Should Christian Couples Live Together Before Marriage? What Does the Bible Say?

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Is living together a sin or just premarital sex? Here are three biblical reasons Christian couples should not live together before marriage:

1. Marriage is more than sex.
2. Living together promotes sexual sin and the appearance of sin.
3. Living together before marriage is not in alignment with biblical repentance.

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I honestly never knew that living with your partner prior to marriage was considered a sin. Thank you for clearing this up.


Flee sexual immorality. That means If you stick around and try to fight Satan on this one, you'll loose!


Practicing abstinence, my friends say I’ll give in once I’m in a committed relationship. Where they messed up is living with their partners before marriage. You’re videos are uplifting, thanks!


Nice work in this!! I love comparing translations of the Bible so we can fully get the nuances and get closer to the intended meaning🙏


This is a very good video. You should maybe consider making a longer video expounding the topic in more detail and divide it in a few parts cause its such a important matter in this era. Keep us the good work.


This is the perfect video explaining this! Thanks so much. I loved how you included the different options of action at the end.


Thank you for spreading Gods truth! God bless you!


Wow very very good teaching. May keep giving you wisdom.


I just discovered your channel a few days ago, and your videos have been a blessing. I agree in principle with your position about couples living together before marriage, but I have found myself in an extremely unusual situation over the past few months. I am a single Christian man in my mid 30s, and I have lived with my aunt and uncle and their three daughters for the past year, to help them out financially, while at the same time having a place to live myself. A few months after I moved in, the middle daughter, my cousin, who had been at a Christian college, graduated and moved back in with us. She has a close friend, who was once her roommate, who also moved in at the same time. This friend, a young Christian lady in her mid 20s, has to live with us because her only other option would be to move back in with her abusive parents, who live in another state. I had met my cousin's friend before, and we have a lot in common. It wasn't long after she and my cousin moved in before I became deeply romantically attracted to her. She likes me romantically as well, though she is not ready for a romantic relationship at this time until she recovers emotionally from what her parents put her through. My question is if we do eventually become a couple, is it morally wrong for us to continue living in the same household, if we abstain from any sexual activity? It would cause extreme financial hardship for the rest of the family if I move out, as I have one of only two incomes that are supporting the family.


Absolutely right brother.God bless you


I believe that this was no accident that I found this channel! Everything that I have searched for, sex before marriage, masterbation, and living together and this channel popped up! I love this channel and I love hearing advice from a Christian male perspective. I truly believe that God wanted me to watch this channel and hear your advice! Thank you Lord and amen!!


Okay good to know, thank you Mark! I didn't know that living together was considered a lust sin. Even though that was something I had been wanting to live together before marriage, I'll let go even when it is hard to take the Biblical path of righteousness.


Verse note:
Roman 7:3 (NIV, NLT, ESV)
1 Corinthians 6:18
Ephesians 5:3


Amen, with all the points you made clear out. You know sex is going to happen if you live together. Their not going to be playing house. Sometimes people live together after getting engaged because one they want to have sex and also sometimes the man or the woman want to see and know what they can't see if you guys don't cross the line. That helps them to make the decision weather he should wait for a while or go right ahead for marriage. Also alot of woman don't want to take the wife responsibly if they're not married and only living together. Sometimes they both are testing each others out before tying the knot. These kind of actions are worldly actions but if they don't get told or touted they have there old self being in Wich means that they have not given that part in their life for God to help them change. Well God bless you.📗📗📗


Mark from apply God's word I'd like to talk to you privately got some questions for you and I need some advice on a few things but I really don't want to put it on YouTube is there a way we can email each other I really don't want to put this up privately but I need some advice on a big decision and I'm just learning God's word and I don't want to make the wrong decision please brother Mark I know you can help me


Of course you should never live together or plan and follow through on having sex together if you are not married.Sin is destructive.If a man sleeps with you without a ring, why would he feel the need to commit and marry you? You must have self control and not give place to lust.


There is a Holy God that you will stand before one day to give an account of for your life. The Bible is clear that no fornicator will inherit the Kingdom of God.
Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.
I Corinthians 6:9‭-‬10 NKJV
Wake up people, time is short... Repent for sexual sin, repent if you have been living for yourself and not for the glory of God, repent for pride and arrogance and not fearing and revering the Most High, repent for your foolishness relying on your own understanding and not acknowledging God in all your ways and waiting on Him on everything. Repent for your wickedness. Judgment is coming. I plead with you, repent while you still can.


Question can we live together but not sleep in same room like we in separate rooms ?


Is it all right if you allow your son and his fiance to live in your house with you and your wife, if they're sharing the same bedroom but swearing they're practicing abstinence as committed christians? However if parents allow their engaged child to live in the same family household with their fiance but sleeping in separate bedrooms knowing that they had made a vow of abstinence. Would that still be considered the appearance of evil since some neighbors might be conjuring up in their imagination other things even if they know you are a christian?


Question from reading the Bible I don’t see where God say to do wedding ceremonies
