Overnight beauty tips✨💗| effective tips✨

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today's video is about "Overnight beauty tips ✨"

hope you guys find it useful 💗✨
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Very aesthetic and very helpful tips✨❤


Kind of random but I made a story :

So the husband was a criminal and married his ex after he cheated on her. And disguised himself so he can get her money.

“ I can’t believe you lied “ said the wife
“ well criminals always lie, don’t they? “ said the criminal/husband
“ criminals do lie, but my husband doesn’t. We’re over, and sucks for you that you never got to say it.“ said the wife while leaving the house

The criminal followed the wife secretly without the wife knowing.

The wife goes to her sisters house to tell her what’s been happening while the husband is peaking through the window with a crowbar.
“So he really did that!? Wow, I can’t believe it, he was so handsome tho…” Says her sister while looking through the window
Her husband then notices and tells her to keep quiet or else she will get severely hurt.
Then her sister closes the window so he can’t see and makes a plan with her sister on how to get him back in jail.
The wife went to get snacks in the kitchen when she then heard a scream, but it was like a little toddler. 😭
They both went to see what happened when…

The husband sneaks in and gives the sister the crowbar
“What’s that noi-“ Says the wife before getting hit by her sister with the crow bar
“Now at 2 pm sharp, we meet at the river to throw the body, I will give her sleeping pills” Says the sister
“Perfect, I love you” Says the husband
“I love you too, MWAAA. But no one could know that you cheated on her with me. I really did not like my sister” Says the sister
The husband then runs away and the wife wakes up.
“HUH, what happened?!! Why would you hit me and why did you kiss my husband! “ Says the wife
“ I can explain, just listen” Says the sister
“You have 10 seconds 😡 “ Says the wife
“We’ll you see, your husband was outside the window so I had to tell you the fake plan, but the real plan was to make him think I’m on his side, so buy a mannequin that we can throw in the river” Says the sister
The wife gives her a hug
“But you need to pay me back” Says the wife
The sister runs away to the woods.

But then….

“HAUAHHAHAH” Says the bear
“Wait you sound like my sister but younger? Kind of like me” Says the sister
“That’s because I am you, from the future, don’t trust your sister just trust her husband, you’ll see why or else we won’t have much Longuer”

But is this really true, because this is no fairy tale….

“ Hmmmm, I don’t believe you. Ugh bye ✌️ “ Says the sister
Then she walks away
“Well, I tried to warn her!” Says the person while taking off the bear costume

As the person removes the bear costume, the sister gasps in shock. Standing before her is her estranged twin sister, whom she hasn't seen in years. The sister's face is filled with both relief and confusion.

"Is it really you?" the sister asks, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Yes, it's me, " the twin sister replies, her voice trembling. "I've been trying to find you for so long."

Before the sister can respond, a car screeches to a halt beside them. The criminal/husband steps out, a sinister smile spreading across his face.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" he sneers. "Looks like I've stumbled upon a little family reunion."

The twin sister's eyes widen in fear as she realizes the danger they're in. She grabs her sister's hand, and together, they turn to run. But they're too late. The criminal/husband lunges forward, grabbing the twin sister by the arm.

"You're not going anywhere, " he growls. "I've got plans for both of you."

As the sister struggles against his grip, a glimmer of determination flashes in her eyes. She knows she can't let him win. She must find a way to protect her sister and expose the criminal for who he truly is.

But how? And will they be able to escape his clutches before it's too late?

Comment if you want pt 6
