Aether And Lumine Side By Side Cutscene Genshin Impact

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#genshinimpact #traveler #cutscene #lumine #aether
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I endes this quest like 5 minutes ago and I still recover what happend here. This quest was really short, only 1, 5 h. But this cutscene gave enough impact to theorising everything once more time


It surprised me how much the protagonist talked in this quest. Guess that might've been the fact that they could speak on the behalf of their sibling, but... For a moment I thought like "Omg what if they change our traveler to the opposite one". The quest was already mindblowing and that would've been even more insane


Another thing that's so interesting about this is that the traveler supposedly made the same choices as the other twin. And they were both called as the traveler. The other twin was just faced with different circumstances.


Some of the popular theories that had been debunked by this quest:

1. Kae was a prince (he was a noble, but he wasn't a royalty)

2. Our sibling was not the only leader of abyss order (apparently, chlothar was the founder, while our sibling was like the co-founder)

3. Dain served kae's royal family, and therefore are quite close with each other (dain only knows kae's surname, and he never met kaeya face-to-face, until this quest)

4. Kae's eye color was different because he's a royalty (the eye color is different because he's not pure-blood. His blood is mixture of khaenriah and mondstadt)


This cutscene was so well done. Truly brings back that meme.


This cutscene left me in actual shock. Jaw on the floor. Like oh my god??? I wish the quest was longer, I need to know what Dainslief finds?


So here’s a resume of what we learned in this quest:
-hilichurls and basically all the monsters of the Abyss order are non-native people who came to live in khae’riah before the cataclysm, meanwhile people who are born and raised in khae’riah have not only different eyes but a different curse too, they get an immortality curse.
-We found out HOW the abyss order was founded and How khae’riah got connected to it
-Our sibling was the Princess/prince of khae’riah, but after joining forces with the founder of the abyss they became the prince/princess of the abyss.
-before It was thought that the curses of immortality And wilderness could not be undone, But now we know there Is a way since they founder of the abyss who was a pure khae’rian was able to break it somehow.
-Somehow We’re able to see our sibling’s memories(this also happened back in the chasm)
-Kaeya is the descendant of the founder of the abyss.


Dude this quest scared the crap outta me and idk why it was like a crazy nightmare AND THAT GUY WE HELPED WAS NOT HELPING THE WAY HE TALKED WAS SO CREPPY IT GAVE ME CHILLS EVERYTIME HE SPOKE LIKE OMG


0:34 Yo Aether, you looks so damn confused


It was a huge crime for this quest to be short.


So cool how Aether became Lumine and Lumine became Aether 🤩


It gets creepier when you play it at 0.25 when both Travelers place their hands on their face.


My friend and I played the quest together. I had Aether, and she had Lumine.


Am I the only one who thinks that this game is getting creepier....


I love how all the clues were already established at the beginning of this quest, so that by the time the Traveler wakes up and first meets Chlothar, we can already predict right away that we're in a lucid memory dream as our sibling. It was so awesome being able to watch it all play out in the cutscene! I hope the writing continues to get better and better like this quest ❤


I finished this quest at 1:20am and even though I was tired I literally gasped out loud during this scene, I am so glad I decided to actually pay attention to this archon quest instead of skipping dialogue like I usually do because holy hell, the amount of lore drops and this cutscene in particular really did it for me. 10/10 archon quest, if only it was a bit longer.

Edit: just to clarify I usually skip over _most_ dialogue, not all of it. Most archon quests (especially the sumereu ones) are very long and have a lot of boring dialogue *(imo)* so I skip anything that doesn't seem interesting and just watch a recap by ashikai or aster later. it's not that big of a deal.


ya know when i saw the cutscene iwas hopin we were gonna permmanently switch to the abyss twin.

I have no idea why i thought this, but i did


I ended this quest like this morning and when I was done I had 10 theory after that 💀 one was
What is the twins are one person but in two body’s like the quote “One soul Two bodys” were the twins represent a persons personality and traits,
Edit: welp I got in theory is our sibling was the creator of Khaenri’ah then when the Khaenri’ah war happened does that mean when the twin got separated that the abyss found our twin to make them into the Princess/Prince after the journey of our sibling, cause if Khaenri’ah was created by our twin that makes us the gods of Khaenri’ah? And when the Khaenri’ah people turned in to monsters those monsters are not Khaenri’ah people cause people from Khaenri’ah are curse for immortality, but this are theory’s so they may or may not be true as I’m confused as you and I’m bad at explaining so sorry about that 😅


After i ended that cutscene i had too many theories in my mind🧍🏻

Eide thought the traveler was their other sibling, since they saw only a ley line memory, they could be playing a role of their other sibling in that memory, or the siblings are the same person this whole time lol /j but another theory is that they are incredibly connected and are able to see what happened with the other sibling (like in the chasm quest where traveler noticed the khaenri'ah flower on the floor)

I always questioned this when i first played the game, how did they travel? They have diamonds and stars shapes decorated on their clothing, and they can travel like stars to world by world. Sadly we still don't know their origins (or maybe they didn't have origins at all, maybe they lived in the skies this whole time lol)

Paimon definitely isn't a bad person as from what we've been through, she gives statue of the seven aura for some reason to me, and we've met no other person like her. I'm still not changing my past theory, is that she is like guoba, the stove god, except she is the time god. But lost her powers somewhere somehow. But other than that, she's still our beloved flying emergency food loll.


I was so surprised to hear Zach talk so much since I have Aether as my chosen Traveler to find out I was playing as Lumine the whole time
