Building a Homestead in 100 Days - Day 96

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Love Jonah’s “if this, then that” mentality. He really thinks through the consequences of his actions. A lot of adults don’t have that ability!


The absolute excitement of Jonah's squeals was epic. Great video today.


Please be careful with that skidsteer. NEVER put yourself or a body part under those arms or bucket. If the hydrolics fail it WILL crush you. Y'all be safe minded please!


Oh my that squeaky voice Jonah….a man in the making….you guys should be so proud of the amazing children you are growing.🙏


I never imagined how excited the boys would be when the new equipment came! That was priceless! And they picked up so fast learning how to drive and operate it!! 🤯🙆‍♀️👍🏻


Congrats! The grading by Josiah looks awesome. One thought at 24:51 = Standing under a raised arm is probably not best practice.


LOL When your teenage son say they are proud of YOU 😭 It’s so sweet seeing Jonah absolutely lose his mind!! I’m hoping to soon see Lily get this excited over something she deserves 🐎😉


Love how Jonah explains the why's of everything. The two oldest boys sure have come a long way in the past year! Josiah has really come out of his shell and getting so involved since the bike accident. He really likes how you have told him how good of a job he is doing. I am so proud of how much he has grown and getting so much more involved on the farming, and actually giving you ideas of how to do things. They sure have learned a lot, and have such respect for you. Keep up the good work everyone!


You learned a valuable lesson in chainsawing and got away without servere saw injury. Chainsaws + no safety equipment + always being in a rush = a setup for serious injury.
Fear is a great motivator for improving safety. Most novice chainsaw operators dont appreciate how dangerous a chainsaw truly is.


Jonah’s excitement for the track loader was priceless! I’m always amazed at how capable the three oldest kids are. Really amazing. A few years from now, Gideon will be in the mix, too! Good job, Justin and Rebekah!


Excellent. Jonah is to the bone a real farmer.


Ive never seen Jonah that excited before. Like a kid opening his presents in Christmas haha


Tell Jonah don’t ever stand under that lift. When he was on the side with the bucket up it could ha come down and crushed him. You have to be careful around machinery.


To clean the burnt pan, boil some white vinegar, remove from heat and add baking soda. It will fizz up but will clean most if not all of the burned on food.


absolutely loved seeing the kids so excited lol. There is nothing like seeing kids that excited and happy about something.


😂Jonah hit a new octave high, "Our new tractors here, when did this happen" 😂😂
But why not just drive the track loader to where you need the wood chips?


Congratulations Holler House. That will be a big help. A real game changer. I can hear the boy's wheels turning. Let the adventures begin.


My husband has been using these machines for decades, and in my opinion, it's one of the most versatile and useful tools on a farm or acreage. However, they can also be one of the most deadly because you never have a perfect view behind you. It's so easy to get busy concentrating on the job you have in front of you, and not realize that someone has gotten into the danger zone behind you. They are powerful machines that move incredibly fast, and no matter how careful a person is, accidents happen. I love it when you talk to your kids about the safest way to do things - keep it up and give twice as much info on this piece of equipment. You are going to love the amount of work this machine will take off of your back!! Enjoy!!


Justin, at +9:25, you're STILL using the sharpener incorrectly. You're using the chain stop BACKWARDS from how it's supposed to be used. The tip of the chain stop is supposed to point to the right, not to the left.The tip of the chain stop should press against the back side of the tooth you're sharpening. It's not supposed to be on the front side of a tooth that's 4-inches off to the left. When it's used backwards like that you will NOT sharpen every tooth consistently because as the chain wears the distance between the cutter teeth will vary considerably.

In other words, if the tip of the chain stop points backwards, then the position of the cutter tooth you're currently sharpening varies based on how much the chain has stretched, and how worn the raker is on the cutter you're using as a stop (ie the part of the tooth that the tip of the chain stop is resting against). That will not give you a consistent grind on all your cutter teeth. You're basically ruining your chain as soon as it starts to stretch and wear a bit. Each time you resharpen it you're just making it worse and worse.

BUT when the tip of the chain stop points to the right and is against the back side of the cutter tooth you're currently sharpening, the grinding wheel will sharpen every cutter tooth consistently because the stretch and wear in the chain will not affect the position of that tooth. A resharpened chain will cut just as well as a new chain.

ALSO, when the chain stop is flipped over so the tip points to the right, you don't have to lift it up to advance the chain. When you pull the chain to the right, it will automatically lift the tip of the chain stop up and over the cutter tooth you just sharpened (and the tooth you're skipping). Then when the next cutter tooth to be sharpened is in position, you use your left hand to pull the chain back to left so the back side of the cutter tooth being sharpened is tight against the tip of the chain stop.


How very special!!! The excitement of the entire family was palatable! I wish you all a wonderful weekend.
