THE END OF CREDIT SCORES | Major Changes Explained

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Recently, there is a push to end the current credit scoring system, and to create a new credit score based on different criteria - here's what this means for you - Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan

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Why the new plan wants to get rid of the current credit score:

First, the 3 big credit scoring agencies: Experian, Equifax, and Transunion - are all privately held, FOR PROFIT corporations - that gather data, and then develop their own, independent algorithms to predict how likely YOU are to re-pay a loan.

SECOND, the current credit scoring system is often HIGHLY INACCURATE - and it’s difficult to correct false information. In fact, according to the FTC, 20% of ALL people have at least 1 error on their credit report….and those errors have the potential to lower your credit score, hurt your ability to get a new line of credit, and cost you a higher interest rate.

THREE: The current credit scoring model leaves a LARGE PORTION of the population “credit invisible.”
That’s why 20% of the US Population falls into the “invisible” category, where they don’t have a credit score, simply because they’ve never needed credit to begin with.

FOUR - The Credit Scoring Model contradicts itself…a LOT.

Here’s just a few examples:
-If you want a good credit score, you’re REWARDED for having higher credit limits, along with the ability to take on even MORE DEBT, because THAT is how you establish your payment history.

-You’re also REWARDED for keeping your accounts open AS LONG AS POSSIBLE, even if you don’t use those accounts - otherwise, the average length of your account history will drop, which then lowers your score.

-You’re ALSO REWARDED if you take on different TYPES of loans, like credit cards, auto loans, mortgages, and leases - because then, lenders see that you can responsibly handle multiple types of debt…and that’s GOOD!

-But, you can also get PENALIZED for opening up TOO many credit lines, too fast…because that shows up as a hard inquiry on you report, and that’s BAD.

AND FIFTH - they say that the credit scoring system excludes too many people.
Since credit scores reward extensive credit history - younger borrowers suffer from lower credit scores, and higher interest rates - just because they aren’t old enough to have build up a proper profile. Lower income applicants are also 8x more likely to lack credit history, because they’re more likely to rent, and rent payments don’t show up on a credit report, which means they have a lower credit score, which means they’re charged a higher interest rate…which means, they have less money left over, and the cycle continues.

So, now - the SOLUTION being proposed is creating a NEW, MORE FAIR SYSTEM that would work like this:

They want to create a publicly run Credit Reporting Agency within the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that would eventually replace the current for-profit credit system, with a NEUTRAL, NONPROFIT PUBLIC entity.

As they say, it would deliver transparent scoring, provide greater data security and offer a publicly accountable way to resolve disputes. They would also CAP the interest rate no higher than 36%, clean up debt collection practices, and even potentially - discharge student loans in bankruptcy.

Things like bank account data, rental payments, and utility payments would also be a factor in determining a credit score, and negative information would fall off after 4 years, instead of the 7 it is now.

If you already have a good credit score - just continue to pay your rent and utilities on time…and you’ll be fine. And if you’ve got a BAD credit score…then you should continue paying your rent and utilities on time.

*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.
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The U.S. Government is $27 TRILLION in debt.. *What's their credit score?* lol


"What's up Graham, it's guys here!"

Me: Huh? What??


“Those three numbers” *Nervous Sweating*... Three?


Wow this is such a great idea. I cant think of a single time transferring a private business into the hands of a federal bureaucracy has not been a smashing success.


Wow I think people should pay more attention to this 🤲🏾


I smell social credit scores coming to a future near you. The more information they have, the more you can be socially stigmatized for what you buy, how you shop, and what time you pay your bills.


2:10 65% of the credit score measures how much you actually DON'T need credit


I just hit 800 and I am sad because I worked so hard to get there. Don’t penalize people who have worked so hard.


Government deciding who gets the highest score? That won't be abused... 👀


Including Rental and utilities will only punish poor people more. I was more likely to have my power cut off or be behind on my rent when I was younger and poorer. As I made more money I missed less bills. This is just another way to screw over the poor.


"What's up, Graham? It's guys here."

That. Is. Hilarious. 😂🤣


I was a victim of the Experian Breach.

They offered me free credit monitoring afterwards and recieved almost $4 of that Multi-Billion $$ Lawsuit.

The world is a mess.

As he said, it leaves a whole lot of the poulation out. Some people simply have advantages.


It should just be a separate score where you choose which one to submit to lenders.


Honestly the baby koala pic was a selling point I wasn’t aware I needed.


Graham please help us with the movement to allow brokers to raise the DAY TRADE LIMIT to 15 per week for user with accounts that valued under 25k


The 20% without credit are probably better with money than most people also, which is hilarious


The current credit score system is wack you have to go in debt to earn credit while you are tying you save, go to school, open a buisness all while your in your 20s trying to enjoy life. Plus the income in your 20s doesn't match what you are actually worth. So it isn't the best system for the generation that is exspected to maintain the folks who are retiring....


When you default on a US student loan you are bared from taking a government job as your punishment I believe. Student loans should be originated by the university/college so the risk of a poor value education stays with them, not the taxpayer!




Yep, we paid off some debt and our score went down. So we're rewarded for having debt and penalized for paying off debt. The system is broken.
