【PALWORLD】We're SO OK (EN Server)

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Thumbnail Art:
@dgDWNrvCUX54714 thank you!

Advent: #holoAdvent
Live: #LIVEseki
Memes: #LMOAI
Art: #bijouwled
Pebble Personas: #pebblesona (Please be aware if you use this hashtag your art may appear on stream or other future projects!)


This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Pocketpair.

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Reactive png: @keenbiscuit
Room Bg: @Resu_desu
Opening Bg: @Aduare_rp
Ending Bg: @GhweSu_M
Transition: @RefinedDium

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Рекомендации по теме

7:22:57 rocks can’t really die but if they did, we now know they go BWEGH — Nature journal, probably


2:44:10 Sooo... she doesn't know yet that besides ore there is also sulfur, coal and pure quartz that has to be mined later in the game...


*TIMESTAMPS* (Start: 0:55 / Glitch: 1:55:57)
*[BIBOO* *LUCK:* *2%* *And* *a* *Dream…]*
53:53 *(2%)* New pal: *Kingpaca!*
1:58:21 *(2%)* New Pal: *Katress*
2:00:11 *(2%)* New Pal: *Hellzephyr*
2:02:35 *(2%)* New pal: *Shiny* *Bristla*
*Bonus:* 5:39:26 *(4%)* First Try! *Grintale*


*[1.* *SHINY* *Chikipi]*
0:55 Starting The Stream Off With a Shiny KFP!
1:25 *Captured!*

*[2.* *SHINY* *Bristla]*
2:01:16 SHINY!
2:01:32 Pal sphere SPAM
2:02:35 *(2%)* *Captured!*

*[3.* *SHINY* *Flopie]*
2:15:48 Hearing a shiny AGAIN??
2:17:01 FInding the SHiny!
2:17:18 Catching attempts begin
2:18:07 "3% Isn’t bad…"
2:19:07 *Fighting* *begins*
2:21:41 "I’m so nervous..”
2:21:52 "I’m not gonna run out of arrows”
2:23:53 IT Teleported and De-aggroed!
2:24:37 Close!
2:25:08 *Captured!*

*[4.* *SHINY* *Cremis]*
3:13:34 SHINY! Biboo asks Nerissa For help!
3:21:44 Nerissa arrives!
3:23:03 *Captured!* “Nerissa Thank you! I love YOU!!”

49:57 *DEFEAT* "UWEGH!
1:09:30 *DEFEAT* "hahahaha I died Funny.."
2:09:55 *DEFEAT* (Sudoku To get Unst*ck)
2:14:00 *DEFEAT* "UUUWEHH!"
2:34:23 *DEFEAT* "BWegh.."
2:36:09 *DEFEAT* "Ah! IYAHUWaAGh!!"
3:12:21 *DEFEAT* "AAAHH-0W!"
4:18:12 *DEFEAT*
5:53:23 *DEFEAT* "It's FIne.."
5:57:32 *DEFEAT* *I* *Die'd* *so* *Hard* *it* *DC'd* *Me!"*
6:18:29 *DEFEAT* "I'm going to blame Lag on that one!"
6:25:02 *DEFEAT* "HOW Did IT KIll ME SO.. DId i get the telpeort?"

*—— *JOINING* *VC* *WITH* *NERISSA* *(1)——*

1:07:32 Nerissa in VC!

1:08:45 Nerissa Tells Biboo her coordinates
1:09:30 *DEFEAT* "hahahaha I died Funny.."
01:10:32 *Nerissa’s* *Base!*
1:13:48 “We're all suffering at the Ravencroft Camp”
1:16:38 Biboo shows nerissa her silly Dino!
1:17:52 Why is Yamato attacking Nerissa?
1:18:13 Biboo Fires *Biboo* *Trigger* at Nerissa
1:18:34 Nox VS Nox..
1:19:58 RIp Nerissa
1:21:32 Back With Nerissa

