Super Saiyan Should Be BASE FORM!

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We will be discussing why Super Saiyan should have become base after Grade 4 - also known as Full Power Super Saiyan - was introduced to the series in the Cell Saga - as the narrative seemed to be headed in that direction.
After watching the video feel free to leave any and all counter points in the comments below - I love a good discussion.


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Super Sayian isnt base because Chi-Chi doesnt want Gohan to look like a delinquent


This makes lots of Sense for at least all the Saiyans that have Super Saiyan 2.


My head cannon is that Chi Chi didn't want to see Gohan with blonde hair.


In the English dub Gohan tells Krillin he powers down to go to sleep for the night...though when Krillin throws that rock in Goku's Super Saiyan face he's definitely napping so...English dub retcon?


Do you think that Super Saiyan God should have been a base form too? So it is just called Saiyan God and Super Saiyan Blue is called Super Saiyan God


Goku probably didn't bother working on staying SSj anymore while he was dead

Gohan definitely wasn't training


Pretty sure the answer is: the series was suppose to end after the Cell Arc so Toriyama wasn't thinking when he said those things


They would be soo much stronger if they never left SS base form imo. Love that you made this video. Also, i definitely think the series would be in a way better place if they followed this videos points and Akira just needs to stop forgetting all these important details throughout the series.


I think the reason Toriyama did away with it after the Cell arc was most likely because if SSJ was the new base then gone would be the days of Goku's iconic hairstyle and he feared the potential backlash that would have.


When Goku’s demonstrating the forms to Buu, SSJ and even SSJ 2 don’t show any strain at all. He just pops into the form instantly. Only SSJ 3 obviously required actual effort.


I must say I disagree. It makes no sense to me why they would opt to stay in super saiyan 24/7 after already attaining mastery of the form.

Training wouldn't be as effective, because their training wouldn't produce 50 times the results when training in ssj. If they train just as hard in their base form, they'll progress at the same rate. So when they do transform, they get fifty times the strength they fostered.

Also, being in ssj isn't the same as being in base form. Even if the difference is negligible, like the difference between sitting, and a casual walk, it's still there. So even if they regain more stamina than they spend, they're still not getting their maximum amount of rest. This is shown when Gohan reverts to base after defeating Cell. Meaning there must be some cost to staying in ssj, no matter how small.

There's also the point of controlling their power. It may be trivial for them to do, but why add the extra difficulty of being in ssj? Even if the effort is subconscious, it's still something they have expend effort to do.

We also have to consider the strain on their bodies. Something as simple as feeling stressed can have major negative repercussions on your health, so something as flight or fight-esque as ssj certainly could. We don't know how saiyan biology works, or what long term effects it could have on their hormone balance.

As for them straining to go into super saiyan, I think that's a pretty weak point. It doesn't add anything to your argument of why they should stay in ssj all the time. The strain is just a way of showing that they're powering up, to get the audience hyped. Do you mean to say they wouldn't have to strain to power up? Goku strained to power up to half power in front of Korin. And it's not like they strain every time they transform. There's many instances where Goku transforms with zero strain in Super. It all depends on whether they're powering up to fight, putting on a show, or just remaining suppressed in ssj. And while it's true that remaining in the state doesn't strain them, (which is why an exhausted Goku wasn't bothered by being in ssj versus Caulifla.) There's nothing to state that turning it on and off doesn't require any effort. Even if it's something small like making their back tingle.

Overall, there's no day to day benefit for the saiyans to be in ssj outside of battle.


Shouldn't God ki (red one) be Goku's base and Ultimate form be Gohan's base?


Just like in What if Broly was sent to Earth. After the Cell Arc, Vegeta and Trunks remained as Super Saiyans


It's all Chi Chi's fault. She didn't want her family looking like delinquents.


I think instead of goku getting blue, he should've practiced the god form and mastered it, becoming his base form and ascending his god state into higher states of insane calmness, yet tense and always alert and powerful, until he reached pure bliss. Ultra Instinct.


Super saiyan should not be base simply because there was no need to always be a super saiyan.... Goku and Gohan mastered super saiyan through grade 4 as training so that they could minimize ki consumption and body strain while maximizing the efficiency of the transformation. What’s the purpose to be a super saiyan at all times if you’ve already mastered the form and there’s no need to be transformed?


It makes sense because in z he was Constantly breaking things hurting chi-chi in his base form but in super this problem just went away because he gained more control over his power so he should be fine to do it in super just not z


My personal head canon is that while Super Saiyan Grade 4/Full Power did consume the least amount of stamina it did still overtime consume more stamina than the standard base. The idea was to use the least amount of effort to get to that initial form to then be able to jump to higher forms more efficiently as they came along.
Also in Super when Goku and Vegeta first started training with Whis, they both decided not to use their transformations but rather improve their base forms which would in turn make their transformations better


I think from a storytelling standpoint, it would have made sense for Gohan following the Cell Saga to revert, or more specifically, effortlessly transition back into his base form in order to either mask his energy, or to simply not stand out so much in public. Remember how during his match with Kibito, he went Super Saiyan 2, and a few people in the audience recognized him as the kid who fought Cell, even though he was 16 by that point? Had he remained a Grade 4 Super Saiyan for the seven years that followed the Cell Saga, then people would have recognized him immediately, because the whole world saw him on TV, and Gohan isn't that big a fan of the spotlight. That being said, I do think it would have been better if the story made it seem like he could turn Super Saiyan on and off at will with absolutely no effort. That way he could have sprung into action at any time, and he could focus his energy on powering up to Super Saiyan 2. And then, they could have transitioned into Gohan unlocking his ultimate potential, maybe by making the whole process more visual, like by showing Gohan slowly transition from his base to his Super Saiyan form and then to his Super Saiyan 2 form before finally gaining mastery over his true power. Gohan's story would have literally come full circle at that point. He would have gone from being this kid who slowly but surely tapped into the power of his Saiyan ancestry and gained total mastery of his Super Saiyan abilities, to a young man who now has all of his inner power and the experience he has gained at his disposal. This would have also been displayed visually with Gohan's appearance reverting to that of his base form, showing that he had a power all his own; a power that didn't rely on transformations, but rather his vast, almost limitless potential.


If I remember correctly, shortly in the manga and expanded on in the anime episodes. After Goku and Vegeta managed to get every one of Majin Buu's victims out of his system currently at the time, they managed to stay in their Super Saiyan states while also making similar expressions they normally would in their base for which transitions when they are out of Buu's binary tracks and are full size again. They aslo managed to stay like that all the way up to when they are transported on the Kaioshin planet. They keep these states until they decide who fights Pure Buu (Kid Buu). So it would seem the concept wasn't fully forgotten, but now in Super the whole mastery of the Super Saiyan transformation has slipped the mind of the writers in the Dragon Room. RIP Super Saiyan Grade 4. Nice video today Carthu!
