This Attack Destroys Even 2500+ ELO Opponents In 10 Moves! 😱

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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov demonstrates a powerful, winning attacking plan in the Italian Game for Black. It's a super-simple yet tricky plan, even causing advanced-level opponents, including 2500-rated players, to find themselves in a losing position in just 10 moves!

This winning plan can be executed in the Giuoco Piano or the Giuoco Pianissimo variation of the Italian Game. Here, Black initiates a quick kingside attack by playing h6 followed by g5, aiming to open up the g-file for the Black rook.

► Chapters

00:00 Powerful Attacking Plan In The Italian Game For Black
00:45 Super-simple Kingside Attacking Plan
01:44 1) If White plays Be3
03:33 Nasty checkmate
04:07 2) If White plays c3-d4, attacking in the center
05:32 -3.8 evaluation for Black
06:47 3) Another funny variation
08:27 4) If White plays the mainline
10:43 5) If White plays Nh2 to prevent g4

#IgorNation #ChessOpenings #ItalianGame
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As a 2000 rated player, bro's gonna give all of our secrets soon xD


Perfect timing! I was just looking for ways to spice up this position as black!


Thank you for introducing me to these many Ideas.


Oh you are that guy, GM of 2496 ELO. Never realised you were that Smirnov but love the way you discuss your thinking, still not at 2000 yet but the videos are awesome and sure way to better my chess. Thanks for sharing


Thank you, Igor. I'm glad I don't play against you.
One interesting idea would be how to recover from a mistake. There are so many possibilities, but maybe you can tell us the thought process of a powerful player who still thinks that he can win.


► Chapters

00:00 Powerful Attacking Plan In The Italian Game For Black
00:45 Super-simple Kingside Attacking Plan
01:44 1) If White plays Be3
03:33 Nasty checkmate
04:07 2) If White plays c3-d4, attacking in the center
05:32 -3.8 evaluation for Black
06:47 3) Another funny variation
08:27 4) If White plays the mainline
10:43 5) If White plays Nh2 to prevent g4


a lot of thanks for making and sharing your video!!


yep. h3 and h6 are moves one should not 'just play' as it weakens the King's position when 0-0. In general it's best to delay 0-0 until you have to, to deploy your Rooks or because of a pin on the horse (so you can do it with tempo gain) or because the opponent already did it.


This is a sweet attack but it relies on a player "developing his pieces", and specifically, white castling too soon and falling into the trap. A great thing to pay attention to when you're learning is, "what (seeming) blunder confuses your opponent?", because if you confuse your opponent it makes it much harder for them to employ a memorized tactic. Then you turn on Igor's voice in your head and go on the attack yourself because confused and under pressure is a great place to have an opponent. They start playing checkers instead of chess very often


Doing this kind of thing from the Czech Pirc is even better because you won't have to deal with the bajillion gambits white can enter before even entering the Italian! 1. e4 d6 2. d4 Nf6 3. Nc3 c6 4. Nf3 (or other) Qa5 5. Bd2 even, or other move like Bc4 you play e5 anyways, block the center along the e-file, drop the queen back to c7, and add Nbd7-f8-g6-f4. (Obviously, play g5 before Ng6.)


At 11:17 if white push g2 to g3 or g4 to g5 and sacrifice it's pawn, g file will be closed! After this Qd1 to Qf3.


stop posting videos about destroying my openings, Igor 🤨 first the Rousseau Gambit, now this 😂


I have trouble against the scotch and scotch gambit with black discouraging me from e5 please help IGOR!!! 😢


" Even if they have not invited you to, you visit their king and it's gonna be checkmate!!
Thanks for the humor.


Very good lesson for us.. but You as other great masters think others...You have a mind open for new ideas that common people don't have😎...great as always but I will forget when I play😇😭


Why would you do this since you are one of the only ones of the best content creators to give us great and useful content on the Italian game 😫😭😭😭


make a video about the Luchinni gambit


Hello igor !
I am 1250 rated and my rating is sky rocketing
Should i purchase the premium course? A lot of players hesitate to invest money in chess.


So what of, after g5, white moves the knight to h2 instead of Bishop to e3 or some other move? I mean, the threat on the g file is pretty obvious right after castling...
EDIT: Oh never mind I see you do address it at the end XD


i did this unknowingly but thanks for the clearity
