The fiancé secretly added protein to her food without her knowing#shorts #doctors#hospital

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This segment is from Chicago Med, Season 5, Episode 18.
He wanted her to stay with him and thought this would prevent her from losing weight. However, he didn’t realize the protein could harm her health. In the end, he confessed the truth to her.

Chicago Med Season 5 was first broadcast on 2019.
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He was acting from a place of fear and insecurity. Most abusers are fearful and insecure.

It’s still abusive.


Sabotaging someone whom you claim to love because you're scared that they're gonna leave you isn't love, it's emotional abuse. One of the most important elements of a loving relationship is TRUST. By interfering with her diet because her doesn't want to lose her proves both that he doesn't trust her and that he can't be trusted.

By the same token, her standing up for herself with Ethan was severely undermined by her refusal to press charges against her boyfriend, who not only betrayed her, she could've d!ed because of him. Self-control isn't her biggest problem; self-esteem is.


This is highly illegal for MANY reasons, 1 tampering with someones food to put them at risk, 2 doing said tampering for YOUR OWN PERSONAL GAIN, and 3 Trapping someone in a situation they dont want to be in (in this case, stopping her weight loss by SPIKING her drinks) because You're terrified that they will leave you. All THREE are signs of ab.use, whether he admits it or not, he did this to her FOR HIMSELF, not to try and Help her.


If he was worried about her leaving him he should’ve just dieted with her


I am so glad if this had been written now she would be less inclined to forgive him for the sake of a happy ending.

It isn't a happy ending. Saying she understands but he must go to counselling, I'd buy. Saying she doesn't want him arrested but she no longer trusts him, I'd also buy.

I hope the episode did not end with faux romantic music.


Her defense of him is how so many people end up staying in toxic relationships under the flimsy claim of “they were so nice in the beginning.”

The sad part? So many people end up staying in abusive relationships for a variety of reasons i.e. trauma bonding, they think they can “save” the abuser and make them better, because there's children involved, they don't think they can find anything else, out of fear of loneliness, the list is virtually endless.


I don’t care where anyone is coming from; if they tamper with my food like that I’m out.


How gross: I don't want to do an effort in losing weight so I'll sabotage your efforts too.


This is sad. When I first decided to go on a diet and lose weight, my boyfriend (now husband) went out of his way to exercise with me sometimes and make or buy food that fit my diet.

When I started trying to just maintain weight, he'd started trying to lose weight and build myscle for himself. I noticed he would start mindlessly eating my sweet snacks. I wouldn't mind sharing, but I knew that it was undoing a lot of his hard work, so I started 'hiding' my snacks. He still knew where they were. They were just out of sight and out of mind.

Now we're both trying to lose weight/get more fit. We support each other by going to the gym together and trying to eat healthy meals.


Oh good lord, please don't try to sell this as _romantic_ 🤦


Soo she got mad at the doctor for apparently 'fat' shaming her but totally gonna forgive the man who almost killed her cus he was afraid she'd become self confident enough to leave him?😅


My brother &his exwife both wanted to lose weight before their wedding. He stuck to a healthy plan &she did not. He lost the weight &got into shape. She didn't even try. Instead, she sabotaged him like this until our friend noticed one day that their coffee tasted funny. I caught her sneaking syrup into it when she thought no one was looking. She was very much of the "food is love" mindset. He tried explaining to her that, while we all appreciate her constant treats, it would be more loving to respect the fact that we're trying to take care of our bodies &stop constantly baking sweets &other junk foods. She would intentionally wait until we were stoned w/the munchies to leave MULTIPLE trays of freshly baked goods on the coffee table right in front of us. We'd mindlessly start snacking w/o even thinking about it. We'd blame ourselves &our lack of control...until we started connecting the dots &realized she was absolutely intentionally sabotaging our health. They're divorced now, for that among many other reasons. He's in the best shape of his life &she's up to almost 500lbs. I resent her for not being more considerate of her health. What is my niece supposed to do when she loses her mother at an early age just because she was lazy? Just be w/o a mother? That's awful, inconsiderate, &downright selfish! I realize that not every overweight person is overweight purely out of laziness &a lack of discipline, but this one is, &if my niece loses her mother before she's even an adult herself, I think I'm going to find that quite unforgiveable.


Cruel but i find that funny since protein actually satiates you to the point where it helps you lose weight. But since her kidneys or liver are damaged yeah, not good.


And in real life, how many men supported and actively helped the women that they were in a relationship with to effectively lose weight to become healthy...and those women, upon reaching a healthy weight, immediately thought, 'Im so beautiful 😍 🤩 now...he DOESN'T deserve me - I can do much better than him..I'm leaving him!!' and dump 💔 the man who loved them and supported them??

It's MUCH more common than most people know.

Men - save yourselves - JUST WALK AWAY!!


Ethan is awful in general. He could have at least framed the "high protein meals" comment in reference to her exercise regimen. Many people who work out are encouraged to eat higher protein or believe it will help their fitness level.


Dr. Choi is ruff & a bit condescending
& judgy. 😅 Relax Doc.


I know a couple who had this. They were alway big sized as a couple, then they got married and bith decided to take on a diet to lose weight etc. Husband was very disciplined about it, but wife who was my friend didn't. We told her she should gollow cause its good for health and its cool to do it with your hubby so you can support each other and so on. But she didn't have much strength of will. He lost his weight and gained confidence and started putting pictures of himself etc. They were together for about 15 years and arrived for around 7. And he was the one who started the divorce .


If I were her, probably wouldn't leave the guy either, but at least for the next few weeks he would experience hell 😂


What don't he try losing weight instead ?


Instead of doing the work to deal with his insecurities and weight he fucked with her health. Sounds about modern male.
