How to Install a Hot Tub

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How to Install a Hot Tub yourself! Today I'm going to be showing you how to buy and install your own hot tub. It's not as easy as you might think, but 100% doable as a DIY project. For links to purchase the products in this video CLICK SHOW MORE ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇

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Products used in this video:
Complete Classic Hot Tub Kit with 8 Jet Electric Heating System!
►Pavers in this video: Arterra Praia Grey Porcelain.
To purchase use promo code Jeff10 for 10% off


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► How I Built My 3 Season Room
► How to Build a Concrete Fire Table | A to Z

#justdoityourself #hottub #diyrenovation

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Produced by: Home Renovision DIY 2020
Video & Editing Services Provided by:
Subdivision Film LTD.

Videos produced by Home Renovision are provided for informational purposes only. All material provided within this website is for informational, educational, & entertainment purposes only. Some of these projects, materials, and techniques may not be appropriate for all ages or skill levels. The DIY instructions used here are used to simply breakdown projects to their simplest steps. Please use a clear mind and use all safety precautions while following the tutorials provided by this site. Home Renovision does not make any claims of the safety of the projects, techniques, or resources listed on this site and will not take responsibility of what you do with the information provided by this site. Viewers must be aware by doing projects on their homes they are doing it at their own risk and Home Renovision cannot be held liable if they cause any damage to their homes. With different codes around the world and constantly changing standards, regulations and rules, it is the sole responsibility of the viewer to educate themselves on their local requirements before undertaking any sort of project. That being said Home Renovision cannot claim liability with all applicable laws, rules, codes and regulations for a project. Be safe, have fun renovating and ALWAYS stay informed with your local building code.
Рекомендации по теме

Hi Jeff. I just wanted to say thank you. About a year ago I bought my first house (nearly a fixer-upper) and thanks to your channel I gained the confidence to do most of the renovations myself. A year later and I’m nearly done with everything and the house isn’t even recognizable compared to what it was. It’s been crazy but a lot of fun!


I had success using three galvanized fence posts (2-3/8”x6’) riding on top of 2x4’s placed in the direction of travel. I placed a 1500 lbs - 6’ high stone art piece without straining or subsequent physio appointment. I constructed a small plywood sled to go directly underneath the stone to protect both the stone from the steel pipe and the pipe from the stone. As an unexpected benefit, the galvanized pipes survived without any visible marks or damage and were returned for full refund and a short bout of guilt. The technique is of course several thousand years old but amazingly effective and oddly very satisfying. I will definitely borrow your clever use of ABS piping for future MacGyver type solutions. Love the channel! Thx thx.


Your passion for sharing your engineering skills has gotten a lot of people laid.
Cheers from the US!


Haha! I love how you get excited seeing Robertson screws. For many years I had no idea what a Robertson screw was and I can't tell you how many times I got frustrated by ruining the screw heads using a phillips on them!


I’m a 20 year old apprentice carpenter on Vancouver island in BC, love the videos!


When I was a kid, in the spring, I used to help my dad launch the 26’ lapstreak Chris Craft that was on a cradle, using 2x8 planks and 2” diameter galvanized pipes and a block and tackle and a VW bug! In the fall it was just a reverse of the process. Always took a good part of the day to get it done!


I love that: "I don't even have 6 neighbors!"

That's a problem I would love to have.


We are moving up north to the U.P of Michigan, going home for my husband He's worked very hard and gave 25 years to the military so this is for him
But I'm buying him one of those big square hot tubs with the lounge chairs they take it off the truck put it in place and plug it in. how the heck does a person get in that thing even better how does one get out

Love your show I learn something every time


Timing is perfect. I was just talking about getting one of these this morning.


"They're not delivering a tub...they're just driving through the area" LOL! We just had a hot tub delivered and thankfully they delivered and placed in the spot. Enjoying your DIY Channel!


the delivery driver person was hella nice. great content. Jeff is very smart with the approach to carry it over in place.


I mean this in the nicest way possible but it’s kinda nice to see that even Jeff gets frustrated and has to slow down every once in a while. That’s one of the things that not many diy content creators ever show you and then when you inevitably hit a snag and can be demoralizing. Nice to see it happens to everyone and great advice about “being handy vs being informed”


props to the driver for being understanding and helping in how you wanted to unloaded it


Really appeciated the honesty and annoyance at that vendor.


"Something like famous last words!! love it.


Just started the video and already know I want one. Been saying so for 20 years!


And this my friends can not be taught! Brilliant common sense and and figuring out how to Jerry Rig something!!!!


That's a sweet looking hot tub. Sad that they didn't inform you about the delivery. That should have been a point that they pointed out from the start and like you said offered a company to help you set it. If I spent the money to have it delivered and they brought it there without setting it in the spot or at least offering a company to do it. I would have just sent it back, cause I know i would have broke it trying to man handle it myself. Great job on it.


Jeff is a bit salty it!!!


Keep doing what you do brother. Not sure how you knew I was preparing for this very project. Thank you for your videos.
