How To SURVIVE Hyperinflation: 11 Tips That Could Save Your Life

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Today, inflation is affecting people all over the world. You're probably also thinking about how to prepare and survive if inflation were to get out of control, resulting in hyperinflation. And it's a smart thought considering the recessions, housing market bubbles, and currency collapses that are commonplace in today's world.

In this video, I'll provide you with 11 life-saving tips to better prepare yourself. You don't necessarily need to be rich or wealthy to protect your life and that of your loved ones, but you do need to understand these concepts very well.
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In light of the ongoing global economic crisis, it is crucial for everyone to prioritize investing in diverse sources of income that are not reliant on the government. This includes exploring opportunities in stocks, gold, silver, and digital currencies. Despite the challenging economic situation, it remains a favorable time to consider these investments.


I used to think every investor lose out during inflation, meanwhile some make millions. I also thought everybody went out of business during the Great Depression, but some went into business. Bottom line, there's always depression for some, and profit for others, it all starts from having the right mindset. That said, I've set asides $250k to invest for future, unfortunately I'm a complete noob.


Now, fed funds futures markets are confidently indicating expectations of a Fed pause through this year, before a potential interest rates cut in March. The issue is how to properly allocate a $1m stock/bond ratio for steady gains, yet indicators are playing a trick on us.


Before when only one country was suffering or going to suffer from hyperinflation this video could help but now 2023, this time the ENTIRE world will be suffering hyperinflation at the same time …where is there to run?


I heard during one hyperinflation, people separated links from gold and silver chains and sold them one link at a time to trade for food.


I'm not kidding when I say that the market crash and high inflation have me really stressed out and worried about retirement. I've been in the red for a while now and although people say these crisis has it perks, I'm losing my mind but I get it Investing is a long-term game, so focus on the long run.


Very well articulated; I wish I had more time for trial and error, but I'll be 56 in October and I need ideas and advice on what investments to make to set myself up for retirement, especially with the looming inflation and recession; my goal is to have a portfolio of at least $500k at the age of 60.


Видео полезное с финансовой точки зрения. Но в период гиперинфляции первое, что обесценивается - это труд людей. Многие лишатся работы, преступность увеличиться в разы.
Поэтому первым делом надо высокий забор, решетки на окна и двери, оружие и много патронов.
Иначе вы свои сбережения не сохраните, хоть в какой валюте они у вас будут.


This may be good advice when one or two or three countries are in trouble. What do you do when currency collapse or hyperinflation is on a global scale? Where exactly are you going to move to? Europe is a hot mess, Canada is in the sane shape as U.S. or worse. And who has the resources to move across the globe?


I found you recently so valueble videos fantastic thank you


4:40 instead of putting foreign money on bank account, can't you just save physical foreign currencies? What are they going to do about it? Search your entire house just to make sure you don't have any??


Inflation is far more harmful to individuals than a collapsing stock or property market because it directly affects people's cost of living, which they immediately feel. It is not surprising that the current market sentiment is extremely pessimistic. In today's economy, assistance is critical if we are to survive.


I live in a country that has experienced several waves of hyperinflation. Experience shows that the only investment that survives hyperinflation is the purchase of land, preferably land with planning permission.


Thank you for all the information you provide in your videos. My daughter and I are trying to learn together how and where to invest and pay down debt as quickly as I am able. This is all new to us and we are trying to learn as much as we can. Please keep helpful and educational videos coming as they are deeply appreciated.


Buy hard assets. Second buy defensive inflation aligned stocks. Buy inflation matching annuities. Property is a oak but usually tied to leases so make sure there is inflation reviews…. Even the you will be behind the curve….


"hold foreign currencies offshore" also means buy bitcoin


The offshore thing has it's own risks and complications. Specially in a global depression. The only thing one can relay on are useful skills.


And here l am in Zimbabwe looking for a way to make money in this terrible economy


I skipped right o the end because I knew what was coming. They want you to buy gold and silver. IF you follow this advice be CERTAIN to actually GET the metals. Usually they are actually selling certificates or receipts. Also check the current prices to be sure you aren't paying to much. Then buy some butter, it will make it easier to swallow when you're hungry. Want some real world advice on what to do when SHTF? Learn to grow your own food.


Bitcoin will not save you from hyperinflation. You might be able to hide your transactions from governments, but digital currency will suffer the same problems as all currencies: devaluation.
