HOW TO Give a Great Presentation - 7 Presentation Skills and Tips to Leave an Impression

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Learn the best tips and tricks to give a great presentation. If you’ve ever given a presentation before, you might know where you can improve and what your strengths are, but Dana has compiled a list of 7 presentation skills and ideas everyone needs to know to make a lasting impression.

Dana Blouin is an entrepreneur currently living in Bangkok, Thailand where he is the co-founder and CEO of his newest company, Mango Labs, a tech startup that is building a new quantified-self platform. Over the past two years, Dana has given hundreds of presentations and talks all over the world. These are the top 7 tips he has put together based on his experiences.

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Tip 8: Speak Slow!
This may be hard if you are nervous but forcing yourself to slow down will help you calm down and your audience to understand the message.


0:38 Know your audience
1:29 Use structures to build on ideas
1:59 Use visuals
2:58 Repetition is your friend
4:09 Have a story to tell
4:46 Be relatable
5:46 Build your confidence with practice


Its currently 1 25 AM and I have to present a project for class at 9 AM. Im currently working on the project and I went to change the music playing on YouTube and I saw this video pop up in my recommend. THANK GOD!


7 wonder ful tips

1.Know Your Audience...
2. Use structure to build on ideas
3.Use visual ( 65% of people are visual learner)
4.Repetition is your friend...
5.Have a story to tell (we remember a story)
6.Be. relatable
7.Build your confidence with practice ( a practice lot)



Personally and in short, I always look at a presentation as a one-sided conversation. You basicly tell about a topic you know something about. Of course, for this you'd have to understand the topic you're talking about. From there you just tell people and put some befitting pictures in your slides which complement your story, the fewer words you put in the slides the better. Knowing the topic is essential to a succesful presentation for me.


Holy shit. I have to give a pretty important presantation tomorrow. You are such a saviour


Just reading the comments I'm glad this video has helped out so many people with presentations tomorrow :))))


This is the best advice on public speaking I've seen so far. Most others were painful and solidified why I fear and dislike talking to an audience.


Love these school/education based videos! You've helped me more than most teachers ever have


Great points Dana Blouin and keeping it to seven certainly hits the memory mark, tell a story and be personable is so true, rely on your life experiences whatever age you are...we all love a story, some people say that a presentation is not about you but about the content, thats true to a point but we all remember that stand out person who shared a bit of their life with us or made us laugh or cry...use your voice, use your body and use the audience. Fantastic 7 minutes !


I find that when I practice less, the presentation goes a lot smoother. When I keep practicing, trying to get the timing down, and memorize everything I want to say, I end up failing. The pressure will be too high, and if you forget one thing, you'll stress out. I find that if you just know your general guideline, and know what you're talking about, that you can just go with the flow. It makes me a lot more relaxed and comfortable when I am not stressing about these timings and words, and that makes it also a lot more enjoyable to watch/listen to :)


I have a presentation tomorrow and I’m so nervous. This video helped me to calm down, wish me luck!


I always believe in facing ones fears, and I have a fear of public speaking, but I stood up everytime I got a chance only to get myself embarrassed in front of everyone. So now I am 30 and it has happened so many times that I have literally stopped attending presentations. I believe I have developed a great fear in myself... And today I have one.... Which I could not evade.... Hope this will help


Your educational videos are great man! I learn much from you.


Its very clear how you really algo use these tips to make your vídeos! Man, they're awesome!! I learn a lot with them, thanks


Lol I’m that one person who makes their presentation the night before it’s due.


Really enjoy how your video is so Practical ;) These tips are amazing and keep it up!


This video was so great! I never even thought to 1. know your audience and 5. (I think) tell a story. I just started a YouTube channel so hopefully these tips translate into talking to the camera as well. Thanks so much! I was never a very good story teller but I'll give it a go lol


Great video! I used to struggle with stuttering, but I've gotten a lot better, so don't be discouraged if you are not the best presenter, just take your time. Trust me as much as other people may seem chill they're likely as nervous as you, but have learned to hide it. If you don't know your craft (work) well then try to learn from your mistakes and do more research next time, but don't beat yourself up. :)

I'd also suggest talking slow at the beginning and the end so that you can grasp their attention for the important parts. Maybe if you are being rushed by time, talk medium-paced in between your speech. Maintain a balance so you don't seem rushed as well because it's distracting from your speech. Also show a bit of emotion it always helps the audience connect, just be real about it though find a way you can connect and feel for what you're saying. It's really about mastery, the more you work towards things the better you get.

You.. yes YOU behind the screen. You're going to ACE your presentation, just believe, trust God, and work hard! I believe in you (Even if you mess up, you still did your best)


Very good tips, I did really well my presentation I tried to follow the steps and was successful! Thank you
