Building a Homestead in 100 Days - Day 8

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We start cleaning a view of our pond on the other side of the street for a potential home site. We also drain the pond for the machines coming tomorrow.

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You know you have a master builder just sitting around healing! Put Jonah to work figuring out how to fix the poopy egg problem! He’s so smart I’ll bet it won’t take him long to solve the problem!
Loving the 100 day homestead project!! I vote for the homesite to be on the same side of the road as now, up by the pond! Beautiful place!


Josiah has always been a right hand man. Just a more reserved and observant entity. He rocks.


I’m sure it’s super tiring to do a video every day. But I sure am enjoying it all. And I’m so happy for you all. Well deserved. ❤


You are so patient and help so much around the house. After hunting my shoes maybe 3 times my daddy woulda tied them around my neck so I wouldnt lose them anymore hahaha


Josiah sure has stepped up with Jonah healing.
It’s a beautiful thing! Watching these boys grow into such amazing young men is an absolute pleasure!
I have been so impressed with all of them, Lily and G-Dawg are kicking butt! I just love it! 💕


Excited for your family!

How are your friends Art & Bri doing? I know you have been good friends with them for years and that’s why I thought of asking you.


Never underestimate the power of morning sun, you’ll be so grateful for it in winter and so will your kitchen garden. We moved from a house with full sun exposure all day to afternoon sun only and we’ve never been sicker, after researching why morning sun is so important I now know why, we’re actually moving to remedy this. Just a thought.


I am always impressed by the children's involvement. Keep it up.


It is great to see the whole family getting excited about building a homestead - with the exception of Henry, perhaps. I was impressed with Josiah and the chainsaw, although also very apprehensive. And to see Jonah out there, not letting that brace keep him from being as involved as possible, that's such a great sight. I can only imagine how many people are learning so much from you sharing your efforts with this project. Hard to believe all that you have accomplished in only 8 days, without all the big machinery, and still doing necessary chores.


Well done the Rhodes family! Great job and great teamwork!!!


I believe the mobile milking station would get stuck less on sloped areas if the front edge was curved, like a sled, so it doesn't get stuck as easily.


Hope his legs doing better we are kinda recovering together I blew my knee and shattered my tibia and fibula about a month before your son crashed his bike wishing the family the best!!


I would like to let you know that I have watched your YouTube channel from the beginning. I am excited for you and our earth that so many people have watched your videos and are learning along with their families, friends and others through being connected to a positive learning experience. Congratulations to us all for tuning in to see your courageous teaching by trial and error and steps to thriving living. 🌷


That view looks great now that you're clearing the trees out of the way. I like the exposure of the pond. Yes, I think it is great that you are building this from the ground up with your own hands and all the kids and their hands. Wow, that pond really drained fast. I'm glad Jonah knew how to drain it. I can't wait to see it graded next video. Thanks Rhodes family. I made some chicken rinds for our dog. I had big globs of chicken fat with skin and cooked them on low a couple hours. He loved it. I just butchered my first bunch of meat birds thanks to you Justin. I watched you videos about chicken butchering on Abundance+. Thanks Uncle Justin! Our home is in the shade of the sun on the south side and the west side and it really helps in the summer!


I think it's time to put Mister Brown in charge of keeping track of Henry's shoes.


As kids living on a farm we cleared land all the time. I'm so grateful for all that experience and work ethic.


You should put a time lapse on both areas to see which area has more Sun in a day


The Holler House could be a rental, that brings into your life a potential Community of Farmers, that eventually creates a community of Farming Families that work together like they did in Colonial times. A true family of farmers. Supporting each other.


I could look at that glorious mountain scenery every day and never get tired of it! How fortunate to have such a view!!!!❤Blessings!


Thank you for sharing your thought process as you continue to develop your homestead. It is helpful that you are processing out loud before you make a big decision.
