Rhyniognatha Guide! How to Tame & Abilities - ARK Survival Evolved

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ARK Survival Evolved FULL GUIDE on How to Tame the Rhyniognatha, where to find it, and it's abilities

How to Spawn a Rhynio:
cheat sdf rhynio 1 150

cheat gfi resin 1 1 0
cheat gfi rhynio 1 0 0

©️Disclaimer: I Do Not Claim Ownership To Any Of The Music Used In This Video.

I like to PvP, and PvE. Usually wearing an Exo Suit nowadays. Unlocking it is easy with no cheats needed anymore, and usually on a server, official or unofficial, I'm not fussed. Single Player is great though, certainly with a guide for any platform be it xbox, ps4, ps5, pc, it's great. Sometimes play MTS, and usually post patch/update. But a survival game needs some community news and that's what I do, giving you the latest on events, small tribes, maybe even fast flyers and primitive plus, usually covering all maps from Island to Genesis Part 2. And one day. ARK 2!

#playark #arksurvivalevolved #ark2
Рекомендации по теме

-As of v358.5, Rhyniognatha pheromone should only be dropping from males
-The Rhyniognatha can only be taken into Manticore and Crystal Wyvern Queen boss fights
-The Rhyniognathas saddle is a 2-seater, and you can use your own weapons on both seats
-The Rhyniognatha is weak to Megatherium
-The spawn code for Rhyniognatha is "summon Rhynio_Character_BP_C"
-The blueprint for Rhyniognatha is
-If you want to spawn Rhyniognatha via blueprint, then it's "cheat SpawnDino 500 0 0 150"

Region 0: Body
Region 1: "Inner" Markings/Accents
Region 2: Eyes
Region 3: Underbelly
Region 4: "Outer" Markings/Accents
Region 5: Upper legs


It isn’t a sky Giga, it’s a military grade helicopter.


i literally found everything up until the "birthing" out myself the hard way. i didn't know it wasn't breedable but i suspected it. thank you for demonstrating the abilities


For those who have Super Mutated Creatures (254 points in all stats), Use Brontos when Taming Rhynios. From tests i did, Brontos have the chance to past down more stats to the Rhynio if you get all the cravings.

When i was testing with a Bronto that had 254 points in all stats, after getting all 5 cravings it asked for, The baby Rhynio had 5 stats that had 254 points. This happened twice. AA Brachiosaurus & Megachelon, despite having more drag than bronto only gave two stats 254 points. The Last Giga test i did only gave 4 stats 254 points.

Hope this helps


00:00 intro
0:16 location
0:33 taming method
2:17 abilties
3:42 resin
4:46 outro


I feel like the Rhynio would of been a perfect fit for the Center Map. Flying around the center floating island. I feel that was a missed opportunity honestly. It almost feels to big for the Island lol.


Sky Giga ❌

The Giant Aerial Lobster Mosquito ✅


NOTE: it can latch to walls (cant move) / It can Grab Reapers (even queens), crabs, rock drakes and basilisk (even when they are buried!) / also you can use weapons while riding it. Hope this Helped ;)


I think it's actually a good thing these things aren't breedable. The ones you tame normally already look like they'll be a menace in PvP, can you imagine what a tribe could do to a server with one that has a few good mutations?


Was really hoping to see these guys on Fjordur. If these guys can be taken into boss fights (im assuming not), they would be pretty solid i imagine against the Crystal Wyvern Queen and other bosses where flyers are allowed. Desert Titan would also be a bit less painful. At any rate, nice to see a new interesting creature and it also seems ever since Ark Addtions got big, Wildcard has had nothing but complicated passive tames


I’m really surprised it got so many of its suggested abilities. Still can’t believe it can actually pick up rexes. Been testing it out and it’s been pretty fun. I do think it’s a bit too op and I’m almost certainly expecting it to be nerfed in a coming patch, but for now so far so good. I actually think the reception this will receive by the community has the chance to change the outcome of future creature votes since it kinda tells us nothings off the table.


Just wanted to point out the "taunt smaller to medium creatures" line. You can scare a rex and smaller. basically everything u can pick up. plus all draconic creatures. tested wyverns, rock drakes, and magmasaurs. and can be scared. these things make getting eggs too easy


I love how ark made Rhyniognatha look like a mayfly (which it is implied it might be or a relative to) which is basically an animal who is at the bottom of the food chain (adults die of hunger because they literally can't eat anything) yet made it the most ridiculously OP creature to date.


These should be great for carrying larger farming tames, like mammoths and magmasaurs. Previously only carriable by tek skiff.


This spawning on The Island is terrific, since we'd all be starting on The Island when ASA comes around. Definitely spending some time getting a good few of these and taking them with me to the rest of the maps as they come out.


The fact it can pick up a rex then get a friend to shoot it with narcs is crazy now.


FYI, you don't need to reduce their health to below 100 hp. I've seen people say 10% and 50%, but every example I have seen had more than 100hp remaining.


This may slowly become my favorite, it’s already my second favorite, seeing a bug like this be actually useful is really cool, and on top of that it has more uses than my current favorite which was always one of my reasons I wanted it in every survival world


My guy is equipped with homing missals, rapid/ quick fire, rockets and bombs 💀💀💀💀💀💀🪦🪦🪦🪦🪦Additionally to that it can Carrie thinks, land on water, dive and intimidate creatures 🫠
By far one of the best creatures to exist in ark and basically a Apache Helicopter 😂👍


I love how it has a death song like amber/resin ability, so cool
