Spitfire vs Bf 109: What German Aces Said

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Supermarine Spitfire vs Messerschmitt Bf 109 - is there a more iconic match up during World War 2? Let's have a look at what Luftwaffe pilots and aces said about the Spitfire, what value such statements have in isolation and whether the context of an engagement is not more important than the pure paper performance.
- Spitfire Watches -
Check out the Spitfire X4009 watch range and get 15% off during pre-order (August 2023):
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Dr. Jens Wehner @MTGJW
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- Sources -
BArch, RL 39/698, Bericht ueber das Beuteflugzeug “Spitfire II"
Kz-Fernschreiben Ob.d.L. Nr. 8092/40 g.K., Vergleichsfliegen BF 109 E, Bf 110 C, Spitfire, Hurricane und Curtiss, 1940.
Wehner, Jens (2022). Technik können Sie von der Taktik nicht trennen. Campus Verlag
James Holland
Dr. Jens Wehner
- Timecodes -
00:00 - Luftwaffe on the Spitfire
00:20 - Spitfire vs Bf 109: Context
03:56 - Fighter Pilots: What They Say
06:45 - Own a piece of a Spitfire (Sponsored)
07:50 - Pilot's Matter Aircraft Don't?
08:13 - German expert: Dr. Jens Wehner
11:29 - British Expert: James Holland
15:05 - How should we rate aircraft?
- Audio -
Music and Sfx from Epidemic Sound
- Spitfire Watches -
Check out the Spitfire X4009 watch range and get 15% off during pre-order (August 2023):
- Expert guests -
Dr. Jens Wehner @MTGJW
- Check out my books -
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- Sources -
BArch, RL 39/698, Bericht ueber das Beuteflugzeug “Spitfire II"
Kz-Fernschreiben Ob.d.L. Nr. 8092/40 g.K., Vergleichsfliegen BF 109 E, Bf 110 C, Spitfire, Hurricane und Curtiss, 1940.
Wehner, Jens (2022). Technik können Sie von der Taktik nicht trennen. Campus Verlag
James Holland
Dr. Jens Wehner
- Timecodes -
00:00 - Luftwaffe on the Spitfire
00:20 - Spitfire vs Bf 109: Context
03:56 - Fighter Pilots: What They Say
06:45 - Own a piece of a Spitfire (Sponsored)
07:50 - Pilot's Matter Aircraft Don't?
08:13 - German expert: Dr. Jens Wehner
11:29 - British Expert: James Holland
15:05 - How should we rate aircraft?
- Audio -
Music and Sfx from Epidemic Sound