9 Powerful Ways TWIN FLAMES Recognize Each Other

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#Ralphsmart #Infinitewaters #love

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The love you seek is seeking you.
The Eye-Opening Hidden Power Of Words For Success & Abundance [THIS SECRET Will Blow Your Mind]


A big love is about to enter your life.


May you receive the love you are worthy of.


Gratitude Always Wins = YouTube Gold Award 😊


#1 - Instant recognition. Feels like you already know them. Feels like home.
#2 - You both carry a similar vibe & similar energies. You feel comfortable around them.
#3 - They are your perfect mirror. They trigger your shadows, fears, insecurities, doubts. They challenge you and help you heal from those things.
#4 - You have shared values. Your heart beats for the same things.
#5 - You have psychic connection. You can communicate when not speaking.
#6 - The connection is sacred. It's more than physical attraction. They see into your heart & soul.
#7 - They may undergo periods of separation (days, weeks, months, yrs). One may chase and one may run, but the universe brings them back together.
#8 - The connection is intense and overwhelming. They bring out the best and the worst in you.
#9 - The connection is magnetic. You both want to help each other become the greatest versions of yourselves.


LADIES. Your divine masculine is WITHIN YOU. HE IS YOU! Connect with your soul, get out of the mind, find the focal central point between good and bad, between right and wrong. ❤❤❤


The twin flame relationship is very rare and important in my mind. How your twinflame can mirror your dark and bright side is really beautiful and not easy at the same time but it is better for both sides because you get to know yourself better and express yourself as you are with your twinflame. Things I learned from you is about the thing that you feel like home when you are together with your twinflame, you want to see and help each other in everything, you just want the best for them. Sometimes things happen and you get seperated but the Universe leads you in the roads where you can meet again. So much healing can happen if 2 twinflames get along with each other and the way that your heart recognizes that other half in instant is so amazing. Also I learned that the vibe is similar, you read each other minds, you like to do the same things, the connection is in all levels of your being, the relationship is sacred. Oh yes and this magnetism you have around each other is something I didn't knew about. Thank you so so much Ralph, you are so marvellous and so true. ❤


Perfect timing, I’m working on myself to become reunited with my twin flame. Thanks for the great content throughout the years, you’re a big help to millions of people. Peace ☮️ 🔥


I have been in a relationship with my twin flame for the past 11 years now. We both have mirrored each other's deepest shadows to each other. We have gone from an unconscious state of awareness at 17 to growing through our awakening journies to 28. She has been the light to my shadow as I have been the light to her shadows. We both have had exponential growth over the 11 years. I believe a huge part of the growth has been that we both have committed to expanding ourselfs and not expanding each other. We perfectly mirror the other but we retain our energy for our own growth instead of me relying on her for my happiness and her relying on me for mine. We have gone down that road for a while as well and its not fun outsourcing your happiness because it can always be taken away lol Don't search for your twin flame be a vibrational match to what you want and watch it find you. Love to all who read this.❤️


RAISING THE VIBRATIONS!!! Peace and love brother. I met my twin flame the start of this month and everything you pointed out are so true because those are the same things that we both experienced together. At some point we distanced ourselves for some time but recently she came back and we communicated so much and help build each other up. Everything felt so real and I cannot thank you enough for your confirmations.


Love has found me today February 14❤ this is my confirmation 888


After 40 years apart, we are finally together. We found our bliss.


Thank you, my twin transitioned just over a year ago and it’s left me devastated, I believe he sent me someone special to comfort me. There is nothing like a twin flame connection, you just know. I love the person that is in my life and I’m truly grateful, but I know in my heart my twin and I will be reunited again. We are energy and continue, a crazy journey of learning and ever growing
Thank you for this video 🙏🏼


Baby black don’t crack ❤looking so clear and young


Love is all we’ll ever trust🌱🥰 twin flames are real!!! ♾️⛈️🤍 love after any storm. Happy Love day☺️😚🍯


Kurt from New World Allstar is the number 1 Twin Flame coach in the world I cannot recommend him enough.


Excellent !! I met my TF playing tennis 15 years ago. Wow it’s been an incredible ride and through it all everything you said remains true. As challenging as it is I wouldn’t change it for a “secure” traditional relationship. We’ve both grown so much and have inspired each other even when we’re not in 3D contact. The love and connection is deeper than anything I’ve ever experienced w anyone.


❤thank you I love you and the cat down the rode


Ralphie, gratitude 🙏 Happy Valentines to you and yours... One Love ❤️


My plant based diet helps me to stay sharp enough to see twin flames of myself and also of other people. Intuitive downloads often come to myself in images with specific details. Staying human is definitely amazing and powerful ! Thank you so much for your guidance Ralph🙏✨I love you and appreciate you so much💛✨Peace✨