1:22:49 Biboo Introduces Nerissa to *_buddy.._*
1:23:39 Showng her the BiBar
1:24:04 *Sign:* "Rock hard constructions! We’re ROCK HARD Wholesomely!"
1:25:23 Go to The world Tree Together?
1:27:11 Egg adoption center: *“I* *Steal* *Your* *eggs!”* - Nerissa
1:28:35 *Saying* *bye* *To* *Nerissa!*

*——JOINING* *VC* *WITH* *NERISSA* *(2)——*

*[Nerissa* *asks* *for* *help]*
1:44:17 Nerissa Needs help to transfer to a new Base
1:47:57 Bibo’s Base is *CHAOS*
1:49:23 Biboo To the Rescue!! Neighbours!”
1:49:47 *Saying* *bye* *To* *Nerissa!*

*——JOINING* *VC* *WITH* *NERISSA* *(3)——*

*[Catching* *SHINY* *Cremis* *With* *Nerissa!] *
3:13:34 SHINY! Biboo asks Nerissa For help!
3:14:42 *Nerissaa* *Joins* *VC*
3:15:26 Biboo Explains her situation "I Don't have any balls"
3:16:04 Giving Nerissa her coordinates
3:17:08 “I will work so hard to make medicine for your pals”
3:20:00 Shiny Over The water
3:20:25 Cremis drowns?
3:21:44 Nerissa arrives! / Fight begins!
3:22:54 Nerissa helps!
3:23:03 *Captured!* “Nerissa Thank you! I love YOU!!”
3:24:00 *Saying* *bye* *To* *Nerissa!* / “Nerissa’s the best”

*——JOINING* *VC* *WITH* *NERISSA* *(4)——*

*[Watching* *Nerissa* *VS* *Mammorest]*
3:44:30 Nerissa's being Raided?
3:45:12 Friendly fire: "THat's mee!! That's me!!"
3:45:32 *RIP* *Nerissa*
3:44:43 Nerissa in *VC*
4:45:54 *RIP* *Nerissa:* *YEET!*

*[BOSS:* *Kingpaca* *(Lvl* *23)]*
49:03 "Why are they made at me already!?"
49:20 Come back I won’t hurt you! ...Ok maybe a little bit."
49:57 *DEFEAT*
50:44 "Who’s Laughing!? Don't laugh at me!”
51:05 Poor Hakos baelz Pals Stress Eating…
52:20 *Sneaking:* Oh They’re asleep.. That's good…
53:00 *Fight* *attempt* *2!*
53:50 Aim doko?
54:06 *(2%)* *Captured!*

*[BOSS:* *Penking* *(Lvl* *15)]*
5:09:56 Assassinating the Pengullet first
5:10:31 Fighting Boss!
5:11:21 *Captured!*

*[BOSS:* *Grintale* *(Lvl* *17)]*
5:38:14 Start
5:39:26 *(16%)* *Captured!*

*[BOSS:* *Bushi* *(Lvl* *23)]*
5:55:16 Attempt *(1)*
5:56:01 Judgment cut!
5:57:18 "I feel This one should be Named Yamato Instead!"
5:57:32 *DEFEAT* (RIP Game)
5:58:36 Biboo’s back!
6:01:55 Attempt *(2)*
6:04:25 *Captured!*

*[BOSS:* *Nightwing* *Llvl* *18)]*
6:17:40 Fighting!
6:18:23 *DEFEAT!*
6:21:10 Attempt *(2)*
6:22:00 *Boss* *Eliminated!*
6:22:29 Why is the music still On?

*[BOSS:* *Felbat* *(Lvl* *23)]*
6:48:23 Start!
6:49:55 NOO!! WISAA!!
6:51:35 *Captured!*

1:55:57 *Glitch:* Deer SImulator
2:09:20 *Glitch:* Biboo St*ck
3:43:20 *Glitch:* RIP Buddy...
4:22:42 *Glitch:* Why are her shiny pals Glowing?

*[A* *Few* *Pal* *Kills]*
40:44 *RIP* *Cremis* ‘OOOH!!!! .. Ok.”
48:15 *RIP* *Cremis* “I’m so Sorry.. / "roll around at the speed of sound~`"
1:00:50 *RIP* *Jolthog..* Nooo! Don’t roll away!! I’m so sorry!”
4:03:32 *RIP* *JEEP:* “Get in the ball; Before they hurt you”! /”Who sniped that Jeep ?”

