How To Fix Steam Not Detecting Controller [ONLY Way!]

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In this video I will show you how to fix steam not detecting controller.

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for some reason i dont even have the option to config any new controller. i cant add any. i go into settings, controller and then it just says "no controller detected" and i cant do anything about it


heres a good tip, if you are using a steam controller and it isn’t connecting via USB cable and the controller lights up and don’t function correctly, you should try a bluetooth connection using the small bluetooth connector that was in your steam box, hopefully a bluetooth connection could work better than USB. feels bad to you if you lost the bluetooth connector or don’t have batteries


how about the new steam ui ? it doesnt have firmware reset ? pls help


i have all that set and still 100% DOESN'T WORK


Please somebody help. I’m trying to play The Last of Us Part 1 via steam remote play but whenever my controller is connected to my iPad and is streaming to my PC, my Right joystick is detected as a mouse whenever Steam isn’t in big picture mode so it affects The Last of Us Part too because it isn’t steam.


my ps4 controller was already working but for some reason stupid reason i donwnloaded input mapper, BIGGEST MISSTAKE EVER!! you are a godsend!


I can connect it to my PC, But the controller does not appear in Assetto Corsa Content Manager controls screen. Besides this, My controller is not connecting to bluetooth. I press PS + Share, But NO Light. What I Can do Now?


❌❌galera então estou com um problema pra poder conectar o controle na steam já procurei vários tutoriais mais não encontro nada que possa me ajudar ele conecta certinho no pc mas a steam não reconhece não detecta nenhum controle, obs já tentei com o controle do ps4 e não adiantou ai eu estou tentando com o do xbox 360 e também não vai já tentei no fio e no bluetooth, alguém que já passou por isso ou q consiga me ajudar?? por favor pq eu não sei mais oque eu faço não encontro nada q me ajude a resolver❌❌


Worked for me. I ran Steam as admin, and used 'big picture mode' to boot the game.


meu controle e reconhecido no PC, no app dualsense x, mas na steam não reconhece, só quando emulo como controle de xbox 360 ou ps4 a steam passa a reconhece-lo, se eu desativar a emulação a steam não reconhece mais, antes reconhecia normalmente como dualsense na steam, mas depois de um tempo parou de reconhecer. vc sabe oque pode ser?


My controller keep disconnecting for some reason after 30min of playing games. I try with Every remote is the same...


steam detects my ps4 controller as a nintendo controller for some reason


This is an old version needs a newer version


how to fix mk1 controller steam online error


hi bro, i realy need your help, i hope you'll see this comment. i once used ds4windows and my wireless (fake) ps4 controller perfectly worked, until i tried using it on gta. i saw a tutorial which said that i had to used inputmapper, it also worked but the delay was TOO high so i decided to uninstall it and use back ds4, but it doesnt recognize back my controller. even my pc used to don't recognize it but i kinda fixed it, or at least i tought because once i opened steam in big picture to play efootball 2023 (it used to work before using inputmapper) it now doesnt read my controller. i tried everything, literally, but it doesnt work anymore. could you please help me? i really need u. greetings <3


que bom ver um video de um brasileiro kkkk


Para aquellos que aun tengan el mismo problema, en la configuración de dispositivos denle a un botón que está abajo que dice "mostrar dispositivos" si este botón no les aparace tienen que poner la ventana en pantalla completa, luego de eso el programa irá normal


it's say I have no permission to add Minecraft to Steam, what do i do? pls help
