Hyperinflation Explained in One Minute

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A one-minute video explanation of hyperinflation. It happened in Germany after WW1 and if the right socio-politico-economic conditions present themselves, it can and will happen again.

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Basically, being a billionaire doesn't mean anything if everyone else is also a billionaire.


High prices for everything have severely affected my plan. I'm concerned if people who went through the 2008 financial crisis had an easier time than I am having now. The stock market is worrying me as my income has decreased, and I fear I won't have enough savings for retirement since I can't contribute as much as before.


Venezuela is the most recent example now.


Inflation is basically an increase in money supply that decreases the buying power of the people. More money=more inflation and debt.


This is a terrible, terrible, terrible description.
Hyperinflation occurs when you have too much money chasing too few goods. In every case where it has occured there was some kind of event that disrupted the "natural" amount of goods that a country could produce. Even without printing money, hyperinflation will happen.
Zimbabwe? Thats because Mugabe sized all the decent farmland and gave it to his cronies who didn't know the first thing about farming. Germany? All their farms and factories were destroyed by the war, and printing money to pay back WW1 debt made things worse.  We even had a bout of hyperinflation in the USA after the Civil War... Not with Union dollars, but with Confederte dollars. Nothing to do with the Confederacy printing money, but since they were losing the war nobody would accept it as money anymore.
Or more recently, Venezuela? Price controls strangled the farmers and factory owners so they had to either lose money or shut down, so they shut down. Not a problem, as long as oil money was coming in they could import goods from elsewhere. But now that oil money is gone? Hyperinflation.


I’m left even more confused.

What I took from this was, “Hyperinflation... The end.”

They should add a few extra minutes to this video.


Very Educational. I would recommend this video for educational purposes!


i love your channel !!! i m 17 years old i m a venezuelan !! I had been the oportunity to learn alot of economics of you guys and i will aprecciate to make avideo of the venezuelan crisis ... sorry for the gramaical mistakes


Your "background" music is gratingly loud. Makes listening to what you're saying impossible.


Ok, so here's something I've always wondered about a hyperinflation scenario in relation to debt. Let's say that a person has prepared themselves for such an event and their income isn't vital to provide for the necessities of life (food, water, etc.) So you're now working and instead of making, say $20/hour, you're being paid $1000/hr (while bread is $2500/loaf or whatever). Before this imaginary event you bought a home with a mortgage contract of $1500/month. Your CONTRACT states that you are required to pay $1500/month, but now you're making $1000/hour.. see where I'm going with this? Payoff any debt you have so whenever the economy rights itself you're now debt free. This assumes that you don't have to spend all your money to survive the collapse of the currency, of course. Would/could lenders increase your required payment amount just because each dollar is now worth less than it was when the contract was originated? If so, then why don't we see adjustments as the dollar fluctuates in value any other time? Thoughts?


now during pandemic many country in the hyperinflation condition already


Just stumbled onto your channel today -- I see it's very new. Great idea and great videos. Please continue to make more.




I’m terrified at what will happen right now in the US with the coronavirus response...


Money doesn't grow on trees, but you can get it from the ground.


Looks like US federal reserve is gonna be adding a lots of zeros soon 🤣😂🤣🤣


let us look at a period of history where hyperinflation, took place post the first mega war about[ 12 million dead mainly soldiers.], the 1929 wall street crash, and the subsequent great depression and look at the remedy?
The 1933 treaty of London, to eliminate speculating from the system, gambling on currencies by trying to keep the gambling out of the economic system.
unfortunately due to the poverty and depression, generalising, extremist, militaristic gang leaders had usurped power and were intent on using the boom in the world economy to create military power .
during the second, mega, mega, world war 2, [70 million dead, 45 million refugees, in Europe and over twice that combined number in seriously wounded, mainly, civilians]
, the Bretton woods international treaty for world peace through economic prosperity, again, and I believe this law has never been repealed by the world parliaments, created a non gambling economy, the system is like the color of the boat!
, fixing the massive hole letting all the water in, is to stop gambling and start making wealth for the world.as Bretton woulds did?
let us hope it does not take a, mega,mega,mega,world war 3 to appreciate, what the 730 economics experts, from 44 allied and associate nations and then the world goverments and their respective parliaments agreed from 1944 -1946 that the solution to hyperinflation economic downturns and poverty from the world economy is the Bretton woods world economic peace treaty for world peace through economic prosperity.?
ps some videos to see/, bretton woods united news/
nelliyom guitars world economics james Moylan/thanks.
pps if your gambling habit, is under $100, billion us dollars a day, bretton woods is not for you!!!


In the case of Zimbabwe the one hundred trillion note was actually issued after several zeros had already been removed.


In order to protect your money and investments, you should really consider investing in precious metals, at least a bit. You should check out Wall Street Silver on Reddit. It's a discussion group that talks about how to invest in silver. It's very fun and informative. Protect yourself!!
