Unlock the Secrets of Dysphonia: How to Protect & Heal Your Voice! | #DrDan ⏱

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Dr Dan explains dysphonia, a term describing abnormalities in the singing or speaking voice. Learn about its causes, ranging from misuse to inhaled corticosteroids and smoking, and the spectrum of dysphonic severity. Discover the importance of seeking professional help for more chronic forms of dysphonia, such as muscle tension dysphonia (MTD), and how to recover from mild cases.

⚠️ IMPORTANT: You should not cease prescribed asthma medications due to any perceived dysphonia. Please consult with your licensed healthcare professional if you think your asthma medication is compromising your vocal health.

0:00 Dictionary Definition
0:25 Misuse of the Voice
0:35 Medicinal causes
0:45 Smoking
0:55 Spectrum of dysphonic severity
1:25 Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD)

📙 Book Reference 📙
Hoch, M. (2014). A dictionary for the modern singer. D. Daniels. Lanham, ML, Rowman and Littlefield.

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And a small side note (because I'm asked a lot): It is important to note that while I hold a doctorate (thus I am Dr Dan), I am not a medical doctor, and the advice provided in this video is generalised information only. Therefore you should always consult with your licensed health care professional for personalised advice about your vocal health and well-being. #DrDan


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Рекомендации по теме

I have experienced seasonal dysphonia for most of my life, the most recent and most severe was about 4 1/2 months of bronchitis and laryngitis (dysphonia). Doctors were able to figure out eventually it was caused by the combination of reflux and post-nasal drip due to allergies. I'm now on a daily reflux medicine and 3 allergy meds (2 of them sprays) and I have been dysphonia-free for over a year now!


I've suffered from M.T.D. for donkeys' years now, and I've also been chronically asthmatic for many years and counting. I knew my bloody puffer'd have something to do with me M.T.D., somewhere along the bleedin' line! Bloody thing! 😂😂😂😂
