10 Signs of an Empath

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Here are 10 signs you may be an empath. Knowing whether you're an empath or not can better protect yourself from narcissists. #divorce #divorceintexas #divorcelawyer #narcissist

Hi everyone! My name is a Lena Nguyen and I'm a divorce lawyer licensed in Texas, California, and New York. I created this platform to provide you with helpful insight to assist you with your divorce and life after divorce. Next with Lena Nguyen is all about helping you enter the NEXT phase, write the NEXT chapter, and climb the NEXT step in life.

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No. 11 you drink water when you're thirsty


PSA: Being empathetic doesn't mean you're an empath. Every half-decent person is empathetic, but you don't hear everyone calling themselves empaths


This is having empathy for others, it’s not that you’re an empath. I do not consider myself an empath, but knowing what’s around the corner and picking up on all types of energies, being able to know what the other person is thinking, being able to communicate with people and animals using some type of energy frequency that you can only feel, or how about seeing people that have passed on or hear people that have passed on whisper or try to communicate with you and the list goes on is not exactly just having empathy for others it’s being an empath, a highly sensitive person with extra sensory abilities.


This is great news knowing the difference between empaths and Narcissists is very important information before you consider a relationship. GOD-BLESS.


Genuinely good people don’t say how good they are.


A really weird thing I experience is when I’m in big crowds or festivals I just dissociate, I have been told it’s all the emotions around me that get jumbled up.


Idk if I'm an empath or a people pleaser 🥴


I don't cry when other people cry but I can be supportive I honestly don't like to deal with peoples problems I have to really try. I had a dysfunctional family and my father is a hard-core narcissist so I'm not sensitive at all the world sucks accept that and move on focus on what's important God and family as well as health, mental health, and success. I've watched liveleaks I've been exposed to very dark stuff so cruelty just angers and disgusts me. I can see right through people. My gut instinct is on point. And this political and social climate has caused me to not like people or care about their b.s. more and more. I have my own life, sanity, and family to worry about in this sick world. Tired of all the craziness. Negative people will only meet me once I have zero tolerance for negative people due to my father. I can easily internalize others emotions. I usually like being alone I enjoy the serenity of being by myself people always manage to annoy or disappoint me. So I don't know where I fit in lol


It's like you feel emotional and that emotional is not yours last night I was crying and that emotional was not mine and sometimes I can feel spirit energy and I see light when I close my eyes


Succinct, concise, accurate. Thank you! ❤❤😊😊😊


My foster parents never understood me.ever since I was a little girl they would look at me differently...the bullying at school was scary..


Im empathic and can relate to all things you mentioned except that action/tv thingy


10 signs you are an empath
1: you are a normal human
2: you are a normal human
3: you are a normal human
4: you are a normal human
5: you are a normal human
6: you are a normal human
7: you are a normal human
8: you are a normal human
9: you are a normal human
10: you are a normal human


Few words of wisdom empathy and happiness holds power


Thats me...but always hunted down and abused by narcissists..just in the process of becoming Super Empath 😊


Just recently I've been feeling a very strong pull towards my neighbour.. I've been feeling nauseous for the past few days and for weeks I've been so angry and depressed and I KNOW it is all coming from her.. I know I can choose to block it out but I can't help feeling like I'm feeling these feelings because it's almost like I have a duty and she needs me.. I really want to be friends with her but I'm too shy..


And here I thought I was crazy my entire life for being mad at energies and body language of healthy kinds. So how does one block others?


You're happy when others are happy


I don't know if I am an empath but I am most of those especially 3&4 since i was a kid i just know when someone lies to me but i decided to play along most of the times.. I don't know if i actually internalize other's emotions but i can feel what other thinks of me or what is in their mind of me but not like mind reading... Maybe just a sharp 6th sense😅


I'm a medium and an empath! My mother was coming out of a store and a lady was talking to her, and she was like"you have 3 girls, all are empathy. Ones rly strong, ones weak, and one feels ot through their dreams"
