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Dr. Joshua Bowen (Ph.d) & Megan Lewis (M.A)
Learn to Read Sumerian:

Despite their ancient origins, the Anunnaki have been subject to many
contemporary reinterpretations, notably in various fringe theories and works of pseudo-history. These often involve extraterrestrial influences and other speculative concepts, but these ideas are not supported by mainstream scholarship or historical evidence. But more on that later as well. The mythology of the Anunnaki is complex and spans several ancient cultures, with the earliest accounts coming from the Sumerians. Their stories, like many ancient mythologies, attempt to explain the origin of the world, the nature of gods and humanity, and the laws that govern existence.
In Sumerian mythology, the Anunnaki were initially viewed as celestial deities associated with various aspects of life and nature. However, the term Anunnaki gradually came to be associated more specifically with chthonic (underworld)
deities. In Mesopotamian mythology, the term "Anunnaki" was used to refer to deities in general, but it was often specifically associated with the deities of the underworld, the realm of the dead. However, this does not necessarily imply a negative or punitive association. In many ancient cultures, the world was perceived as a multitiered structure, often divided into heavens, earth, and underworld. Gods and goddesses were assigned to different realms based on their roles and functions.
The Anunnaki are depicted in various myths as judges in the underworld, ruling over the fate of the dead. For instance, the goddess Ereshkigal, the queen of the underworld, and Nergal, the god of death and plague, were both considered part of the Anunnaki. The reason why many of the Anunnaki were associated with the underworld is likely related to the Sumerians' beliefs about life, death, and the afterlife. The underworld, known as Kur or Irkalla, was considered a dreary, dark place where the
spirits of the dead existed in a shadowy version of their earthly life, sustained by libations and offerings from the living.
The Nephilim, as depicted in biblical traditions, are the offspring of the sons of gods (or fallen angels) and are described as giants.
In general, the Anunnaki and the fallen angels, who give birth to giants, or Nephilim, are separate entities from distinct cultural and religious contexts: Mesopotamian mythology and Hebrew religion, respectively.
Both undergo the wrath of God and try to teach humans knowledge.
Both the Anunnaki and the fallen angels are seen as powerful
beings with the ability to influence humanity.
The Book of Enoch, an ancient Jewish religious work, ascribes the origins of sin and corruption on earth to a group of angels known as the "Watchers," who fell from grace by mating with human women and teaching humanity forbidden knowledge. But rather than the Anunnaki, This story shares more elements with the myth of the apkallu, seven wise
men or demigods in Mesopotamian mythology who were created by the god Enki (a member of the Anunnaki) to establish culture and give civilization to mankind.

Zecharia Sitchin refers to various Sumerian cuneiform texts to support his idea of the planet Nibiru. One key text he often cites is the "Enuma Elish," the Babylonian creation epic. Sitchin suggests that references to a celestial body called Marduk in this epic actually refer to Nibiru.
In the Enuma Elish, Marduk is portrayed as a "wandering planet" that collides with and splits Tiamat, a primordial goddess associated with the sea, in two. Sitchin interprets Tiamat as a pre-existing planet located between Mars and Jupiter. He suggests that one half of Tiamat became the asteroid belt, and the other half was struck by another of Marduk's moons and was pushed into a new orbit, becoming Earth.
However, Sitchin's interpretation of the Enuma Elish and his association of Marduk with Nibiru is heavily criticized by scholars. Mainstream interpretation reads the Enuma Elish as mythology and not a literal astronomical account. Furthermore, Sitchin's identification of Nibiru with Marduk is not supported by any extant cuneiform text. In fact, the term "Nibiru" in the extant texts is used to denote a point of crossing, and sometimes is associated with certain celestial bodies depending on their position in the sky, but it's never described as the home of the Anunnaki, nor as an additional planet in our solar system with an unusual orbit, as
Sitchin claims.

#gnosticinformant #nephilim #anunnaki
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The Assyriologists who I featured at the end:
Dr. Joshua Bowen (Ph.D) & Megan Lewis (M.A)


It’s amazing to me that when it comes to Zachariah Stitchen, you need empirical evidence but when it comes to religion you have to go on faith. He’s proposing a theory.


the people at the end ruined it . imagine trying to pick apart someone that didn't have the technology of today/internet etc and just used his own research of the time to the story


As an accomplished astronomer, I maintain that Sitchen to my knowledge is the only translator who presented his interpretations outlining the Anunnaki's complete comprehension of the existing solar system in its entirety. All of this summary was based on the Sumerian cuneiform tablets in addition to cylinder seals with many faceted space entity symbols ingrained while manifesting the sun, moon and numbered planets in addition to figurines clothed in what appeared to be astronaut-like utilities.. Furthermore, in his Earth Chronicles 12th Planet compendium, Sitchin often validated the earlier researchers/translators who despite their scholarly approaches were hindered by their time era where the space age knowledge of today was nonexistent. For me, I go with the humble and reflective-interpretations of Zecharia Sitchin as he challenged the entrenched mindsets of today's self -professed experts, who appear to be jealous of his wide acceptance by the many.




