How to get Rank 14 in Classic WoW

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How to get RANK 14 in Classic WoW!

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Well I’m just going to give up on rank 14.. and use that time to go to law school and become a lawyer.. with the mass increase to divorce rates when classic releases I should make a pretty penny


My brother played on a private server and there was Japanese guy in his guild who didn't speak very good English who got Rank 14 back in the day. When he described the grind, all he said was "I eat drugs."


Usually I am able to squeeze in about 2 hours of WoW a day while my wife is out on a date with her boyfriend, sometimes less when my step-son is acting up. Will I be able to reach rank 14?


How to get Rank 14 in Classic WoW: don't go outside


Never forget those who bravely fought the chinese in the great nostalrius honor wars with 1.3mil+ bracket 1's


How to get Rank 14: Join a pre-made group, consisting of unemployed 20-year-olds that still live at home and don't have any kind of responsibilities. And keep up indefinitely.


Vanilla Rank14 Grandmarshal here. I want to share a story. I played on a german PvE RP realm, Zirkel des Cenarius.
Before there were cross-realm-battlegrounds, we didn't have a huge PvP community - there were three Alliance PvP groups and a couple of solo queuers, and only one (rarely two) premade Horde groups, and NO horde solo queuers.

The Horde group knew they had no pressure - they queued battlegrounds maybe from 2pm to 8pm, there were no battlegrounds opening outside of these times. (Alterac Valley also NEVER opened up, except when it was announced on the realm forums like "join AT on sunday 6pm!") This also meant for me, the Alliance groups, and the solo queuers that we had to wait like 1h30min for a battleground, just to join a battle against the best geared raiders of the horde. There was no PuG stomping on Alliance - we always had to fight a well geared and organized horde group, which was awesome - every battle was thrilling and our win rate was around 50%. Sometimes we even joined their TS server to wish good luck or ask when they would start queueing this day.

I was shocked when i heard what on other servers, especially PvP realms, had to be done to reach Rank14. 24/7 account-shared honor grinding and PuG stomping was nessessary to reach Rank14, requiring more than 1.000.000 or even 2.000.000 honor to get Rank1 in the weekly rankings. On my realm it was around 100.000 to 150.000 honor - more wasn't possible because of Horde player lack. To get an edge over other Alliance players we used the 1h30min waiting to to travel to Orgrimmar and get some extra honor - remember, it is an PvE realm, so EPL PvP wasn't an option.


Done the grind once before and it was so stressful and unhealthy!! I remember losing my job because of it. I'm done with vanilla lol


Did rank 14 in solo pvp back in Vanilla..i had no life, and i spent around 18+ hours a day doing pvp..remember the top premade on my server messaged me asking me to slow down becase they had 1 guy aiming for the rank too..also managed to get myself a girlfriend back then too (a non-gamer)..she is my wife now, she passed the ultimate test xD Havent played wow in years, but sure will enjoy the crap out of rank 14 this time around tho :D


In classic wow i almost failed highschool just to reach rank 11 (i wanted so bad the epic mount) i spent 8 or 10 hrs just doing bg's for 2 months everyday, and that was just for rank 11, a friend of mine (who failed school for reaching rank 14) was stuck in rank 13 for months, and he failed because pre patch for BC came out, he quit the game and never played wow again.


So I'll put my story too!! Rank 14 Hight Warlord Undead Female Warrior here!! Was rank 13 at the time when winter school vacations were 2 days away!! Had a very long talk with my brother and boom!! 24hours per day online farming honor!! 12hours on me, 12 on my brother!! I remember we woke up 15 mins earlier so we have time to eat... Even my mother learned our program and left us food in the kitchen... it was insane two weeks... rank 14 was totally worth it as it was my plus 10kg xD I don't know if I can do it again at the WoW classic but I will totally give it a try!!


My two friends who got me on WoW back in classic were both highwarlords . They are two of the few rank 14 highwarlords on our server .


I remember when I ran for r14 on my warrior I started by playing from 7 am to 24 pm. I would take breaks for food etc, then I lost it all and got back to rank 12 from 13 for a trip to uk with my parents, it was the worst experience ever. Then I got back and it took me weeks of never ending grinding to get to rank 14. When I finally did I had no money to buy weapons 😂. Kept the title . Had a LOOOONG break, then back to normal playing.


Back in the day I knew a number of really good WoW players irl. One of whom was a rank 14 (grand marshal) but he quit after vanilla since the game consumed him.


"How to get to rank 14 in Classic WoW: have no life."

Laugh all you want, but this is not a joke. This is literally how you reach it.


I was 1st on my server rank 14 vanilla wow and I was playing at least 12 hours every day purely grinding wsg with a team I lead that won every bg all day long..the fact that I couldn’t walk at the time and was sick helped.

Basically you have to have no life for months and months on end else someone else with no life will pip you..and there’s bound to be way more people with no life playing classic than there was in vanilla


Truly the best low quality content on YT


During classic, I remember getting death threats because I didn't wait in line for my turn to progress. I flew through the ranks and pissed a lot of people off when I got rank 14 instead of the person who was supposed to get it.


Fully agree. I was part of a premade-group that crowned the first rank-14 on our server in vanilla. It was a server of the 3rd wave, so we knew about the mechanics. The project started from day 1 of the server. We had to level to a x9 Level every week as quick as possible and then we "terrorized" the warsong on our server. After a while we had very quick wins as the horde knew us and left most of the times. But around 49 oder 59 we had a horde premade that challenged us. After two bloody weeks they stocked up to 15 persons and went to Arathi as their farming ground. I never went for rank 14, simply, because I hadn't the time for the extra grind in the pleaguelands. At the latest as I had to stop playing because of tests at the university for three weeks the dream was over. We had plenty of fun, but our rank 14 candidates had to invest a lot of time for this project. Anyone who wants to try this, should invest a good amount of time in planning and communicating before the server has started.


I used to be the flag carrier for a premade back in the day. I would play around 10 hours a day, and that would "only" secure me a standing between 10 and 20. I ended up giving it up midway through Rank 12 to save my last year of high school. There were only 4 competitive premades in the whole server (2 horde and 2 alliance) so we actually had the chance to fix the exact rating for everyone. This time around though, I assume there will be more people interested in getting rank 14, and taking the min-maxing culture into consideration, getting top-10 standing will be literally hell. Good luck to everyone taking on the challenge!
