NASA | Ask a Climate Scientist: Global Warming Pause?

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Is there a pause in global warming?

There's not really a pause in global warming. Sometimes there's natural fluctuations and we warm up a little faster in one decade and a little slower in another decade, but global warming, human-caused climate change? Josh says, "that's definitely going right on up in there. We haven't slowed down at all."

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The Oceans ate my warming...

That´s like the dog ate my homeword excuse!!!


"you know, like, paws are for kittens and puppies... "

wow, scientific genius like this is just too much for a rube like me to handle.


The whole global warming thing is a huge propaganda.


The sea level went up but the cost line has stayed the same. Something isn't adding up here?


Nice chart. Would you mind if I include it in my how to lie with statistics paper?


Cigarette smoking causes an estimated 443, 000 deaths each year, including approximately 49, 000 deaths due to exposure to secondhand smoke.
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among both men and women in the United States, and 90 percent of lung cancer deaths among men and approximately 80 percent of lung cancer deaths among women are due to smoking.
I'm pretty sure not all of them worked in mines.


My questions were rhetorical - they did not require a reply. The point is that we do not want Gov't telling us what we can and can't do to our own bodies in the privacy of our own homes. There are some people who think Gov't must force people to "behave".

Just remember: a Gov't powerful enough to provide everything for you is also powerful enough to take everything you have. Cherish your freedoms while you can - our children and grandchildren are losing them hand over fist.


"calm down everybody, you can still panic" - said while cracking a smile.
one thing's for sure: we live in interesting times.


I think medicine should be based on physiological science, not on "statistical correlations". For example, did you know the studies that linked cigarette smoking to cancer were done on people living in coal-mining communities? Coal miners back in those days were exposed to significant amounts of radiation. What's the likelihood that radiation caused some viruses to mutate, thereby starting the spread of cancer? When was the first confirmed case of cancer? Hint: it was long before cigarettes.


Try reading the studies without predetermined bias making you jump to conclusions whenever data is presented. Also I would recommend learning about statistical inference and interferometry, particularly how they are applied to analysis and measurements respectively. Ultimately the science is very complicated, so you do end up having to rely on authority at some point (not like you can launch your own satellite to confirm their findings) - but trust that there is no agenda from the scientists.


Well, if Josh said it, it must be so then...


Is this the same Josh Willis that actually apologised for not finding enough heat in the oceans on his first presentation on ARGO ? Funny how only the information from bouys reading cool was discarded.


asking an environmentalist if man caused global warming is like asking a Steelers fan if the Ravens are a better team.


Depends on what standard of living you want and how quickly our technology can adapt to our needs and wants and the available resources etc. Can the Earth support 10 billion people? Sure, probably - can it support ten billion people consuming as we are currently? No way.


I work in a corner of an office building with no windows. CO2 levels routinely exceed 1500ppmv - this IMPROVES my ability to think clearly and accurately.

There's an awful lot of medical BUNK about CO2 making its way onto the internet. I'm no doctor, but I'm intelligent enough to do my own research, and cross-check the information I encounter. I'd caution you to do the same. Educate yourself so you can spot the lies.


Asking scientists, on the other hand, is quite useful. And if they're ever wrong, all you need to do is prove it.


Oh, you seem to be confusing carbon MONOxide (CO) with carbon DIOxide (CO2).

Increasing CO2 in the bloodstream RELAXES blood vessels throughout the body - especially in the brain.

Carbon dioxide plays one of the central roles in respiratory alkalosis. Note, however, that tissue hypoxia due to critically-low carbon dioxide level in the alveoli is usually the main life-threatening factor in the severely sick. As we discussed before, CO2 is crucial for vasodilation and the Bohr effect.


You need to know, the correct term is "hiatus".

They should have asked if there is an "hiatus", then we might have gotten an different answer…


All I could find was abstracts so can't really judge, but the same issue abstract - "Temperatures across nearly all of Australia increased through the 20th century, as did sea surface temperatures in the surrounding oceans. It seems likely that much of the warming is due to increased atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases." It also states that there is some evidence that rainfall has also been affected by human activity, but results are less convincing than for the warming evidence."


I remember being taught in school that we were coming out of an ice age. What's all this global warming shit?
