Building a Homestead in 100 Days - Day 81

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Josiah amazes me. He is quiet, kind, and gentle, but very strong, smart and has a great work ethic. I believe he will grow to be a strapping young lad and be called the Gentile Giant! ❤❤❤❤ 😊 It’s so nice to see the difference in all the children and how they work together.


What a frustrating, wet morning but it all ended with such satisfaction. Jonah, Josiah, and Lily just keep raising the bar for other young people today. Josiah especially showed his work ethic with getting the water down into the clearing. He is fine young man.


Your kids are Champs with all the helping they do. They're amazing children.


Your kids are hard workers but I'm telling you we are so proud of Josiah he has matured so much and stepped it up since Jonah got hurt...blessings do come for hardship ..well done Josiah. We see your hard work and commitment.. they are such smart kids . Lilly and Jonah are awesome too but just wanted to pat Josiah on the back..


Her rabbit needs more space, I would be bored if I was in a room that small too, I'd want to escape and wander. Maybe make a largrer hutch for him? Some construction work she can help you with. Maybe also get him a girlfriend? Rabbits are very social too. I'm worried he's lonely.


Lay your gate on the ground and run lucky over it to straighten it


Justin, if you need to flatten your gate in future, lay it on a hard surface & drive the tractor rear wheels over it ! How wonderful to see Josiah come through for you, he has stood up & lightened the load on Jonah who's still showing signs of weakness with his hip . Time to sort that pony for Lilly as well .


Rain sure does make chores more difficult! Your water projects are really making me think about how to get water to more areas of our property. Right now we have a hose bib in the pump house and some water catchments, not going to cut it in the summer!


Boy what I wouldn't give to have creeks and springs like you do! For a farm or ranch, it's better than money in the bank. Congrats on all your hard work, the whole family pitched in and what a great accomplishment!


I LOVE how real you guys are 🤣😂 at least once a week on our farm here in Western Australia, we walk out the front and go "how did the cows get out" or "why is that pig there" it is so frustrating and typically made harder by the fact that some of my kids personalities sometimes make it difficult on any given day. You impress me!!!! We often say "what would Justin Rhodes do?" 🤣😂


12:50 - 13:17 was awsome, I love you bro but that made my week. I been watching every second since day 1<. Love your channel, thanks for the motivation. Bet I know which kid shot the Beebe, lol


Consider fence hook turned up and gate mounted from above hook to slide down on hook. It won't slip off.
Great job corralling all four!


You can do "creative bending" of things like your gate with some boards and the weight of a vehicle. Use the boards below on the point it needs to bend at, and boards on the top to help distribute the weight.
When I was learning to drive 18-wheelers I had a curtainside flat-bed that backed the top into a tree. I was watching at bumper-level in my mirror! There was a removable triangular brace on the back of the curtain that was all bent up to rat-shit. I used the weight of my highway tractor's front wheel (about 550 lbs) and a couple boards to bend the pretzel back into a triangle in about 20 minutes.


I LOVE the thumbnail on this video! I usually don’t pay attention to them all that much but this one is amazing.


In areas where you crowd animals gates made of larger diameter steel are better. It appears that you are using light weight field gates.


Love you family we watch y'all everyday!just wanted to say thank you for helping Bri and Drew!


That umbrella trick will come in handy on sunny days when you need to wrangle livestock! Fun what you can learn serindipitously!


I don’t know if you seen my message, but when you have a bent gate you can use a tractor to roll over it and flatten it out. ❤


I'd put a permanent fence down to the creek up around the sacrifice area and behind the back side of the barn and make it pig and cow proof with a lean-to shed stalls on back side for the sheep and pigs and a stall on end for wood chips


Drive a piece of tpost in at the bottom of the gate and rack it the other direction from the top of the gate.(pull gate from top against the tpost at bottom)