There's no fricking way civilization popped up out of no where and that man built megalithic monuments without outside intervention. The weight and precision alone is unfathomable


Up until the point where the two muppets ruined it, this was a very interesting look into the Annunaki theory.


Sitchin never made fun of anyone like these. 2. They went over board and showed their true character.


What started out as a good show derailed into an obsession with debunking a single 20th century writer. Not sure why things got off track so much here as I typically enjoy the content of this channel.


Don’t agree really with the end, but the comparison to the different mythologies and how they align is awesome work.


One thing that irks me is who often people confuse Annunaki/Nephilim/Daemons. It’s as easy as this: Annunaki are the bene-elohim spirits appointed to many different tasks and stations to see to the creation and all that the Creator commands.
Nephilim are the children between the Annunaki and the women of the earth which are spirits that were never meant to be, unclean spirits, demons. That’s why the immortal spirits of the Annunaki were removed and imprisoned while the nephilim were forced to walk the earth until judgment day for if they were to die and cross into the heavenly dimension outside of time as we experience it, it would break the will of the Father Creator. Thus they are doomed to walk the earth constantly looking for vessels(people) to inhabit and if anyone who doesn’t live under a rock just look at their phone or turn on the TV will clearly see through the news and hollywood/ entertainment industry that these beings are reveling today almost as if their fathers were released for the time is near so they’re going amok with rage and debauchery only they were capable of like in the days of their time or the days of Noah.


The interesting thing about the idea of God's flying in craft isn't only found in Sitchins work, but also in ancient Indian text. As for Niburu, it's been found by Nasa. The last time it was recorded viewed in the sky, the most famous record was the star which was followed. This was also backed by Chinese Astrologers at the time.

There is also the Emerald Tablets where Thoth speaks that he was the builder of the pyramids, and that he stored his craft underneath the Sphinx. This came from the interpretation of Issac Newton.

I'm not saying that the work is absolute, but that when you find things like star charts carved into the pyramids which are only seen in the age of Leo, it sort of makes you question why they are there, when apparently they were built in the age of Taurus.


Thank you for this contribution. I really enjoyed this video, immensely


The ending killed it for me.Two intoxicated individuals smacking down a man’s life long works was not a good look.


Damn as soon as the Skyrim OST kicked in I was all of a sudden transported to a snowy landscape and could hear my feet crunching the snow in that classic Skyrim crunch


I personally had an issue with the discrediting of the ancient alien theories simply for the reason that it is fairly well known that many scientists are extremely reluctant to look at alternative explanations for the simple fact that they will not go against previous theories because it may discredit their piers or themselves directly even when the new ideas generate a much more plausible explanation to the issue or issues in question. This goes for scholars and scientists across the board of various academics


It's always funny to me when people accuse Sitchin's translation as "amateurish" when in his time, there were basically only specialized archeologists who could read Sumerian tablets. Sitchin taught himself Sumerian because he had no other option. I think we can give him some leeway on his translation since he was the one blazing the trail for others in the first place. Also the guy with the mop beard and fairy wings isn't exactly instilling confidence.


Thank you so much for posting!👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


This filled in a lot of the things I wondered about. Thank you!


By the time many of these cuneiform tablets were created, the "true stories" of the Anunnaki would have been thousands of years old. More than enough time to be skewed from historical record to myth. Sitchin was not attempting to translate the exact stories word for word from the texts, but rather to extract the real stories the myths originated from. Sitchin's vision was limited by the technologies of his day (rocket ships, spacesuits, etc.) and this is usually what critics cherry pick as seen here in the video. The criticisms around the root words, at face value, are legitimate, but when considering how old the myths and language actually are, there is no issue. Of course, over the millennia, the definition of the root words eventually just became a new meaning, i.e. Annunaki, the root words meaning "from heaven to earth they came" eventually just became the word for "Gods". Even the butterfly example given here is just a lack of practically applied imagination, more likely one could guess butter was something fly like creatures are attracted to or due to their own coloration being similar to butter, and eventually came to define a whole genus. Sitchin looks at the root words rather than the most recent meaning that we see in the cuneiform and comes to some startling conclusions about what these ancient myths might have actually been describing. Absolutely some of his conclusions don't hold up, but the incredible thing Sitchin actually did is to open up the conversation about ways to interpret our ancient myths.
