Priscilla Presley Recalls Meeting Elvis (Flashback)

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Priscilla Presley opened up to ET about her life with Elvis Presley, from the day they met to the day they divorced. In this 2005 interview, the fashion icon looked back at her first date with the King of Rock and Roll when she was just 15 years old, revealing what they talked about in their early days of their romance. Priscilla shared intimate details about her days spent at Graceland before they announced their relationship, Elvis' eventual proposal and what led to the end of their marriage.
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My mom was in Las Vegas one year, before she was pregnant with me and he threw a hound dog teddy bear to her.. she caught it, took it home and we'll, it's lost to time now. I think he was the most handsome man I've ever seen and his singing voice- is a gift from God.


HOLY moly her granddaughter looks and sounds EXACTLY like her! The family resemblance is uncanny. Both are talented class acts


Elvis dated a lot of girls. He attempted to court A LOT of girls and convince them to stay with him at Graceland. His approach was habitual. He would meet them. Speak to the parents to win their approval. Court the Girl by sharing his vulnerabilities (he loved sharing his deep thoughts with the women in his life. He didn't "only" share with this special one person, he had that relationship with all the women in his life, whether friend, lover, girlfriend, maid, colleague etc. He was good at being vulnerable). He would then request to move the girl to Graceland. The truth is, honestly, that Priscilla was the one that stuck it out the longest. She wasn't the "only" one. She wasn't a "special" one. She wasn't even his first pick. He tried to get another 14 year old (Wink Martindale's now wife, Sandy Ferrera) to move into Graceland in '60/'61 after leaving Germany. Her parents shut it down and said absolutely not. Sandy's parents recognized that she was too young for the type of lifestyle that Elvis led. He even told her parents that Sandy's mom could move in too. lol. Priscilla (and her parents) on the other hand... put up with him. If he said jump, she said how high. And the truth is that's what he thought he wanted. And let's not forget that he was in a long-term relationship with Anita Wood who he had promised to marry all while courting Priscilla, Sandy and countless others. Did he love Priscilla?... not even she could answer that question when she was asked point blank in an interview in the 80s. But I do believe that she loved him and still does...and grew to love the position and status that came along with loving him.... and still does.


A 9th grade girl dating a 24 year old man is NOT okay ? Why has Elvis always gotten a pass for that predatory behavior?


Whatever happened between them, I love how she is still so respectful about the whole arrangement. It just shows how much love she still has for this man, that's how pure old romance is!


Rip Elvis Aaron and Lisa Marie Presley, you will be missed


WTF she was 60 when this interview aired she looks so young


It is so difficult to watch someone, who you love and care for, just destroy himself.


Legends never die diamonds are forever to live in hearts we leave behind is not to die stay strong stay positive stay safe Priscilla and family sending hugs luck love from UK takecare xxx


Off topic but who ever her plastic surgeon is did an amazing job! She looks great!


People always hate! Girl is beautiful! Elvis was fine look at his eyes!😅


I'm glad priscilla presley talks about her husband with joy, and happiness. Your trying to wipe out that Era of his life. I hope God put them together for all eternity. Bless you priscilla presley and your granddaughters, staysafe.


I think she is incredible look at how great she looks !!!


I aways Prayed for Elvis Presley and his MOM And his DAD
I was so happy for Elvis and Proud of him i asked GOD to PROTED. HIM and Family .ANGELYS Watch over HIM.He wasy Hero.


My mom dated a 25 year old when she was 15 growing up in a small town in Buenos Aires. She was born in 1960. People would often wait till marriage back then if they were serious about someone and it wasn't seen the same way as it is now.
Priscilla also says they would talk on the phone for hours. So they obviously had a special connection beyond her being young and impressionable


You know I don’t get why she even kept the last name Presley. She divorced Elvis not the other way around. I don’t get why she’s always talking about Elvis when she divorced him.


Priscilla is not a Presley. In their divorce settlement she agreed to the stipulation that she was never to use the Presley last name. She did not use the Presley name until Elvis died and then she claimed a 9 yr old Lisa gave her permission. Priscilla did not save Graceland the fans saved Graceland by showing up after his death (leading to the idea of opening it up as a way for Priscilla to earn money). In fact Elvis was killing himself by working so much because Priscilla wanted more money and like the Col. was not above having him sell his beloved home. If you want true information on who Priscilla truly is and her marriage to Elvis then I think you should read the biography (biographies are always far more true) entitled “The child bride”. For a woman who claims that Elvis was the love of her life she sure goes out of her way tin trying annihilate his reputation. She cheated on him constantly, she left him for a Karate instructor named Mike Stone. Did I mention that she had a man leave his pregnant wife so he could live with her? Are you aware of the fact that she lived with a man who admitted to being attracted to Lisa Marie when she was only 11 yrs old? Are you even familiar with the number of men she slept with before Elvis let alone after Elvis. She was with her sons father far longer than she was with Elvis. I would think that since her son hates LM and Elvis that she would want to bring him comfort at the time of her death and be laid to rest someplace ( where he could be buried also and where he doesn’t hate going to). Her son has a terrible history with drug abuse and HIS FATHER should be paying for him to live a charmed life…not Elvis. 
What kind of mother would sue her own Grandchildren immediately following the death of their Mother (her daughter). This woman hasn’t been grieving she’s too busy trying to secure some false portrayal of her herself. She should be focused on securing Lisa Marie’s legacy. She cared so little for her own daughter that on the night LM turned 18 Priscilla dropped her off at a Scientologist Center (with only the clothes on her back) .
The one thing this woman is good at doing is lying and making sure she gets what she wants. Her lies are so easily proven. I finally watched the trailer for her ridiculous autobiographical movie and found a lie (in the trailer). She has always said that she thought she looked great after the makeover Elvis gave her. It’s even in the original movie that she loved it. Now she has said in later years that she thought she looked great but upon looking back it was a terrible look for her. That is much different to her now saying that she hated the look told Elvis and he got angry so she kept it. You see her new version makes her look sympathetic and controlled by Elvis. She a chameleon and a grifter, Come on the woman slept with the father of the Kardashions. That’s how she got on whatever TV soap she was in and the Naked Gun movies (with O.J. Simpson).
Elvis had an age appropriate girlfriend for 5 hrs before Priscilla (and he was dating her while in the Army) and when he got home. Priscilla was the one writing letters and begging him to ask her parents to let her visit. That if he asked they would say yes. The moment Zilla stepped foot into Graceland she and her parents had all the power (because of her age) and they threatened him all the time with it. Her parents allowed all this to happen. The moment they heard he was going to Germany the plan started. Including having her hair done like the actress that Elvis had a huge crush on (Debra Pagent). Look at the photos they tell the truth. Girls her age didn’t wear their hair in that style. It was a decision to make her look more like Debra. Very sneaky.


I read Elvis and Me and loved it..
But this entire relationship was disturbing on so many levels..
I shouldnt judge her on her relationship but it screams denile, manipulative and co-dependent


she was groomed. its so sad. you can see her fighting the 2 battles in this interview - she knows its wrong but also knows her feelings for him. as a child, "love" is so confusing


