The SAFEST Way to Fight with Swords?

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There are quite a few different strategies in historical martial arts, depending on the type of sword (or other weapon) used, the opponent's fighting style, and your own intention. This approach is what I personally consider to be the least risky (considering that armed dueling is obviously not exactly safe no matter what).

You might find it interesting as inspiration / reference for animations or choreographies in video games or movies, or to describe some tricks that an experience swordsman could use in a fantasy novel, etc. We're demonstrating a few techniques with both single-handed (arming sword / messer) and two-handed (longsword) weapons.

*** Music ***

Intro song:
"Illuminate" by Vindsvept
Used with artist's permission

"Little People At Work" by Horrorpen
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license (CC BY 3.0)

"Highland Storm" by The Slanted Room Records
Used with artist's permission

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The fact that the other guy looks so amused is simultaneously amusing.


How to not die in a swordfight:

Step 1: Don't insult anyone's wife.
Step 2: You did exactly that, didn't you?


This sparring buddy seemed a lot more engaged and interactive than most I've seen you make videos with; the honest gut reactions and your responses while continuing the demonstration made your points much clearer than the mechanical demonstrations usually presented, at least to me.


How not to die in a sword fight: Don't sword fight.

But for real, I really like these videos because it gives an insight as to how it was done in real life combat because I know for a fact, if I had to fight someone with a sword I'd crap my pants and would instantly just probably die from fear!


Other fellow has a most majestic beard and stache.


I think that you forgot to mention something very important: swords can move faster than a human can see and if you react only to seeing the blade in motion, it's too late to react. What many people don't realise is that in a bind you can feel an intent long before you can see it!
Even better, just as with all grapling, it slows down the opponent's attacks. It also works in unarmed combat. Especially Wing Tsun and Silat are known to emphasise on learning to respond to it.


I feel like animation would be a good medium to portray the subtlety of real swordplay. It could zoom in and slowdown and even dramatize the smaller movements like a small circular movement to get on the other side of the opponents blade. I also feel that a character like 09 Sherlock Holmes RDJ who narrates and breaks down their own fights, could be a good way to bring the in average audience member who doesn't know anything about swordplay into understanding the fight. It could even be edutainment in the same kind of way many anime are about niche topics.


Thank you just what I needed today for my duel lmao


This is actually really useful for a couple of my writing projects. Much appreciated as always!


Step 1, notice they have a sword and not a spear.
Step 2, run.
Step 3, find a piece of wood twice the length of their sword
Step 4, walk.


I love how Skallagrim's partner is so well-versed in swordsmanship, that he instinctively reacts to Skallagrim's actions, before either of them knows what he's doing.

I hope I get to that level one day!


I’m currently writing a story that has a duel in it and I’m trying to do some research. You are super clear and concise in explaining tips and pointers! It’s very helpful! Thank you!


Feeling not only provides more information. You can actually feel movement faster than you can see it. visual perception is a lot more complicated than feeling biochemicaly. The light first has to decay a molecule in the retina, which must be detected by a neuron cell. There's some really complicated stuff going on.
Therefore you can react much faster and more precise to your fellow duelists if your weapons connect.

But from my experience, binds rarely happen in sparring. And if they do, both get cut in the end. one a little earlier than the other.


I feel like Skall would be the perfect NPC of a tavern owner called Bearded Men with Swords where he offers you drinks and combat advice for Martial classes.


R. A. Salvatore does a great job of describing exactly this if anyone wants to read fantasy novels with more in-depth descriptions of fencing.


Recently, I've been looking into Destreza. What I've noticed, in comparison to Italian rapier's bold, powerful lunges, Destreza is more conservative and defensive in nature, decrying the notion of lunging as foolish and reckless in favour of working around the opponent's defences in order to find and exploit a weak spot, patiently and without haste, with regard towards one's safety. It favours circular movements as opposed to the Italian's linear footwork.


"The greatest trick a wizard can learn is stepping one foot to the left. They never see it coming." ;)
Good video, Skal. I quite like these demonstration/instruction videos.


Man your content is just too good. You help so much those who create medieval/fantasy-like based content, well as history enthusiasts. Since 2015 i watch your vids, and you never let down.


This really illustrates the value of armor. Even lightweight leather armor or a thick winter coat would make a huge difference, because it renders slice attacks useless and requires a bigger, more telegraphed movement to chop or stab through it.


Imagine a promotion like UFC for sword fighting, beatiful fighting art
