carbs are going to be used in 3 different ways. As immediate energy, as stored energy, or as stored fat.

During the digestive process, carbs are converted to glucose, which is what cells use as energy. The liver sends this glucose into the bloodstream to be used as immediate energy for cells. Once the bloodstream has enough glucose in it, the liver takes the extra glucose and converts it to glycogen, which is a stored form of glucose energy.

Glycogen gets stored in the liver and muscles, which combined can store about 2000 calories worth. Once the bloodstream is full and the glycogen tanks are full, the extra glucose or carbs are stored as fat in fat tissue.

Now for proteins. Proteins are also going to be used in mainly 3 different ways. They are used to build stuff, used as energy, or stored as fat. During the digestive process proteins are broken down into their main components of amino acids.

These amino acids can be used to make enzymes, hormones, build and maintain tissues, construct transport proteins, which transport fats throughout the body, and make antibodies, which help neutralize some bacteria and viruses in the body.

If the body is low on fuel, it can convert proteins to energy. And, if the body doesn’t need to use protein for all of the situations just mentioned, it can be, through a lengthy process, converted to and stored as fat.

Next up is fats. Fats are also going to be used in mainly 3 different ways. They are used as part of many cell membranes, they can be stored as energy in the liver or in fat tissue, and they can be used as energy in the form of keytones or through being converted to glucose.

So, as you can see, you are what you eat.

And that is the basics of how food is used in your body.
So, don’t overeat

0:00 The 3 macronutrients
0:10 How are carbohydrates used in the body?
0:50 How are proteins used in the body?
1:34 How are fats used in the body?
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Lmao @ when he’s said so don’t over eat 🤣🤣🤣


I find it ironic that Fat is the only macronutrient not stored as “fat”


ho very very good
it can haelp he said so dont over eat


Don't overeat. A simple procedure that 60% of Americans keep ignoring.


Is it possible to know when the glycogen tanks are full/empty? Like are there signs in the body?


so carbs only get stored as fat if you go over your caloric needs? that means if i eat for example white bread and i don't have any physical activity, will it get stored as fat?


i have a question, if we didnt have supply energy from carbs and fat, does that mean our body will breakdown our muscle tissue into protein and then convert it as energy? and when does it happen, if we have less than 5% bodyfat or what?


that was a really useful explanation. thanks


awesome content! but if not in the ketosis state... what does the body do with a moderate fat intake?


Write proper ans...
Ques :what does food provide us with?


This is exactly what I talk about in this video:
