Did The Universe Create Itself?

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Watch as Dr. John Lennox explains how the universe could not have possible come into existence on its own. Steven Hawkins said that because there is a law of gravity, the universe could create itself. This statement is self refuting because before the universe there was nothing. And being that gravity is something, the statement that "Because there is such a thing as the law of gravity the universe can create itself", simply does not make sense and logically does not follow what we know about the creation of the universe scientifically.
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I have not read Grand Design by Hawkins. The assertion that gravity would create the universe from a null state is fundamentally flawed.

In either view of you of gravity, Newtonian or Relativistic; this statement draws pause from the reader.

In a Standard Model universe, there is no gravity because there are no particles to influence each other.

In a Relativistic Model there is no mass to curve space.

Furthermore, there is no origin of 'space' to give rise to the particles or emergent properties that would assemble the nascent universe as theorized by Stephen Hawkings.