1:24 - (SHINY) Chikipi
33:04 - Arsox
44:24 - Incineram
44:50 - Leeezpun
54:01 - Kingpaca
1:58:19 - Katress
2:00:01 - Helzephyr
2:02:35 - (SHINY) Bristla
2:25:03 - (SHINY) Flopie
3:23:03 - (SHINY) Cremis
4:07:42 - Cawgnito
4:25:32 - Jormuntide
5:11:21 -Penking
5:39:26 -Grintale
6:51:30 - Felbat
6:04:30 - Bushi


Eep well Biboo! Thank you for all the back-to-back streams!


Last 7:30h and I will have caught up with all Biboo's palworld stream in 2 days


Wow Biboo you are so cheery and entertaining. Coming from Rissa I am really happy to watch your streams in vod form. Super entertaining smol rock lady Biboo


Bijou is going to be the queen of Palworld EN so far ahead of everyone else.


Thank you for the fun stream, Biboo!!!
Damn, your luck was unbelievable!! 4 shinies, so many low % catches, you really learned how to harvest the luck of the Pebbles, huh? Although I'd argue we are also blessed watching you have so much fun~ Lots of progress, the neighborhood's expending, love the Pal Holo arc~


Great stream, Bijou! This was great and you got so many shinies. Also she talked about maybe being interested in Tekken which gives me hope of a stream one day.


1:31:30 that Massanda had something personal against that Nox lol


That art thumbnail such a Chad and rock aswell 😎


Thanks for the stream Biboo! Really glad you were able to catch up despite the data loss. It's also great that you liked the Visions of V manga. Just some things I want to say about it...

SPOILERS for Devil May Cry 5: Visions of V

I liked how some of the scenes from the game become much more important or take on another meaning after seeing them from V's perspective. From V stumbling after killing the demon horse, V failing to save Trish and having Dante rescue her instead, Trish saving V, and Nero saving V are some good examples. In the game they just seem like dramatic moments meant to extend gameplay or build tension, but the manga shows that V was actually having character development during these parts, which makes it really cool. My favorite part after Nero saves V. In the game we see V smirk and you think that it's because he's evil and plotting something, but the manga shows that it's because he is actually being chuuni and thinks he's manipulating Nero.

I also like the revelation that in the end, what Vergil wanted wasn't to save his mother, but instead that his mother saved him. You can see it in the game, but it becomes much more obvious in the manga. It really adds to his character and makes the scenes of him being saved become more impactful. I've seen other examples of villain backstories that either make the character seem dumb or have flimsy motivations, but this one does a really good job of making Vergil still seem really cool without detracting from his character.


Can't wait for her to show off her Bushi to Nerissa.


Thank you for the fun stream biboo!! !! :D


If Biboo don't want to do anything with Buddy. Perhaps she could spend some pal souls to enhance his Work Speed.🤔
Or maybe enhance Jordan RAMsay's work speed, so he can cook these cakes even faster.


She didn't get into fusing yet, but I wonder, can you use basic version of the same specie to enhance bosses and lucky pals?


thankyou for stream bibo, sometimes are laggy but don't worry 😁


Thank you for the stream, Biboo It was a lot of fun seeing you today in Palworld. Got so far today and got lota of good things happen today with all the pals, the base, the shinies and the bosses eep well Biboo


The luck was off the chart in this session ! Plenty of shinies, smol chances to catch Pals but Gacha power was with Biboo
Very jood progress ! Many places explored, many bosses done and many levels up ! Even if some times you went "BWEH ", you didn't stop !
And Nerissa joining the EN village and elping you for cute shiny, yeaaah
Thank you for the very comfy and funny stream, Biboo, it's always a (berried) delight, ehe !Biboo later~ !


Good work with the exploration and progress you made today. Thanks for the stream, Biboo. See you next stream.
