Top 5 Linux Distros for 2019

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Today we tackle the top 5 Linux distros for 2019. This year I focus on reasons why they are my picks.

5.) Arch Labs:

4.) Elementary OS:

3.) Solus:

2.) Manjaro:

1.) Linux Mint:

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I use both Linux Mint and Manjaro.. I must say I've never had issue with Manjaro forum.. And since I came from windows, I must say Cinnamon has been amazing for my transition to pure linux user...


I've seen many trimmed down and light weight Linux versions ... Manjaro must be taking that to an extreme with their 62 bit version.. squeezing out greater performance by trimming off those pesky extra 2 bits ...
Just couldn't resist ;)


Archlabs : not for noobs
Elementary OS : basically mac but Linux not allowed to mess stuff and if it will make system unstable
Souls: never tried but probably will in future
Manjaro : currently using it, it's fun. For gamers it's best choice but please turn on AUR .
Linux mint : It's kind of like your best friend in school . It helped me a lot to get into Linux world. But just like school friends after school life we forget most of them, I don't use it anymore but i recommend it everyone who wants to join Linux .

Like please if you liked my comment 😊


Linux Mint is like Nova Launcher, you always come back no matter the number of hops


Manjaro i3 is so stable it's scary...and Manjaro forum is fantastic! I use Manjaro at work on one laptop while I teach myself Arch on the other.


Loving Mint so far. I'm an old school Ubuntu guy (Feisty to Jaunty) coming back to Linux after a while. I've been using Mint in my company office for about a year now. Everything's working great in a fast paced office environment.


Linux Mint 19.1 MATE is good for laptops. The Cinnamon version works the best, but uses too much battery and could lead to laptop overheating. Cinnamon is for desktops and servers.


Mint is your number one and mine is, I'm repeating myself I know, offcourse Peppermint because it's rock solid too. Installed it, made it my own and it just works.


My 83 year old Father uses Mint and it never fails him... unlike windows did. I had to help him out many times with windows. Mint works so well for him I put it on one of my machines and daughters Laptop and will most likely use it for all my other kids as they get old enough to use a computer. Love it. Easy and solid. I used to run red hat back in the day and it was awesome. Today, I also have puppy on an old xp machine and I am looking at a number of other distros for another machine...just because I can.


Pop_OS is another one worth mentioning. Especially good for developers.


I'm using Mint as my secondary PC. Runs great with 10 year old processor (Phenom II X4 955).


Agreed 100% with LM. I may switch a distro every once in a while, but I always go back to mint.


I've installed Antergos KDE on 2 hardware and i was very impressed.
I found all my favorite softwares in pamac or the AUR and 2 of them work better than in my previous Mint 19 installation.
I got zero bugs and i intend to keep this distro for a while!


What is the difference between Manjaro and Kilimanjaro ? Where is MX Linux and Void Linux ?
Ubuntu = "aboon to" with subtitles on (not so perfect as you can see).


Thank you so much for explaing everything the way you did! This is rare to find thorough information videos.


One very necessary item in my list of requirements for a LINUX distro is that a reasonable amount of effort will suffice to add another language, in this case Russian, to the system and set the keyboard to switch easily between languages. Peppermint passes that test as does Ubunta-Mate. No version of Mint can do that. I wouldn't even have Mint on my list of ready4PrimeTime, much less at $1.


installed mint last night, great distro with tons of support. Remember its all about what you can do in terms of work. Im using a web app to do construction take offs and it works great..very stable


MX should be on your list but that's my personal opinion.


If you are watching this video then you may be asking which distro to use. My answer for you is....Whichever one you can get to install. Pop OS and Endless are sure-fire on troublesome motherboards. Be aware grub has at least 30 open bugs which may prevent the bootloader from installing. Think about a distro that does not use Grub, such as Pop OS.


Thank you for this video. Quick question.. Why are you yelling from start to finish? :-)
