'Use This FORMULA To Achieve ANYTHING YOU WANT!' | Dr. Joe Dispenza & Lewis Howes

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Thank you for watching this powerful interview with Dr. Joe Dispenza!

Dr. Joe Joe Dispenza, D.C. is an international lecturer, researcher, corporate consultant, author, and educator who has been invited to speak in more than 32 countries on five continents.

As a lecturer and educator, he is driven by the conviction that each of us has the potential for greatness and unlimited abilities. In his easy-to-understand, encouraging, and compassionate style, he has educated thousands of people, detailing how they can rewire their brains and recondition their bodies to make lasting changes.

As a researcher, Dr. Joe’s passion can be found at the intersection of the latest findings from the fields of neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics to explore the science behind spontaneous remissions. He uses that knowledge to help people heal themselves of illnesses, chronic conditions, and even terminal diseases so they can enjoy a more fulfilled and happy life, as well as evolve their consciousness.

The mind is so much more powerful than we give it credit for. Be ready to open your mind, learn how to be present, and heal yourself permanently on Episode 679.

Some Questions I Ask:
What was the theory about water from What the Bleep? (1:17)
What are the four common things people do to heal with their mind? (8:44)
How do we become greater than the body? (14:44)
Do you rehearse where you want to be daily?(23:17)
What does it take to change? (32:35)
Your body will create balance for you? (38:27)
What if we want good things to come faster? (46:22)
When was the last time you felt an overwhelming about of love? (50:44)
What’s your definition of surrender? (58:07)
What challenge would you give out listeners? (1:06:24)

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Lewis Howes' New Book - The Mask of Masculinity

Heal Your Body WITH YOUR MIND: Dr. Joe Dispenza
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You can tell how authentic Joe Dispenza is by noticing how he lights up when he talks about his work. He is the real deal. His passion is a living embodiment of the veracity of what he is saying.


Love Dr Joe. I healed from “incurable” metastasised Ovarian Cancer with the power of belief and following my intuition. Thank you for bringing this powerful way of healing to people’s attention. This is the way of healing in the future, I believe.


I cured my lymphoma cancer using my mind, I was scared to go through chemo and all that sad way of healing the body so I started focusing on my lymp nodes and on my body I meditated I fasted and after about 10 days I woke up and my lymph nodes went back to normal...no more pain, I was shocked I was happy and that day I understood that there so much more about life that I do not know


I wish everyone a epic recovery that might be listening, peace and love.


"success is a side effect of who you are" love that. great interview bro, enjoying it.


I am a stage 4 cancer patient, involving 1 lung, liver, and 90% of my colon gone.
Was given 6 months to live.
It is now a year later, and had my doctor tell me I was in spontaneous remission.
Refused chemo, and radiation. As a Christian, I turned it over to Christ, and whether I live, or whether I die, I am the Lord's.
I live with cancer. Refuse to think of dying from it.


I cured the flu in 40 minutes of this meditation holding good feeling & gratitude. From 104° fever aches, pain, tired to 100% normal!! Everyone else in the house took two weeks to be fully over it.


“When you become someone else, no one can take that away from you.” Love it


" you don't see things as they are. You see them as you are "


Shaping consciousness consciously!! haha
I had a spontaneous healing experience when I was younger that I'd like to share. I had a hernia in my teens but hid it from my parents. I hid it for years and convinced myself it was the C word. After 5 years of having this hernia above my groin I finally had an emotional breakdown and opened up about it. When I finally saw a doctor he laughed and said "this is a small hernia in comparison to most people...it will heal on its week later it healed on its own. This experience made me realize that the hernia was a manifestation of THOUGHT and I only needed "permission" to let it go. Give yourself permission! It's important! Remember that you deserve to be healthy & happy; It's your birthright!!!


"Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof." Proverbs 18:21


I am grateful that we all have the power of our minds. I am recovering from cancer now it's hard I felt like quitting I couldn't take it anymore. Now I'm hopeful I can get through this. I am through this I am healed I can do this. I love me I love you!


"The 1st step to CHANGE is to be conscious of how you THINK, to NOTICE how you ACT, to PAY ATTENTION to how you FEEL." "Remember: the moment you start reacting emotionally, 'EMOTIONS ARE A RECORD OF THE PAST'. If emotions are driving your thoughts; you're thinking in the PAST". (And living in the past while wanting to create a different future. Sounds like the often quoted definition of INSANITY: doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.) ...SO many gems in this interview! MUCH thanks and gratitude to you Lewis for bringing this to us and to Joe for your unrelenting passion in delivering what I've/we've been waiting for- FOREVER to make this connection to Source-


Should be taught in school from grade 1. Can we get a thumbs up?


"Success is the side effect of who you are!" - how true, deep and wonderful statement!


If your thoughts can make you sick, your thoughts can make you well ❤️


Listen and you will heal (period) This is free medicine. Thank you


This guy is incredible and believable. My life spent in flight mode from a shitty past, diagnosed with lymphoma 2.5 years ago. Vegan diet and mind audit, together with meditation and breaking a lifetime of bad thoughts = healing. I am getting there. I want to meet Dr J for a hug. God bless x


"The divine lives in every human being, we have to make an effort to connect with it.  We are the creators of our lives and not the victims of our lives, invest in urself.  Find time to forgive others and ourselves. Start fresh, the next day is refreshing.  It is not our purpose in life to be intelligent, beautiful…etc, our purpose is to remove those blocks that stand in the way between us and that divine intelligence.  When you do, you become more giving, more loving, more conscious, more mindful, more willful, it becomes our nature and then we do not have to try to be liked or important or recognized, we are then just happy for no reasons. I think that is the natural state of being" Dr. Joe Dispenza simply rocks.


If you find yourself reacting negatively to a situation, change your emotions, start laughing, laugh hard, get right into it. Change that negative emotion!
