What NOT To Do During Panic Attacks

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Description: Many times during my years struggling with panic attacks I would feel like THIS is the one. I just never knew the difference between a panic attack and a heart attack, but then something occurred to me.

I realized that there were certain thought patterns that brought on panic attacks. There were also certain behaviors and environments that did the same. I stopped hoping a panic attack wouldn't happen, and began to prepare myself in case one showed up.

The preparation of panic attacks was the very thing that helped me move past that chapter in my life. By avoiding doing the things in this video, and implementing the suggestions to help with panic attacks, you're going to find that you move past the feelings faster.

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In the hospital bed rn watching this and I feel so much better I might lose my job because of panic attacks but honestly I don't care my health is more important people don't understand how hard this is because I know I am tuff it takes tuff people to go through this shit


Once you eliminate the fear and stop reacting to the panic attack with anything but calm and teaching your brain you are alright....anxiety loses it's power against you. The fear is what gives anxiety it's power....like "IT" the clown :) Love your podcast and been listening for a while but first comment.


I usually have panic attacks while driving. I commute 1 hour in hwy 70 to I-30 to work, and 1 hour back. Panic is hard to manage when you're behind the wheel, which is dangerous, which instills even more fear, then lightheadedness, then atrial fibrillation, then I feel like I'm having a stroke and heart attack, I'm dying, and eventually my muscles lock up and I pull over and pass out. I have only been hospitalized once for a severe episode where I temporarily lost mobility due to an extreme oxygen content in my blood, causing intense shivering and sweating for 2 hours. They did a 6 second EKG and found nothing wrong with my heart. I showed symptoms of a focal aware seizure, but it was all psychosomatically induced by a snowball effect of fear.
My advice if you cannot control anxiety: stay away from caffeine and sodas.


Hey Bro! So I finally STOPPED googling 'chest pain', 'breathlessness', 'dizziness' ETC and started googling how to tackle my anxiety. I'm an anxiety veteran, it's been my right hand man for as long as I can remember. I suffered crippling health anxiety for about 5 years from the age of 13, almost always focused on the same thing - neurological disease...classic, hey? I replaced that with social anxiety, paranoia etc. So whilst I wasn't panicking about why my fingers were tingling, I turned into this overthinker that read into every detail or catastrophised everything I experienced, 'this plane is gonna crash', 'I'm gonna lose my job', 'my fiancé is gonna leave me'. I coped 'okay' with that for a while - at least I didn't have an undiagnosed neurological disease! It peaked and troughed but all in all, I got about my life. Guess what reared its ugly head 2 months ago - the hold hypochondriac in me. The last 3 months had been pretty shit, everything got a little too much - I had my first panic attack in YEARS. Half an hour later I'm in the back of an ambulance with a 12 lead ECG. They told me I was fine and I believed them. I went home to bed, and my symptoms persisted. Not the full pelt of panic, but the twinges, the breathlessness, the dizziness. Coming and going day after day. Sometimes I felt nothing, I was totally symptomless - but subconsciously that hamster wheel kept on spinning and spinning. The symptoms would appear and the panic would ensue. Am I dying or am I losing my mind? After 3 trips to A&E (ER to you), I went to my GP. I got a prescription for anti-depressants and somePropanolol for the palpitations. I left with some reassurance. I'm not ill, I'm just anxious! You know the drill, after a few days, was back to square one. Back to the GP. Hey, guess what? I got another anti-depressant but this time I got a CBT referral (but the NHS can take FOREVER). I never took the anti-depressants, the side effects sounded terrifying enough! My mum recommended me St. John's Wort - and I can say they've taken the edge off it. I start CBT tomorrow, in the mean time I've been having some privately paid psychotherapy. It's kinda helping - but talking about my childhood/parenting doesn't change much. Anyway - the point of this message? I guess it's good to chat to someone whose been through it, and ACTUALLY understands this horrendous, indescribable, bullshit that we face. But more so to know that you, it would seem, made it out the other side. I'd been having that cotton wool brain, foggy, (I think they call it derealization) for most of today. Stupidly I downed a cappuccino thinking it would take me out of it. Bad idea. I had a full on meltdown, palps, nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, 'SHIT THIS IS IT IM GONNA DIE'. Instead of symptom checking on google, I typed 'CBT for health anxiety' on to YouTube and you came up first. Two hours in and I've not called an ambulance. I'm making progress I guess. Tomorrow I've got a GP appt. I'm still not convinced this is entirely anxiety - what's new? I suppose it's a step back. But for tonight at least I'm staying put at home, working thru your videos. It's genuinely so good to know you came out of it. I am so hopeful I'll be there one day too.


