Hard resetting via RTS pin : Fixed & Explained

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I know you are struggling with this error/ issue so far, and it is killing your patience.
So let me explain why it's happening and what you have to do to resolve the issue. Trust me, You will get how simple it is.
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For anyone who is facing the issue, I know its very annoying. What I did was uploaded the code, open serial monitor and press the reset button on node mcu and it worked.


"So without wasting time." Proceeds to waste my time with an ad and then goes on an on in circles.


Sorry, but I couldn't understand how you solve it. Do I have to connect some pin to another? Regards


Excelente video y comentarios, y para quien llegó aquí buscando entender como hacer reset y sigue sin entenderlo ahí va lo que entendí (hice y hago y funciona)

SUPONIENDO QUE ESTAN USANDO ARDUINO IDE (y ya tienen conectado todo, ya solo falta compilar y subir el código)
1. Colocar el puente de GPIO A GROUND
2. Luego oprimir una vez reset
3. Subir el código
Al finalizar y cuando se pida "hard reset" -->
4. Quitar el puente
5. Abrir el serial monitor
-checar que los baudios que aparecen en la consola de serial monitor correspondan a la configuración de conexión en la IDE de Arduino (ej 115200 en ambas)
6. Oprimir el reset una vez, y finalmente observarán cómo el programa corre(en la consola de serial monitor) y se conecta a su wifi, y aparecera la dirección a la cual conectarse.
7. En este momento ya pueden desconectar la esp32 de su PC /laptop, y conectarla a la corriente directamente, y al encender, el servidor de la camara se activa rápidamente para volver a acceder.

Por si estaban con el pendiente no se debe mantener oprimido el reset, esto es cuestión de secuencia lo cual está explicado en este video.


when i pressed the reset button it still showing leaving hard resetting via rts pin... .When I open the serial monitor it showed rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET), boot:0x3
waiting for download, btw I'm using esp32 cam


Nice one - thanks for the info. I think the problem is also that the ... implies it's still doing something. If it reported back with Done! it would be much clearer.


I don't understand what is the fix from the video. there is nothing you have done to provide a fix. I mean I am burning the code, but its not loaded, only after many many tries I might get lucky, but this is not ideal. so please help explain the fix as burning the code is not working. Thank you


thank you so much this problem was geting on my nerves


I'm a total newb. This is the first time playing with any kind of micro controller. Good to know its not an error I suppose, but my issue was never a concern for perceived errors, Its that I can't get this ebserver up and runnuing. I have no idea where to go from here. I've seen a vew posts and videos offer answers along the lines of "That's normal", or "Just hit the reset button" but I've been dead in the water all day as far as progress goes, and the cam is no closer to being online than it was 10 hours ago. I honestly wouldnt care if I had 10 errors so long as the camera was live., I have enjoyed the few videos of yours Ive seen today, but this last one flew a bit over my head. I'll keep hunting.


Sir, how much time does it takes to hard reset? And also what message does it show after resetting? Please reply as soon as possible. Thank you.


Thanks for the video. After 100% uploading the code to ESP8266 node mcu, this line comes up . is it something that my PC still communicating to the ESP8266 ? If I disconnect the USB cable, what will happen? or should I press the reset button on the board? Kindly advice. Thanks .


Thank you

I spent quite sometime thinking there is error


But the circuit is not still working after pressing reset button
What shoud i do??


thankyou, sir. i understand a bit. but what should i do for now? waiting? i have class tomorrow and my esp still not working. it just blinking the built in led. so, my question is, what should i do for now? thankyou before.


You didn't fixed you only explained what that error is. I don't know how to fix it, it's like reseting code and not running. Yesterday my ESP program was working completely fine until today i get this err


Not getting the link for esp32 cam after successfully uploaded


Thank you for your explanation, now I understand why this is happening to my sketch.


Hi, thank you for your clip. I still wonder why every time I upload code, I have to press BOOT button.


Hi and thank you very much. I just bought AZ delivery ESP32 Wroom. I fixed the sketch upload issue pressing bootlader button as soon as it tries to connect. Then the firmware is downoladed al right and the test program running ok. BUT I need to reflash at each sketch uploading (press boot button and wait..) Like if the firmware is not correctly saved. AZ delivery Ebook and hotline are not helping... :(


Thank you so much, you save my time my friend
