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Was Brushy Bill right handed, left handed? Did he participate in the 5 Day Battle of Lincoln or the 3 Day Battle? Michael investigates claims of knowledge that "only Billy the Kid could know"!

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Brushy made too many ridiculous claims beyond being Billy the Kid. I was a Brushy supporter until I looked into his stories - which they are. That's what anyone who supports Brushy should do. Just look into all the crap he claimed. There's no way he did all those things on top of Billy the Kid. He wouldn't have tried ot join the military / Rough Riders after escaping from Lincoln. He would have stayed low. He claims to have been a scout for Belle Starr when he was 13. Things like that require proof, not disproof.


This is what I have been saying for 20 years. Anyone that has read the books and articles about Billy could tell the stories and say they are Billy. Brushy didn't prove he was Billy, IMO, because he didn't tell anything that wasn't already known.
I am a "bit on the fence" on whether Billy died in Fort Sumner only because I like to think Billy was a smart guy and wouldn't go back to the place he knew Garrett would look for him. But I know, realistically, his life most likely ended that night. But if he did live, Brushy still would never be him.


Hi Michael when Brushy first showed up on my radar was on unsolved mysteries and I said yep he's Billy but through the years I think less likely but also I don't believe Pat's story 100% either


As a part time Western "historian" (I use that loosely) I never once believed Brushy Bill was Billy The Kid based upon the facts I knew. I discovered this channel several weeks ago and binged watched most your videos in a few weeks. This is a very comprehensive analysis and I enjoy it very much. Kudos.


In the photo of the guy next to the “Mcsween” sign, his chin is definitely more pointy and not round like the Brushy pic. That alone is enough for me to believe this is not Brushy.


Guess most of you have already seen the clip, but still fun.🤠


Not that it proves or disproves anything. I'm left handed. But shoot right handed. Why? My dad was right handed and that's how he showed me. Many lefties are/were forced to do right hand things.
Just a view from a southpaw.
Cheers, love the videos.


I use to think there was a strong chance of brushy or Miller being the kid. But after watching you for the past few months, I think he was killed by Garrett. Although in a cowardly way. Thank you for all the insight you brought. 👍


I enjoy this Youtube format of history best described in the words of Larry McMurtry as "a kind of mesquite thicket of opinion, dense with guessing, theory and speculation". A nice departure for me from serious history that is not driven by capitalism. BTW a second channel called "All Things Little Bighorn" might be fun also.


I believe the photos are more related than you give it credit for. As you described the face, you failed to mention the positioning of it. Photo of ? on the horse, the head is tilted in a downward position. The pic of Brushy, he looking in the upward direction. That alone will change the appearance of his facial features. The nose is exactly the same. (In my opinion of course)


Anybody who still believes Bushy(on purpose) tale by now should be strapped in a chair and made to watch that 1 woman...Gail somebody or other (.You have talked about meeting her once) entire collection of thing about her...She sure has devoted some serious time to ripping Bushy a new one...and done an excellent job of it!!!! For that I am grateful.


Billy was killed by Pat and I don't think that him returning to Fort Sumner after his jailbreak was odd. Billy was smart but let's be real here at 20-21 years you're still an immature little baby. Billy was known for his "they'll never catch me" attitude, so him going back to Fort Sumner knowing that Pat might look for him there was not out of character. I'm only 25 right now but thinking back 4-5 years ago, I was a complete dumbass.


Is the classic Billy photo the only reason people thought he was left-handed? I find it doubtful that the fact that the linotype is a reversed image was a new discovery.

I have no clue if Brushy was Billy but it's a great story ;)


People's brains are so fascinating. They will ignore legitimate facts and information if it contradicts their beliefs. If someone wants Brushy Bill to be Bill the Kid, there's not a whole lot anyone else can do or say to change their mind. They will remain steadfast in their unsubstantiated belief, no matter how shaky and unstable the foundation of that belief may be. To be 100% honest, I WANT Billy the Kid to have lived beyond that "final" confrontation with Pat Garrett. But what I want and what really happened are two entirely different things. History doesn't care what I want. History is what it is, and nothing I think or believe can affect or change it. The facts are Billy the Kid was shot and killed by Pat Garrett and Brushy Bill was absolutely not Billy the Kid. I don't know what his angle was at the end of his life, but no matter what anyone thinks, he was Brushy Bill and no one else.


I heard Billy smoked cigars. And he lite 1 off mcsweens burning down house during the Lincoln war


Also, looking forward to the next live show.


Photo = No jaw is much lower and the chin and ears are different.


Around the tun of the century people were considered odd, strange if you were left-handed. In school when the teacher noticed you using your left, that wasn't allowed you were forced to write and use your right hand. Back in those days if you consider yourself ambidextrous there a Prity good chance you were born a lefty. This practice in schools went on up to 1950.Billy more than likely wore a two-gun rig most of the time!


I never believed Brushy Bill, I have always thought he read the information & thought it would be a money maker if he claimed to be the Kid, I understand people stating that Pat Garrett shot & killed the kid but I tend to think that Pat & Billy conspired between them to claim & split the rewards & Billy went to Old Mexico & lived out his life & the reason I always thought that is because there are so many wholes in Pats story I suspect that Billy isn’t buried in Fort Sumner even though there is a marker for him, I think we are yet to find the true grave of Billy the Kid unless there is a proper investigation at his grave which I’m afraid to say I can’t see N. Mexico government allowing it as if his body isn’t found then what Pat Garrett wrote & said will be a lie


I want brushy to be the kid more than anybody...

But to me the kids face and brushy bills face are two different facial structures the chins and jawlines are different
