Palworld - Do This FIRST on a New Account!!

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In today's video I'm going to show you the most insane start to Palworld that you have ever seen! I'll be showing you how to get your first weapon, infinite ammo, infinite gold, and the STRONGEST Pals in the entire game in just one sitting! This video will be created as the best start to Palworld as a Duo, but this could easily also be used for a solo player. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the video!

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Contents of this video:
0:00 - Intro
2:51 - Respawn to collect all fast travel locations and free technology points **PATCHED**
5:14 - Catch Cattiva and Build a Primitive Workbench
6:29 - Catch Celray VERY IMPORTANT
7:22 - Catch 3 Vixy EACH for infinite sphere farm
8:17 - Setup Vixy/Infinite Gold Farm - Player 1
12:24 - Buying OP Pals from the Black Marketeer
14:02 - Better Player 1 location
14:54 - Setup Vixy/Infinite Gold Farm - Player 2
15:27 - Journey to Fisherman’s Point to get INSANE Gear
18:19 - Buying OP Gear and Pals EARLY
20:15 - Building Your First Farming base
23:59 - Power lvl to 15 for your first flying mount
26:14 - Defeat First Boss and Craft Nitewing Saddle
28:53 - Get Jormuntide Ignis Egg
30:44 - Lvl to 19 and catch pals for breeding combos
33:44 - Breeding Farm Setup
35:49 - Breeding Combos for the most OP Pals :)
36:13 - The Payoff! - Best Pals in the entire Game
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Just in case anyone is having difficulties or is unaware of changes, to Respawn to different locations you have to have multiplayer on even if you are playing solo.


I'd add that it's easier to get the Fisherman's Point teleport before you build your first base. As you're traveling along the beach, you can build a base to use as a respawn point. As you get further along, you can open your map, disassemble your previous base using the V key, then rebuild it further along for a new checkpoint.

Really helpful in case the mobs kill you so you don't have to run the whole way from the initial teleport.


31:04 you know if you breed a relaxasaurus with a Nightwing that can also get you quiverin
Edit: 32:10 breed a tombat with a relaxasaurus to get penking, breed it with a quiverin and get Mossanda.


If anyone is struggling finding the huge dragon egg on the volcano. Go north to the ruined fortress city. Tons of eggs in the open all in one condensed area. Grab them all, reset your game and you’ll find it faster than just flying around the lava for an hour


The best guide video for palworld, i started playing it 2days before only and i saw your video few hours ago only, its really good bro, keep making videos, they are great!!


BIG TIP: To respawn the Black Marketeer, just return to the main menu and reload the game. 100% garanteed respawn even on the first place shown on the video, no return to base or suicide needed.


Archipelago is pronounced "Arr-Kuh-Pel-Uh-Go"


Thank you so much for this video and your other Palworld ones 😁 I'm on Level 32 or so at the moment but I'm ever so tempted to start from scratch tomorrow so I can follow your guidelines to make farming etc. easier. Especially getting Jormuntide Ignis early on 😁


Great showcase, though I wonder if you pursued too many objectives early on in the process. You could skip the whole base + Vixy trick early on and use the palbox to get to the fisherman's village right away. Alternatively you could lean into the vixy and just power level to 15 and get a nightwing, then fly over the same path without the headache. Likewise, if you wanted to skip getting the Qivern you could Anubis + Vanywrm = Faleris + Lyleen = Jorm.

With the recent breeding addition a Jorm + blazehowl = Jorm Ignis so its a lot easier than hunting for the egg. You could go direct with Azurobe + Eikthydeer = Blazehowl, or if you want to pick up the best cooling pal in the process you could go Relax + Tanzee = Foxicle + Vanwyrm = *Van cryst* + Chillet = Blazehowl. dealers choice.

A lot of folks worry about breeding with Relax as the Glutton trait gets passed on however if you take a quick detour and breed 2x Relax together its about a 50/50 that you will get one without glutton. It might be worth investing ~3 cakes at the start of the process to save the food cost down the line.


I saw this same information a month ago on SwoleBenji's channel. Good to see the info. is still good and hasn't been patchef


What I do is buy a bunch of mega spheres then catch all 3 merchants. Just keep throwing spheres and rolling around until you get them. Then you will have all 3 merchants to use at your base.


I thought this game was going to be some stupid, weird trend. I traded a friend an indy game he wanted for a copy on release and last weekend i logged un fir the first time. I've been hooked since. If they added fishing and eirher fixed the carry weight or the weight of items to a more manageable system, and maybe start adding more pals and zonez more regularly, id probably never be able to put it down. Already just bought a steamdeck just to play it in the go, lol


in case you didnt know you can also go back to title after you have killed the black market guy it'll respawn him even if you right next to him


Btw if the black marketeer doesn't spawn, you just got unlucky. wait for a day for it to spawn in


The weird thing is by playing the game normally at level 24 I was able to get 3 of those just by myself and playing normally and smart. I know it's not level 20 with all 4 of them but I think it's not a huge difference. Some tips were pretty good to know but others just feel unnecessary.


A tip to get the black market trader spawning reliably is it going to the dungeon nearby on all the testing I’ve done it spawns in like 75% of all time also you have to complete the dungeon


Alternatively to going to town whenever you need to buy the cake materials, get a ton of spheres, catch him, then put him in your base whenever you need to buy stuff, then swap him back out, or just have him in your party I guess.


Hey they updated Jormintide Ignis's breeding chart you can now get him by breeding a Jormintide and a Blazehowl. And getting a Blazehowl is super easy to just breed the Celeray with the Anubis you breed. Or if you're like me and don't want glutton from Relaxaurus you can also breed the Jormintide with a Rushoar. Because the spawn chance for the Huge Dragon Egg is 0.3% I know this because I spent a day flying around on Vanwyrm looking for the egg and never found it, so I looked it up, just to end up catching and breeding a Blazehowl. Skip the egg step if you're unlucky like me you'll waste a ton of time.


Bro I just was going along the coast to get jormuntide ingus but I found a huge dragon egg😂


Loaded up this game yesterday . All i did was build me a house and just from that I got to level 20
