A Year of Tragedy, Loss, Struggle & Hope | A Year Full of Tisha B'avs

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This has been the most tragic year for the Jewish nation since the Holocaust.

October 7th changed the world, Israel, families and individuals lives forever.

This film focuses on the challenges of the individuals and how they find the light to carry on.

By: Rabbi Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginzberg & Yaakov Langer

Note: Yaakov here, I’m so sorry some subtitles aren’t accurate. We spent hours on this film and last second had to rush them in. Again. So sorry. Thanks for watching and sharing 🥹

Special Thanks To:

Josh Wander
Rabbi Shay Schachter
Yoni Schwartz
Gi Orman
Peninah Kaufman
Dr. Shilo Kramer
Devorah Rosenberg
Ari Gold
Eli Levin
and to all the people who helped us make this film

#israel #jewish #october7th
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This is the best piece of frum media I have ever seen. A beautiful mix of war testimony, divrei chizuk from roshei yeshiva/rabbanim, and interviews with surviving relatives of victims, all woven together into a message of pure Jewish pride and eternity. 10/10. A yasher koach gadol.


Non jewish person from Switzerland here…I mourn, fast, pray and hope with you Israel…your resilience, hope strength and courage is such a strong testimony to the world…in the darkest of times the beauty of Kehilat Israel shines the brightest. I pray that this Tisha b‘Av will become one of great miracles for Israel. Am Israel Chai!
I pray that I will be able to visit Israel soon.🙏🏼
A big hug and love from the nations❤🇮🇱


Christian from USA we are mourning with you too. In spite of what it may look like on the outside we are many standing in solidarity with you and the Nation of Israel! May the God of peace give you strength and surround you with love and support from unexpected places! This is the most moving and inspiring film . May we never forget those who lost their lives and those who mourn. Sending all my love and prayers. 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭


Please consider this a hug from a person who loves and grieves with all of you.💐💐💐🇮🇱🇮🇱🇺🇸🇺🇸


Today is my childhood friend's birthday. She was murdered during the second intifada on her way home from school when her bus was ambushed. I was supposed to see her on my birthright trip to Israel. She was killed 2 months before. I miss her so much and still think of her. Her family went through a lot. May this be out last Tisha B'av we mourn. Besorot tovot to all


I am watching your testimonials from Malta. I am in tears for your sadness but also listening to you with immense humbleness for your resilience for life, the determination to re-build and for blessing the memories of your loved ones. Le Chaim. Am Israel Chai 🎗💙🇮🇱🇲🇹💙🎗


Thank you for this reminder of October 7. I have followed since news broke here in America. This is sobering. As an American Christian I am grief stricken over October 7, and the atrocities inflicted on Israelis and Jews since. Ever since learning about the Holocaust and the history of the Jews I never thought I’d see such things in my lifetime. I appreciate this video and believe all should continue to watch and see the videos. We should never forget or accept what happened on October 7! Prayers and love ❤


I have cried many tears for our Jewish nation
We will all be together one day


"One day, when we hear the knock on the door, it won't be the Malach HaMaves. It will be Besoros Tovos."
...It will be Mashiach. May he come today!


So painful ...but also so inspiring insightful and even uplifting. These people demonstrate such incredible examples of inner strength and resilience . They reveal the the power man has to find deep wellsprings of Emuna within. The producers of this video have done us a great service. We need to work to keep the many messages contained here fresh in our minds.


Thank you for sharing these stories sensitively, without any graphic images. So much of what has been shared these past few months includes graphic imagery, which is not appropriate or needed for those of us who know what happened and feel the hurt of it every day. This was a way for us to connect with and feel for the pain of these families, our family, our brothers and sisters, without being re-traumatized 💙


I was particularly inspired by the wife who said (summarizing), My husband didn't just die a hero; he lived as a hero. That message (which was shared and described by other interiewees) touched me : Live the life of a hero.
Thank you Living L'Chaim - how apropos to your name


Every person who was interviewed is a beautiful neshama. May Hashem bless every single one of them and their families with many blessings 🙏🏻
They are me heroes ❤


This was so well done, being so sensitive to these people's pain, and letting them express themselves so beautifully. The struggles and strength of these people is incredibly inspirational. May Hashem bless them with only revealed good from now on, and may Moshiach come soon and bring back their loved ones. Am Yisroel Chai!!!


❤️love from Australia. Your people shall be my people.❤️🇦🇺🦋


Wow so so powerful! May Moshiach come and end all this trauma and sadness! May we merit his coming this yr! Amen! 🙏


"We live in Hashem's world. ..not in our world"
The tears are countless, but we must awaken with a new strength & an immortal unity.


I stand with Israel, I stand with the IDF. God bless and protect Israel, God bless and protect the IDF. I pray for you each day and for the peace of Jerusalem. I pray God gives you wisdom and discernment to deal with your enemies.


THIS IS THE MATERIAL THAT MUST BE SHOWN ALL AROUND THE WORLD! To raise the awareness and show the suffering of Israel! Am Israel chai!


Im sitting here as Tisha Bav comes to an end crying as i watch this video. The stories and pain is so heartbreaking its unbearable but then I also have another feeling, one of immense pride to be part of the jewish people, to see the response of these brave people is inspiring. Mi Keamcha Yisrael
