5 Powerful Ways TWIN FLAMES Recognize Each Other

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How to Stop Negative People Draining Your Energy When You're a Positive Person


People, you don't find your twin flame. You work on yourself and the twin flame comes once you are both ready . If the person doesn't feel the same it's not TF it's infatuation.


Twin flame love heals in way no other love cannot because a twin flame love is the true expression of God 's true unconditional love


Let us not romanticise twin flames connection. It is painful, raw, takes you to dark places within, takes years/decades in many cases to come to the balance for both.


I met mine when I was 15, I'm 20 and we're getting married in May.


To whoevers reading this

I hope you find your purpose and reach your goals. 🙏🤗❤️

Stay strong 😁💗


I just want people to know... TF relationships aren't pretty... you have to put in the personal work... the SELF work.... you will experience pain... you will experience confusion.... but... when you actually make the effort to become whole within YOURSELF... things become beautiful, and amazing....


Trust me, when you meet your twin flame YOU'LL KNOW IT. This is your mirror soul. Its not all peaches and cream. You are constantly being confronted with your faults and hang-ups. Its beautiful, but real beauty is built by pain. You feel each other's pain. You're literally all meshed together into one soul. It's not a cake walk .


Additional ways you can tell its your twin flame (from my personal experience) you feel very energized communicating with this person. Past life memories come up, including past life issues. You feel a sense of being home and great comfortability with this person. Hidden or underdeveloped gifts and abilities (some super powers, lol) come alive within you. Your intuition dramatically increases. The sexual energy is off the grid/chart/chain (even though we live in different countries) Great levels of inspiration and deep motivation from within. There is a sense of communicating to each other from within. I call him the 'Bearded Me' .... Lol, because he is a real mirror of who I am and though some parts of him needs to mature and develop, those said parts is how I used to be too. I hope this help beloveds :-) blessings to you all on your Journey inwards...


You nailed it! My husband and Myself were dating other people when we met, however we were instant best friends. As soon as we realized this. A nuclear Bomb could not have separated us. People are jealous of our love our cozy home our warmth! Faithfulness, devotion! We highly respect each other and never fight! We do have a pack with each other! We knew we were so different from each other but together we equaled completion! 1 unit. We both can not imagine a life without each other. I can not explain it! Throughout 23 years we have only spent Maybe 10 nights without each other. To separate us would be unnatural! We are not jealous, we are not unfaithful, the harder life gets the closer we get! Death cannot separate us. We will always love each other because we complete each other! You will know. It’s like being Home safe and secure never having to worry, about that love or even question it! Separate when people see us around each other. They can sometimes be shocked we are together on the outside we don’t look as we belong together. But on the inside. There is a knowing and longing to be together. That is a twin flame. They can not be separate they will always be 1.


And once you've experienced the Twin Flame, there is to be no turning back. This is NOT a dress rehearsal!


“Your heart already knows, what your mind can only dream of “



1-Vibes not looks
2-Past life reminiscence
4-Same diet
5-Runner n chaser theme

Thanks very much for this lovely vdo, Smarty boy!
Love your new tux 💙
Much repose 😊


Here are my two cents: I met my twin in February of this year while I was going through my first the dark night of the soul. At first, it was a strong attraction to his energy... but after a couple of days of working together, it felt like we've known each other for years... very strong sense of family and love. I also noticed that this person was like a male version of me... we even looked alike (physically) and have the same goals in life and chose the same career. We were born in different countries, and we have 6 years of age difference. Also, when we met I saw angel numbers everywhere, especially when we were together and I developed spiritual gifts like clairaudience and my intuition has never been stronger. His higher self communicates with me through love songs (on the radio, or wherever I go I hear the same songs). We are not in union, he is running but his higher self always expresses his love for me. Meeting him also triggered wounds from my childhood and past relationships that I'm currently healing. I didn't know twin flames existed until after we met.


I see you and you see me,
perfect vision where we exist.
I can see your presence and feel your pain,
know how you think and of what it consists.

I recognize you-
remembering, realizing everything you are.
I could never forget who you are to me;
your reflection is engraved in my heart.


I'm with him. When I met him, it was the first person I couldn't read like I can others. And I asked to touch him to try to read him after a lot of conversation. He held out his hand. And our energy signatures were one. When we first kissed the next day, I had a flash flood of memories of all of our lives we'd lived together. I was determined in that moment to never let anything stand between us. Nothing could. We have a love like nothing else. It isn't breakable. It is eternal and divine! We've been together 9 years this year! And about the vulnerability and ego - 100% right on! We just wanted to share everything ever from the start. My ego just melted away. I just needed to be vulnerable. We needed to be open more fully than anyone in order to have it. I had the urge to run early on. But I stayed. I had done a LOT of healing before I met him, and he before me.


I've been watching your videos for about a year. I watched them to help heal my broken soul. With Love continuously going bad for me, 5 years ago I made the difficult decision to never love again. For 5 years I've not hugged, kissed, touched, or loved anyone.

Fast forward to 4 months ago.

I added a random new friend on Facebook. He speaks a different language, lives in a different country. He's 46 and I'm 51. We're both hardcore black metal fans. The music is what initially connected us. So I said a simple Hello and the conversation never stopped. We communicate on the phone, understand each other, laugh at each other's jokes, and we speak 2 totally different languages. I speak German like a 3 year old and he speaks English like a 3 year old. When we can't get the point across, we use band names, album titles, and song titles. That always helps us understand each other.

Neither of us wanted love, but we fell in love anyway. In 4 months he's become my best friend and we are madly in love. We're communicating 18 hours a day. Before him, I had no concept of Twin Flames. I had heard the term, but had no concept of what it actually meant. Now I know that every word you said in this video is 100% FACT. I'm living it right now. It's totally undeniable that he and I are one soul. It's glaringly obvious.

So my life is completely changing. No more being alone. I'm leaving the USA and moving to Europe to marry him. The plane touches down in Austria in 4 weeks.

Thank you for everything. Your videos not only encouraged me to Love again, but they gave me Life again.



I think there are twin flames that experience this kind of love, because they are already whole in themselves and have reached a certain level of awakening or whatsoever... But there are twin flames out there that have so much backage and so much to work on, that it's getting hard to find a way together. This person is speaking from his own experience but the reality is much more different for other people. Things are not that easy. You and your twin flame both meet as Individuals, you bring your past experiences and traumas and all the negative shit that nobody wants to own and then you two 2 mirror each other all of these things... THAT'S NOT EASY AND ROSES AND HAPPINESS. it's hard work. Work on yourself, focus on YOURSELF and not on a relationship or honeymoon like experiences... Wake up and grow! Everything will fall into place ❤️


*Twin flames be like "I am running away" ahahaha*
When one stops the otherone starts.


1. the vibes
2. familiarity
3. vulnerability
4. same food values
5. one of the person is the runner, however the forces always bring them back together
