How To Give Up Good To Go For Great | Better | NBC News

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The thing that holds people back is the fear of giving up good to go for great, says self-made multi-millionaire and entrepreneur Ryan Levesque. Here's the story of how Ryan took a leap of faith in his pursuit of greatness. He now makes over $10 million a year working from home, and his company is on Inc's list of fastest-growing companies in America.

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How To Give Up Good To Go For Great | Better | NBC News
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Save your money. Get a Passport. Leave a Country that has only two states, only 2!, with laws against the corporal punishment of children in private schools. 48 states have no laws to protect those children. None. From a punch, a kick, a shove or a push. None to stop a minister or any of that schools employees from striking and abusing a child. From not allowing the child to eat or defecate or urinate. You may find this strange and alarming or hard to believe but as a person who has been documenting for years now the abuse doled out to children by its archaic private and public education system it is real. It is real for the victims. It is real for the Child Abuse Investigators from many District Attorneys offices. It is real to the Pediatricians. It is real to the collateral workers involved. As well for the victims in 19 states with no laws against the corporal punishment of children in public schools. An horrific culture of physical abuse against a boy or a girl. A vulnerable individual. A fellow human being.
From the 200 years of the Stubborn Child Laws to the fact that children are being slaughtered in their very own schools it has became the culture in the USA. The lack of humanity. The lack of desire to change. The lack of heart and soul to actually rise up against this disgusting lack of action to protect the most vulnerable.
You have a choice. Stand up for what's right. March in the streets. Call everyday to your local and state and federal representative or continue to enable and support the abuse of children by doing nothing.
Folks this ain't rocket science it's a father asking you to either leave and not be party to this horror or take a stand for children even if they are not your own.


Lol is this a Tim and Eric sketch. I feel like I’m on acid
