Cousin's Angry Cos I Refused To Come Back To His Company To Save It After He Fired Me Years Ago AITA

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Back story, my uncle recently retired and gave a medium sized business to my cousin. The first thing he did was not renewing my contract in the company, and gave new positions to his friends and immediate family. I was mad about why I didn't get a new contract, even when I managed to hit my key performance indicator all the time, while his friends and immediate family didn't even hit their KPI most of the time. He just said that things are changing with him in-charge, and that sadly my services is no longer needed.

I was pissed but accepted my fate, and I begin to search for a new job. A competitor company took interest of me and hired me. I join the company as the pay is good, and I have been working for that company for 2 years and I managed to gain 2 positions up, and beginning to be more involved with managerial roles.

Story 1:
AITA for refusing to go back to the "family" business after they kicked me ?
Story 2:
AITA for refusing to refund my parents after they spent over 2K to come to my wedding?
Story 3:
AITA for telling my mother in-law if she gives a photo as a housewarming gift it will be returned?
Story 4:
AITA for flipping out over expensive dog food?

#AITA #Parenting #Family
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Story 1:
AITA for refusing to go back to the "family" business after they kicked me ?
Story 2: 3:53
AITA for refusing to refund my parents after they spent over 2K to come to my wedding?
Story 3: 8:46
AITA for telling my mother in-law if she gives a photo as a housewarming gift it will be returned?
Story 4: 12:47
AITA for flipping out over expensive dog food?


Story 1: OP to people bitching 'But famileeee!': "Well being family didn't stop him from firing me. Ima stay with the people who appreciate me and have given me great opportunities, not the cousin who tossed me aside."


Story 3: the ESH commentator really have no leg to stand on besides their made up character of the husband in their head. We don't know if the divorce was messy or if the parents tried to force their children to accept the drastic changes quickly, two which can harm children greatly in these situations. We don't know how it went down so who are they to judge whether or not husband is childish and an idiot for thinking his happy memories were before the divorce? Plus, Op isn't even in the wrong here either. Op obviously know the mom to immediately figure out that this was her plan. The mom is literally trying to sneakily disrespect her son's boundaries by giving the portrait as a "gift." Op just shut it down before it happened and she wasn't even rude about it. Mom is just upset because she got caught.


Second story: "My boyfriends leave me because they are in love with my mother", "I don't know if she's cheated with them or not", is the only reasons momma shouldn't have been thought of, nonetheless invited to her daughter's wedding. Momma can't be trusted and daddy just wants momma happy no matter who's hurt in the process.


The guy saying ESH in story 3 is making some major assumptions about op's husband's character.


Story2: Massive NTA. Mommy is a freaking lunatic, and daddy is no better. I'm sorry OP was naive enough to let these garbage people back in her life. But I'm very glad OP polished up her spine, and told them to EFF off. She doesn't owe them a damn thing. If/when OP gets pregnant, is mommy going to claim OP's ultrasound pictures as her own, and walk around with a pillow under her shirt? She sounds that unhinged. Hope OP stays NC this time.


"If family is so important, then why did you get rid of me in the first place?". Then just walk away.


"I don't care about family." The level of hypocrisy of that statement is over 9000.


Buying the business would be a great plan if OP wasn't in a family of leeches. Once the business starts doing well the leeches will be back with their hands out and mouths open. This is why many people in the US don't like working for family owned companies. He put unqualified family in positions of power instead of qualified nonfamily. Then, the company tanks.


1st: a complete answer!! HELL NO, would be much better though!! 3rd: Gift rule #1....accept gifts and be appreciative!! NOW....what happens to the gift afterwards is in God's might get thrown out, accidentally set on fire, haphazardly stepped on 100 times, unwittingly given to Goodwill, or unintentionally thrown in a river!! 😁😜🤨😎😵‍


"I don't care about family." Funny, your cousin didn't seem to care about 'family' when he failed to renew your contract.


I’m wondering why OP’s parents in Story 2 even had children to begin with, when all of OP’s father’s love is focused on Mom and all of OP’s mother love is focused on Mom.


Oh god dont change someone elses dog diet like that. We had a dog with allergies so we were super strict on her diet and what treat she got. some could not understand why we get angry when they gave her a treat cause "well our dog is fine so yours should too".

also some can be sensetiv to changing over to a new food. Trust me, dog with upset stomach leads to more then just farts melting your nose off.


Were the family concerned when op1 was let go?


Regarding the dog food, I had a friend who worked in a dog food factory. He said he used to watch the "cheap" bags of dog food being filled on the production line then they would switch to the bags for more "expensive" brands of dog food and fill those bags with the exact, same dog food! OP had every right to be very angry. You don't take it upon yourself to change another person's dog's diet just because you don't agree with what they are feeding the dogs


OP isn't shitty in the second story. She got the bag from them and then went no contact. Thats how you do it people, go low contact and steal their money when you got what you need go no contact.


Wow story 3, that last commenter has obviously not been involved in a divorce from the childs perspective. Step parents don't automatically become just as good as real parents, it often goes one of 2 ways, either the step parent is overbearing trying to be the new mommy or daddy, or the step parent treats the kid like crap because that kid is a representation of the "other" spouse in the actual parents life. Obviously a child is going to be happiest with the idea of both his or her parents being together, as this is societal norm. (and this is regardless of age) The child winds up in usually an aweful and unceartain circumstance in between the divorce and new marriage, then has a stranger show up and you are just supposed to accept them as family. You obviously get used to the person, and become happy for your parent, but that doesn't mean you are happy.


As soon as they said “glama-shower” my mind instantly went to the handmade’s tale, when they give birth and so “does” the wife


On the story about the family photo as a "gift" I'm with nta for op. Years ago my uncle came out as gay after 10 years of marriage with six kids with my aunt. They lived in a ultra conservative town where you never come out of the closet so when they divorced she took him to court and got full custody over the fact he was a sexual deviant and probably would do stuff to the kids (not true he was a great father and wonderful person whom I miss) she when remarried and the guy was a child molester so the kids had a lot of bad memories while their defended her new husband for years. When her youngest got married the wedding gift to her was a family photo with the molester because she had one with her real father before he died but the mother didnt want it on display. We burned it and she went NC with mom and the monster


They’re mad you won’t save their asses. Treat them the same way you would any other business. Your services are no longer needed, right? Never EVER forget that, and keep repeating it every single time you are asked.
