The Covenants of God

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Executive Producer:
Lee & Vivian Eagan, Erna Draper, Bob & Larue Miller, Levi Mitchell, Kristina Johnson, Ruth Lunderville, Kyle Ripley, Sue Lavey, Justin Stout.

Rob Vanhoff
Rob teaches courses on 2nd Temple Period, Rabbinic Literature, Judaism, Koine Greek, and Aramaic. He has delivered papers at conferences for both Evangelical Theological Society and the Society of Biblical Literature. He serves at Heart of Messiah Ministries in Spokane Valley. Rob holds two degrees from the University of Washington: MA, Comparative Religion (2005) and BA, Near Eastern Languages & Civilization, with a minor in Music (2003).

Caleb Hegg
is the co-founder of Growing in Messiah, a ministry gives parents resources to help raise godly families. Caleb has lectured at various conferences around the world, and written multiple published articles, most notably, several articles in "Celebrate the Feast" (TorahResource, 2019). Caleb Hegg received a two-year certificate from TR-Institute. Caleb is currently enrolled at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in an M.Div program.
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"There's nothing in the Bible that's called the mosaic covenant."
I actually didn't know this.


The Mosaic covenants intent was to be a light to the nations(to bring them in and teach the nations to know God) they failed at that task but God has not failed, he promised long ago that Yeshua would come and graft everyone in. Mosaic covenant intent is to show you that you needed that promised Messiah


Everything Jesus Christ and apostle Paul taught came out of Torah. Paul said 2 Timothy chapter 3 verse 16 there was no new testament he was talking about the Old testament


So much confusion only if we were just follow Jesus example they would be no confusion


Abraham wasn't given the Law. Moses was given the Law. That's the main thing that separates the Abrahamic Covenant from the Mosaic Covenant. We call it the _Mosaic_ Law – not the Abrahamic Law – for a reason. Moreover, the covenant made with Abraham was unconditional, whereas the covenant made with Moses and the Hebrew people was conditional. They're definitely separate covenants.


Old covenant was written on Stone the New covenant is written on our hearts. The Genesis revelation God has asked mankind to do one thing keep his ten commandments


So correct me if misunderstood.
The Abraham covenant IS THE New Covenant?


"Mosaic Covenant" may not be a phrase found in Scripture, but, like "Trinity", that doesn't matter.

The covenant God made at Sinai through Moses with the people of Israel, however you want to refer to it, was certainly a real, distinct covenant from the Abrahamic Covenant. God repeatedly calls it a covenant from Exodus to Deuteronomy. The New Covenant prophecy found in Jeremiah and Hebrews specifically refers to the New Covenant as "not like the covenant" He made when He "Led them out of Egypt" (Heb. 8:9). Here also it is a covenant.

Throughout Exodus, this covenant is presented as one of laws that can be broken and that this can result in breaking the covenant, as that same New Covenant text says happened. However, the Abrahamic Covenant contains no "if". No possibility of breaking. It is a promise of God, given without condition. They are always spoken of distinctly.

This is why Paul speaks in Galatians of the Law coming 430 years after the covenant was ratified with Abraham (Galatians 3:15-18). Not only does this distinguish them in time. It also distinguishes them in type. The Abrahamic covenant was God's unilateral promise. The Covenant made at Sinai was a covenant of fellowship with many conditions. Paul's discussion not only distinguishes them but points out how failure to keep the Sinai covenant does not nullify the promise made to Abraham.

That promise is fulfilled in the New Covenant, made by Christ.

I did a three part series on distinguishing the covenants on my channel. I would link but Youtube doesn't like links in comments much. I'm sure anyone interested could find it. It's also found in the Cross and the Torah playlist.
