how to make radio AM | AM Radio Electronic DIY Kit | Assembly & RUN

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Building a Super Simple AM Radio Receiver
how to make radio AM , AM Radio Electronic DIY Kit , Assembly & RUN
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United States, Ohio to be specific.
I doubt I’ll win the contest but it wouldn’t stop me from learning great tips and tricks as I always do from your channel. You are an inspiration for many. I assure you.
God Bless and keep up the great work.


One day, I'll see a video showing the correct way to align one of these Chinese radio kits. Goodness knows what all that fiddling with the slugs from about 10 minutes onwards was for, other than to misalign transformers that probably were best left alone.
A signal generator is useful but not necessary as all alignment can be done on a "weak but stable" off-air signal.
I've built several of these kits, including this particular model (and they've all worked well). ♥
Every Chinese kit I've built came with pre-aligned IF transformers. They were almost spot-on, and only needed a slight tweak when the set was up and running.
If you've built the kit correctly, it should be receiving at least some signals without further alignment. If it doesn't, then check the wiring, look for solder bridges and dry joints, and check the circuit voltages before you go adjusting anything.

The general rule: adjust coils at the low frequency end, and capacitors at the high. The trimmer capacitors are those little screws on the back of the main tuning capacitor.

When the set is receiving signals, it's necessary to align the front end to obtain optimum sensitivity over the whole range. Tune the radio to a signal near the bottom of the band. Then slide the coil back and fourth on the ferrite rod to obtain best results.
Then you do the same with a signal at the top end of the band: only, this time, the adjuster will be one of the trimmers on the back of the main tuning capacitor. One adjusts sensitivity, and that's the one to adjust. Then repeat the coil adjustment and, when no further improvement is obtained, secure the coil on the ferrite with a little wax or glue.

Final step is to adjust dial calibration. Again, coil at the low end, capacitor at the top. This time, you need to adjust the oscillator coil (the can with the red slug) so that the dial markings are correct for a station of known frequency at the low end. Then repeat the procedure for a station at the top end, only this time, adjust the OTHER trimmer on the main tuning capacitor. Repeat a few times until calibration is correct (as close as it can be on a simple dial like these).

THEN you can try a slight tweak to the IF transformers, though that probably won't make much difference. Happy listening! ☺♥


Tahun 91 aku ngerakit ketika ikut les ketrampilan
Makasih buat LPK Kartini
Jln Nurdin raya Grogol
Salam buat pak Surya
Pak Sumarsono
Pak Suheri


Transformers! (More than meets the eye) KR Inventor is a circuit building robot in disguise!


I have also repaired such radios and I used to love listening to songs, even now I listen to radios from mobile apps.❤


Já montei um rádio quando estudei no Instituto Universal Brasileiro Curso de Eletrônica, isto nos anos oitenta, passei muito tempo estudando pra poder ir recebendo as peças para concluir a montagem. Tudo isso por correspondência. Foi legal!


Project ini seolah mengulang kembali kenangan masa lalu..


Todo mundo 🌍🌎 critica y destruye, pero nadie enseña como hacerlo, buen trabajo 😊😊😊😊😊


Unfortunately nowadays it is very rare to hear the radio, Unfortunately nowadays it is very rare to hear the radio, Unfortunately nowadays it is very rare to hear the radio, Moreover, AM signals. But this video tutorial is very good and helpful for beginners who are learning


Kesukaan saya waktu kecil saya sering membongkar radio dan melihat isinya...


When I was young, we had one weak AM rock and roll station (5000 Watts and 120 miles distant) that I always listened to and one local AM station that always came in very strong. I really only listened to those two stations. Had I known then, I would have just tuned the radio circuitry for the best sensitivity on the weak station with the IFs tuned to 455KHZ and left it at that. Would have also incorporated a tuned long wire outside antenna to inject more signal into the radio's front end, which is easy to do. Just make sure the outside antenna is lightning protected- I've seen many old radios that used outside antennas exclusively for reception with antenna coils burnt open from the antenna not being protected.


নাইস বিউটিফুল চালিয়ে যান ভাই সুন্দর একটা রেডিও মেলাদিন পরে দেখলাম সুন্দর রেডিও বানালেন আপনি নাইস বিউটিফুল


покупал такой на алихе голубенький, лет пять назад...собрал, включил - он работает....ничего не крутил, не подбирал токи каскадов (хотя мерил - они с этими номиналами резисторов не в режиме) - НО РАБОТАЕТ...катушки не крутил - самые громкие станции укладываються в крутилку КПЕ и мне норм....


Я тоже в детстве собирал приемник, вернее мне собирал одноклассник моего брата))


Cara merakit yang sangat bagus, didukung peralatan yang lengkap, , tahun 1990 saya merakit radio MW SW SUPER HETERODYNE...Merakit mengandalkan solder dan AVO METER, ,, Bongkar pasang bagian trafo Oscilator merk SUMIDA SIA


Esto me recuerda que debo reparar varias radios antiguas de A.M., saludos.-


I like the background musical tune. It's very cool.


Won't it be better if all components aren't soldered in? Start with the components required for the amplifier. Check the amplifier and work on the next section like the tuning circuit. This way it will be easier to isolate bad soldered connections or connections missing soldering or short-circuiting. I learned this lesson a long time back when I built my first AM radio from a kit.


Not to brag or anything, but I cAmazing stunt. His daughter has the best manners. David your best performance is you raising a fine human being. All stunts you do are impressive. Following you for a long time now. The Best.hanged the lightbulb in my hallway while standing on a kitchen chair last week.


Ceramic IF filters are for weaklings. And here is real superheterodyne hardcore! The dream of every true radio amateur.🤩😍🤗
