Galaxies beyond the Big Bang Terrified Nobel Winner! James Webb telescope Just Finds Strange Things.

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Breathtaking images from the James Webb Space Telescope are now revealing a universe that extends beyond the Big Bang. Following a groundbreaking discovery, scientists are suggesting that we may have finally found evidence of a universe that existed before the Big Bang. Nobel Prize-winning physicist Dr. Roger Penrose recently proposed that if we peer deeper into the Big Bang, we can glimpse a universe that predates it. The new discoveries of the Webb telescope are finally proving that everything did not start with the Big Bang. Get ready to be amazed because what the Webb telescope has found will change everything.

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Well great explanation... This is the best video I have ever seen about cosmology...

I had many questions about the universe but you did a great job here thanks


Fascinating. My ridiculous view is that 'space' must be made of something. Because how can 'space' be growing? What is it? And if empty space is not empty - as it's filled with virtual particles - then the particles must be moving with it, faster than light 🤔 Oh, and I love Sir Penrose's jumpers. He's a legend.


So, if everything is moving away from everything else why is it that the Andromeda galaxy moving towards us.


GUESS WHAT, the expansion still hasn't been proven. it's all based off of red-shift and they really have a long ways to go to understand the multiple causes behind it.


So they are replacing one bad theory with another bad theory. The extent of the non-expanding universe is unknowable. But that will not stop the mathematicians. Expanding accelerating of space is absurd.


My AI lied to me twice yesterday on some basic geology/ topography stuff. I don't think we can throw away scientific speculation yet at this time.


I would have liked to hear more Dr Penrose’s remark about photons. Photons don’t experience time but, also, cannot exist in the most extremely high temperatures know to Cosmology, at least, in context with aftermath of the BB.


As an engineer, not an astronomer or astrophysicist, I always consider that when a problem has many possible solutions, the simplest is generally correct. (I'm probably quoting someone but I don't know who). The way I see it to explain simply why all of the galaxies seem to be accelerating away from each other, is a matter of perspective. Lets stay within the bounds of possibilities.  So, one day there was a big bang and all of the mass was blown out into space. While this was going on, a portion of the mass (say10%) was forced back into a singularity due to back pressure combined with it's own gravity. This singularity has it's own big bang (the one we are in) once the first one has been expanding for millions or billions of years. The mass of the first big bang by now, would most likely be out of reach of our telescopes. So, what we see now is not galaxies being pushed apart by some invisible dark matter or energy, but being pulled into first big bang in all directions around our universe by it's enormous gravity.


I'm not sure why it would be surprising to find more galaxies on the opposite side. I've never understood why every model of the big bang I've ever seen shows the explosion only projecting in ONE direction. Unless there's something blocking and funneling the blast, I've never heard of an explosion that only goes one direction.


OK, here's a different tack.
1. The Cosmos has always existed and always will
2. Embedded throught the cosmos are 'Universes'.
3. These Universes have likely always been there.
4. Occasionally a black hole will be soooo massive it reaches it's limit and creates a New Bang that refreshes that local patch of the cosmos.
5. The Cosmos is ETERNAL.


Does anyone actually comprehend what infinite means? I don't think so.


Instead of completely discarding the big bang theory atheist science simply made it unfalsifiable.


Presentation tip: "That's all for today" needed a second or two before them - for dramatic pause, allowing those presentation-ending "cosmos" words/concepts to reverb a little (in our heads, not suggesting an audio effect!). Respecting and encouraging the gravitas of that moment. Rather than being un-immersed so unexpectedly quickly.


Universe is infinite. No question about it. Our local Universe is one of the greater infinite universe that we can see.


The last thing he said implies time existed before the Big Bang also. And it’s because the photon from our fairest observations is older. It’s support for what we are seeing. Not an explaination but a major clue.


shouldn't the size of the galaxies increase as the fabric expands?


The bang happening but was one of many big bangs that is why you will find and see other things like stars and planets out side of our big bang and the space between each big bang is unimaginable large


If the sheet of paper is being pulled equally in all direction, there is a "center" point that has all the expansion moving away from it. If the wave front of spacetime is roughly spherical we would see all cosmic features moving away from each other, but there would still be a point of equilibrium where expansion moved "outward" in all directions. No?


More scientific facts demonstrated that the red or the blue shift of galaxies are not corolated with expension of the univers, but are rather related to the age of them.


1.Our big bang might have been caused by the explosion of a giant black hole of previous universe.
2.The dark energy of the previous universe might have been the dominant force in expansion of the latter and at the same time caused turbulence in some pockets thereby merging two or more galaxies including black holes .
3.Due to expansion of the previous universe a time might have come where merged black holes was /were left abandoned and might have consumed all the stars and dust particles near the vicinity. Nothing to feed on, the giant merged black hole might have got weakened and being unable to withstand pressure exerted by the primordial dark energy(of previous universe) ultimately might have exploded giving birth to the new universe (our universe) in certain pocket of the previous universe . That's why we see now some galaxies both old and new in some areas of the hyper space (of previous universe) which are not of our universe.
Further research may be done on these lines.
