Learn the Italian Game in 20 Minutes [Chess Opening Crash Course]

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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov gives you a quick crash course on one of the most popular chess openings, the Italian Game, which happens after the following moves: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4.

You will learn the general opening theory, guidelines, key ideas, attacking plans, common errors, and some cool traps. Instead of just memorizing the opening moves, you will learn and understand the key ideas and purpose of each move.

► Chapters

00:00 Italian Game Chess Opening [Ideas & Plans]
00:24 Why 3.Bc4? Don't memorize moves, understand the opening
01:18 Giuoco Piano, 4.c3
03:34 Pawn sacrifice for a winning attack
04:32 Can you find the winning move for White?
05:00 If White plays 5.d4
06:55 If White plays 5.d3
09:07 Black plays 5...d6, Classical Variation, Giuoco Pianissimo
10:10 If Black delays castling 6...0-0 and plays 6...a6
11:43 Creating an escape square for the c4-bishop
12:33 Most common error by White (DON'T make this mistake)
14:34 If Black plays Bg4, pinning your knight
17:01 Building up the kingside attack
18:46 Summary & Conclusion

#IgorNation #ItalianGame #ChessOpenings #ChessOpening
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Winning move at 4:42 is Bishop takes d6 with checkk, king has no legal moves so Queen is forced to take the Bishop and stop defending f7 leading to Qf7#


► Chapters

00:00 Italian Game Chess Opening [Ideas & Plans]
00:24 Why 3.Bc4? Don't memorize moves, understand the opening
01:18 Giuoco Piano, 4.c3
03:34 Pawn sacrifice for a winning attack
04:32 Can you find the winning move for White?
05:00 If White plays 5.d4
06:55 If White plays 5.d3
09:07 Black plays 5...d6, Classical Variation, Giuoco Pianissimo
10:10 If Black delays castling 6...0-0 and plays 6...a6
11:43 Creating an escape square for the c4-bishop
12:33 Most common error by White (DON'T make this mistake)
14:34 If Black plays Bg4, pinning your knight
17:01 Building up the kingside attack
18:46 Summary & Conclusion


Hello Grandmaster, Giuoco Piano in actual italian means "slow game" but in 1500's italian means something different. "Piano" comes from latin "planus" that means also "clear" "uniform" "simple to understantand". Probably the correct translation of "giuoco piano" is not "slow game" but "standard game". Thanks for your channel, i love it.


The problem is, that my opponents never do the moves like in the tutorials. :D


Italian game has been with me since the very beginning, love this opening it has given me some of my favourite attacking combinations I've ever played. I never studied a ton of theory but just through playing I've encountered many of these ideas before. Playing d5 in the Greco variation before retaking the Bishop is an interesting improvement on what I know, maybe I'll give that a go next time I decide I want violence on the board.


Dear Grandmaster Igor, thank you so much for providing such valuable content for free. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.


Puzzle @ 4:40 solution: Bxd6+, attacking the Queen & King!
Only-move: opponent-Queen moves off the seventh rank to capture the (checking) Bishop; then,
my Queen to f7#.


Wow I'm new in chess. I've really find it frustrating playing the game because I really do not understand how to calculate my moves. But with your channel I feel quite confident. I will start trying out these moves. Thank a lot.


Great video and perfect timing. I have decided to start playing the Italian again. I have a much better understanding of the theory after watching this. Thank you!!!!


I am a 800 level player. I get screwed by bad openings and have such a hard time memorizing all of this. The principles are understood but it's a lot to absorb to avoid falling into common traps right at the beginning of the game.


Thanks for the valuable content! I improved so much after watching your videos


Very informative video Ive been using this opening for 2 years im rated over 1000 now 👍


Great breakdown of the Italian game and possible play by play of the pieces which are the better moves and not so good ones can only help to learn something I probably did not know Thanks Igor more power to you


4:46 I think the best move is Bxd6+.
It is check to the king and also attacking c7 Queen. Then black has only two options Qxd6 or Qe7.
If Qxd6 played, f7 square has no defender. so white just simply plays Qf7 checkmate.
if Qe7 played white just play Bxe7+ to take black's queen. Then black's only move is Kxe7. Because if knight takes e7 bishop, white can play Qf7 checkmate. Then white plays Rxa1 and get huge material advantage and win the game


that was a great video... i have not seen such well explained video anywhere


Thank you so much Igor! This video has helped me a lot. I think I prefer d3 instead of d4 as I don't really like to give up pawns. I like quiet games that aren't too wild.


I’m a beginner and I Love your videos. I watch them over and over. I’m wondering if you could do a video over what to do when somebody refuses your gambit such as the mengarini, englund, or Evans gambits? I seem to get in trouble when they don’t take what I have offered.


1. Bxd6+ Qxd6 (or Qe7 or Ne7) 2. Qf7#


This Video is so important. Thx Igor. 🙏🏽


Hi thanks for your content.
Just a suggestion, make the background color behind your cam dark instead of white, so it’s less strain on the eyes
