10 Skin signs of Liver Disease | Fatty liver | Cirrhosis of the Liver | Fatty liver Symptoms

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10 Skin signs of Liver Disease | Fatty liver | Cirrhosis of the Liver | Fatty liver Symptoms | liver failure | Chronic liver disease | NAFLD

Chronic liver diseases are one of the leading causes of major health problems worldwide. Very often skin manifestations are the first sings of liver disease.

Few skin lesions are typically seen in liver disease but some skin changes are general and can be seen in many other diseases.

In this video we have discussed the signs of chronic liver disease:


Yellowish discolouration of skin is a typical finding of liver disease. It is evident when the serum level of bilirubin exceeds 2.5 or 3.0 mg/dL.

The colour of the skin varies from yellow to brown, depending on the amount of bilirubin in your blood. The white portion of the eye also turns yellow. This skin changes is due to excess accumulation of bilirubin under the skin.

Spider angioma:

You can see web-like clusters of blood vessels under your skin which is called spider angioma or spider telangiectasia. The lesion contains a central, red spot and reddish extensions which radiate outward like a spider's web. They may appear as multiple or solitary lesions.It is painless.

Palmar erythema:

Palmar erythema also called liver palms is a condition where your palms, dorsum of hands, fingertips, and nail bed becomes red. This Erythema or redness blanches on the pressure and flushes synchronously with pulse rate.You may also experience throbbing and tingling sensation

Paper Money Skin:

Patients with cirrhosis have many randomly scattered thin superficial capillaries over the upper trunk in association with spider angiomas. This resembles the silk threads in American dollar bills and hence is named dollar paper markings or paper money skin

Dilated abdominal veins:

Sometimes you may notice painless, swollen veins around your bellybutton. It is commonly seen in liver cirrhosis. Scarring of liver in Cirrhosis makes it harder for blood to flow through the veins of your liver.

Easy bruising or bleeding:

The liver cells are involved in the synthesis of most blood coagulation factors, such as fibrinogen, prothrombin, factor V, VII, IX, X, XI, XII, as well as protein C and S. Those factors help in blood clotting. In chronic liver disease there is decreased production of coagulation factors. As a result you can experience easy bruising or bleeding.

The bleeding can occur from your nose or gingiva. Again, there are many other causes which can cause bleeding from nose and gum

Bier spots:

Sometimes, you may notice small irregularly shaped hypopigmented patches over arms and legs. These are considered to be due to venous stasis and are known as Bier spots.


Xanthelasma, is a harmless, yellow growth that appears on or by the corners of your eyelids next to your nose. Having xanthelasmas could be a sign of liver disease, but it is associated with other condition, such as: Diabetes, hyperlipidemia and thyroid problems.

Nail clubbing:

Nail clubbing is also an important manifestation of chronic liver disease or cirrhosis. Nail clubbing occurs when the tips of the fingers enlarge and the nails curve around the fingertips.

Terry's nails.
Here the nails appear white except for a narrow pink band at the tip. It can be a sign of a serious underlying condition, such as liver disease, congestive heart failure, kidney failure or diabetes

Liver spots:

Sometimes you may find small, flat dark areas on the skin. They vary in size and usually appear on areas exposed to the sun, such as the face, hands, shoulders and arms.

Previously it was believed to caused by liver problem. And that’s why the name Liver spots. But they are physiologically unrelated to the liver

Age spots are caused by overactive pigment cells. Ultraviolet light speeds up the production of melanin and it is common over the age of 50

Watch our video to know more about this in detail.

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Medical disclaimer: Medinaz Academy does not provide medical advice. The content available in our books and videos, on our website, or on our social media handles do not provide a diagnosis or other recommendation for treatment and are not a substitute for the professional judgment of a healthcare professional in diagnosis and treatment of any person or animal. We intend to provide educational information only. The determination of the need for medical services and the types of healthcare to be provided to a patient are decisions that should be made only by a physician or other licensed health care provider. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition.
Рекомендации по теме

So glad i stopped drinking 2 years ago, i was starting to have some of these symptoms.. theyve all gone away, so its not too late to stop and change your life!


Thank u. I stopped drinking 2 summers ago. No cravings. Skin, hair, nail, memory improved. More clear waking up. No fogginess.


My Father who was an Alcoholic who died when he was 58 yrs old !!!! He had bloodshot yellow eyes, and his body was covered in red Spots and spider naevi !!!! He had yellow deposits around his eyes !!!! He also had a bright Red Nose !!!! I'm 68 yrs old and I haven't had an Alchoholic drink for Forty Years, and I am so glad that I'm not an Alchoholic I have none of those signs of liver disease and I look years younger than my age


I understand everything he is No need for rude comments. Thank you very informative video.


This video is straight to the point. Peace be unto you and yours.


Thank you for the information. I have great respect for doctors from India 🇮🇳. Your voice gives it away. You are very knowledgeable.


Thank you. Your information is very clear and the added pictures are helpful.


The main takeout from this video is that as well as having Cirrhosis, you probably also have many other fatal diseases.


This video put to bed a lot of anxieties I was having that I might have liver problems. Thanks you so much for the informative presentation.


I’ve never seen these symptoms all together for liver problems. Great thanks ❤


Thank you for a much better video, than the usual ones, concise, and quick, whilst covering the important points! I'll be watching for more from your channel!


Fantastic in depth description of symptoms.


Vit D, B12 deficiency is also common in 90% of the people. Hence they you can take these vitamins without any test.


Great video and straight to the point. Exceptional pictures of exactly what to look for. Thank you.


Thankyou for this video. Very informative and concise, easy to understand and comprehend.


My husband has liver cancer. He did not have yellow eyes, yellow skin, spider veins, or any other signs except extremely tired all of the time.


Very helpful information please give us more infoabout non alcoholic fatty liver ki diseas


Extremely good video. I really enjoyed it. Hard of hearing so the diagrams were fantastic! I subscribed 🌹🇭🇲


🐬 YES! BE HEALTHY everyone who reads this! Be healthy and free everyone! 🐬❤


I had tons of liver spots since birth and l lost many when I did liver cleanses and changed my diet to raw ripe fresh organic alkaline produce. I also had them on body parts that were not exposed to the sun.
