SAT vs ACT: which is easier/which one should you take?

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SAT vs ACT: which one is easier/which test should you take?

I revisited some slightly stressful times in my life (my test prep and actual test memories) to help deliver the real tEa. I hope this video was helpful + good luck to all y'all aspiring good score getters. I took both of them during the 2018-19 school year (jr year rip), so my info is pretty up to date :)

if it's any help, I personally liked the SAT better because i had more time to go back and check my work (I had almost half the time left over for each section in the SAT while in the ACT i ran out of time in the math section ;,)). I also feel like i'm stronger at humanities than math, so that's another reason I liked the SAT (reading section was more interesting to take). It's all personal preference though + I highly recommend taking practice tests of both, or at least working/skimming through both to see which one suits you best.

feel free to comment any questions + I'll try my best to answer :)

imma link a couple prep scholar pages as well if you want an even more thorough breakdown. i, from personal experience, agree with them/find them pretty accurate.

~prepscholar links~

longing by joakim karud
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Am I the only one who think neither of the time is enough 💀


I just wanna say that I chose not to take the ACT because I thought the SAT was easier. For me that was not the case, I took the ACT and although they give you less time, it is easier than the SAT. I’m not kidding like one English question was basically just looking at the text for the answer. The SAT tries to trick you whereas the ACT is very straightforward and you either know what you’re doing or you’re not. (Ik you already mentioned this but I just wanna give my perspective in case anyone wants to see what everyone else thinks :) )

Update: I took the SAT again and it seemed easier, so ig its just cus I’ve been studying more. I still think the ACT is easier though.


You're voice is so soothing and calm and you're video was definitely helpful, thank you so much!


The SAT math is easier, but its READING section is a whole other level. Lol, the justifying quotes questions always get to me, there's so many too! 😂🤣


Thank you for your opinion! I might take the act because i feel more comfy with that, Im not good at the english part in sat, i cant do well in really long passages and i dont do well trying to find answers thats not in the reading


I completely bs’ed my sophomore year, so I ended up with a ~3.3 GPA. 😭( not that bad considering I took 3 AP’s/honors/pre-ib igs). I’m starting the IB program my junior year, so I’m planning to study starting this month for the SAT while also studying for the ACT, so I can also focus on bringing my gpa up. I’m also going to be apart of clubs (NHS, speech and debate club, etc) so junior year is going to be craZ crazy😢


I have more experience with the ACT than I do with the SAT, but I think the SAT will work out better for me.


2021 I'm finally in Junior and I didn't know which one is best for me SAT or ACT but after watching this video I think ACT is the best for me. Thank You so much for making this video.


Thankyou so incredibly much! You making this a lot less stressful for me and it really helps a ton with my decisions! 😊


I was studying for the SAT and then I moved schools and now I have to take the ACT my junior year. Great!

Thanks for some insight of both tests though.


Really cool video, thanks for the info. You have really nice production value in your vids


I'm looking at this exactly one year after you uploaded the video :) Thanks for the information!


I have a solution to this BAN THE ACT AND SAT Why do they even exist FML!


I have a question, when you study for the sat you use college board and khan Acadamy while for the act what program do you use to study for it??


i’ve found that the sat is more math oriented while the act is better for people (like me) who doesn’t like math


Slight azn fever after this very helpful video. Thnx!


Thank you for this!!! God bless y'all! :)


I am stronger at math, but weaker at reading. The ACT reading is easier right? Would you recommend me to take the ACT? However, the SAT is better for math, because it counts for 50% of the grade.


Basically the SAT is more about IQ intelligence (reasoning ability, etc) than crystallized intelligence which the ACT is more geared towards.


thank you so much it is pretty neat content, keep it up
