Christian Bale's Workout For Batman Begins (Full Program!)
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Here's Christian Bale's workout for Batman Begins! Christian Bale has done some pretty crazy body transformations over the years! From his 60-pound weight loss for The Machinist to his 40-pound fat gain for his Role in Vice! Christian always fully commits himself to his roles and doesn't slack when it comes to his workout program! Christain Bale got super ripped for his role in American Psycho and he did it again for his role as Batman! Christain Bale looks super jacked in Batman Begins and has a very realistic physique! A physique I could really see Batman having in real life! In this video, I'll break down everything you need to know about how Christain Bale trained for Batman Begins and I'll give you a program so you can train just like him!
Day 1&4 Chest+Shoulders+Legs
DB Bench Press 3x8 (DS)
Goblet DB Squat 3x15
Standing Single Arm DB Overhead Press 3x10/side (DS)
Hack Squats/Leg Press 3x10
Metabolic Conditioning 5 Rounds-
DB Squat Thrusters x10
Push-Ups x10
Farmers Carry x45 Seconds
Day 2&5 Back+Biceps+Legs
Trap bar Deadlifts 4x8
Pull-Ups 4x5-10 (Do weighted if too easy)
Lat Pull Down 3x10 (DS)
DB RDL 3x10
Day 3- Upper Body+Conditioning
Incline Press 3x8 (DS)
Bent Over DB Reveres Flys 3x12 (DS)
Metabolic Conditioning 5 Rounds-
Rowing Machine x15 calories
Bear Crawl x30 Seconds
KB Swings x15
DB Lateral Raise 3x12 (DS)
Barbell Bicep Curls 3x10 (DS)
Cable Rope Tricep Extensions 3x12 (DS)
DB Bicep Curls 3x12 (DS)
Ham String Curl 3x10 (DS)
Banded Pull Parts 3x15
Single-Leg Standing Calve Raise 3x10/side
Day 1&4 Chest+Shoulders+Legs
DB Bench Press 3x8 (DS)
Goblet DB Squat 3x15
Standing Single Arm DB Overhead Press 3x10/side (DS)
Hack Squats/Leg Press 3x10
Metabolic Conditioning 5 Rounds-
DB Squat Thrusters x10
Push-Ups x10
Farmers Carry x45 Seconds
Day 2&5 Back+Biceps+Legs
Trap bar Deadlifts 4x8
Pull-Ups 4x5-10 (Do weighted if too easy)
Lat Pull Down 3x10 (DS)
DB RDL 3x10
Day 3- Upper Body+Conditioning
Incline Press 3x8 (DS)
Bent Over DB Reveres Flys 3x12 (DS)
Metabolic Conditioning 5 Rounds-
Rowing Machine x15 calories
Bear Crawl x30 Seconds
KB Swings x15
DB Lateral Raise 3x12 (DS)
Barbell Bicep Curls 3x10 (DS)
Cable Rope Tricep Extensions 3x12 (DS)
DB Bicep Curls 3x12 (DS)
Ham String Curl 3x10 (DS)
Banded Pull Parts 3x15
Single-Leg Standing Calve Raise 3x10/side