Josh Pate & Cole Cubelic On 'Meaningless Bowl Games' (Late Kick Cut)

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Josh Pate welcomed in Cole Cubelic as part of the Pate State Speaker Series on Late Kick Live Ep 342, and the two discussed a wide range of topics within College Football including the concept of meaningless bowl games. Where does this phrase and mentality come from? Have the changes around College Football really been so severe all meaning has been removed from bowl games? Let us know what you think in the comments below and be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the channel and CLICK THE BELL for notifications as we bring you multiple live shows per week!
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The problem isn't that they're meaningless, its that their meaning has been devalued. It used to be that saying "we won such and such bowl" was enough for people even not familiar with football to go "oh man that must mean they were a top tier team this year" but now you say that and it can mean that "oh we won half our games this year and beat another team who won only half their games. We were barely in the top half of the overall schools this year, but we won a game with a trophy" I'm more than sure that the players love it, but it makes hearing "we won the Sugar bowl" feel no different than "we won the applesauce cowboy hat cookie cake bowl" especially to those who don't follow the sport heavily. Also with all the opt outs, even though its not like all teams have any or many, but it has taken away the conference pride. A team from the pac12 may now beat an sec team but the sec team had all their top people opt out and now the pac12 people will be like "oH I tHouGhT thE sEc waS tHe BeSt" not taking in the fact that they didn't even beat the real team from the year. I just want less bowls. Maybe at least make it so you have to win 7 games to be bowl eligible instead of 6. You should have to at least win more than half your games imo.


I wish everyone felt this was about bowl games. It's one of the many things that are special/unique to this great game we all love.


My god ANY college game on this time of year is a blessing….I was a teen in the 80s and Bowl season was always awesome. Old enough to appreciate the 81 national championship that Clemson won and 2016 and 2018 as an old man. Some schools will never know what it’s like to even get to one let alone win one. So as an elder I say to you young pups any football after thanksgiving are a bonus and bowl games put teams that you wouldn’t see ever play against each other.


Bama's bowl game is not meaningless to me. It's the last time I'll get to see them play till next year.


"It's someone tell me", why do I have 3 TV's in the living room all with a different Bowl game on. As Josh say's " just leave me alone" and let me watch. As for "meaningless Bowls". What about the College's, big or small, who have no chance at a CFP appearance, this is their "goal", to go to a "Bowl" game as a reward. As the guest mentioned, it's the "memories" you have with your teammates. Great show Josh, it's great that you and your guest touched on this subject. Happy Christmas Eve.


All of the experiences that Cubelic shared were in the past. Those bowls did matter. Today's bowls only matter to the fans of those teams. How many players decided to skip bowl games back then compared to now? I won't say they are meaningless, but surely you can admit that people in general care less about bowl games today than they used to.


I love being able to watch football while I'm at work. Midday and early afternoon bowl games are great.


Bowls should be reserved for teams with winning records. This means exclude those who are 6-6, 5-7, etc.


He’s right. There are only so many games and it’s over.


Bowls do not matter. Why did Florida go to a bowl with a 6-6 season? Where does that make sense? Florida had its top players opt out and the beavers were a ranked team. Proved nothing. The players who are coming back are playing not the team.


My opinion of why many of these bowl games are "meaningless" is that you do not require a winning record. I love razorback football, and will waatch the liberty bowl.... but it feels like a participation trophy. I am 57yo and remember when making one of 6 to 8 possible bowl games meant something; ie. your team was considered one of the best teams in the country. Being 6 and 6 should not be rewarded.


I know band kids ADORE bowl game trips. Some of those kids get to do things they never would get to do otherwise. Those games matter. They make up some of the best memories they have.


I agree. There are no meaningless bowls. There are no meaningless games, either, and I applaud those guys that don't op out. (I understand the guys that do and don't hold it against them).


So I’ve heard the argument that the bowl game should be the week 0 or week 1 game of the next season, I like the idea except if players graduate or go pro it could throw it off


Bowl games are a treasure completely unique to college football. The College football playoff has its place but I hope it never replaces traditional bowl games entirely


Did you see Oregon State? That bowl meant the world to those kids.


Thank you for addressing this. NIL should have bowl game clauses. Football doesn’t mean anything, except what we subscribe to it as fans and players. Competition is competition. Competition is fearless and why we play or played. It’s why it’s enjoyable to watch. I can appreciate the business but I can’t appreciate the fear. It never overrides the team and competition.


If these Bowl games aren’t meaningless, then remember to drop the SEC excuse about “they didn’t want to be there” if they lose.


The people that cry about how the bowl games still have meaning are the ones that cry about how modern sports is ruined by participation trophies. These meaningless bowls are the epitome of participation trophies. Make them mean something by having a legit playoff like FCS does.