Stop fighting against the attacks and let them be, helped me a lot. Had a few thousands serious attacks for 7 years, nearly 2 years ago now, and no serious attack as the extremely strong “thoughts” are less strong and wont last long. When i have strong thoughts now i dont feel the “energy” running through my body anymore, which was “setting the alarm” to have a attack for the event which i choosed (unconsious) myself. So you might not be consious of getting them, “like they come out of nowhere”, but you set the alarm yourself each time already. Once you feel those energy’s and accept it you will experience less strong attacks as time passes. Still feel some anxiety but luckily nomore attacks. They are truly Horrible! Hope you all be cured from this disaster soon! Dont fight them as you will loose!!


I wasn’t able to get on an elevator for 6 years because I was scared of being trapped in one. One day I said screw this, I went to the local hospital building that’s 6 stories tall and I got on an elevator and went up and down over and over hoping It would get stuck, it didn’t. That day I made reservations for Vegas with my wife and kids at Cesars Palace way up high in the hotel, it’s something I’ve been wanting to do with my family but my fear kept me from doing it, we had the best time ever! I’m also afraid of dying and there’s no avoiding it, so I’m not wasting anymore time worrying about something I can’t control. I’m gonna live everyday making myself and my family happy! Face your fears people and live life. God bless all


Yes, I personally have described my panic attacks as riding the wave. They are horrible, yet we press on.


I'm working your program hard Dennis. I'm determined to head in a new direction. Bless you.


Biggest laugh I had yesterday. My favorite psychiatrist and I were talking about the various mechanisms for mental illness. I said I would rather just live in oblivion. He said, “stupid people don’t get mentally ill. Be proud you’re here.” It caught me off guard, and I laughed until I almost cried. Progress. 😊


I'm 13 and when I get anxiety, I feel like something is stuck in my throat. Thank you so much.


I agree! i've only started experiencing this this month! im usually an anxious person but when it happened, it hit me like a fckn bus! I seriously thought i was going to die! Today i had it again during my 3 year marriage anniversary dinner and i had to leave the place. My triggers is when im in a restaurant, eating. So im going to try and not eat in a restaurant for a while to see how i am. Ugh, i hate this so I miss my life before I started having these panic attacks. I broke down earlier because im so sick of it and miss the old me. I hope my life can go back to better than normal again 😢


Riding the wave, this advice has always resonated with me. Saying to ourselves that there is no threat and just allowing the panic and anxiety to wash over us. Surrendering to every thought and sensation that pops up. Great advice Dennis :)


Dennis thank you so much. Not only has your program helped me get my life back, I recommended your program to my moms best friend. She has had anxiety for her entire life and it escalated in her 50's she was in a dark place and her success story has been so emotional. ( I think you know who I am talking about!) I just cant thank you enough and so grateful for all that you do.


Im 44 and just started getting attacks within the last year. Scares me to death. I just went to the hospital for the first time about a week ago. I thought something was seriously medically wrong but the doctor explained to me what was happening. But now I'm watching your video trying to learn how to cope. I feel one coming on as I type this, I feel the headache and rapid heartbeat coming on.


THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I have suffered with anxiety and panic attacks for almost a year now and I felt like there was no way out or asking myself am I gonna live like this forever.. I felt hopeless until one day I got tired of it to where I felt a panic attack coming, and I used these steps you talked about, almost immediately I felt better and day after day these ugly feelings and thoughts got weaker and weaker and eventually faded away. I no longer feel fatigue, lightheaded, dizzy, have blurry vision, and headaches are gone! It was too good to be true I started crying tears of joy. When you ever start to feel anxiety or panic happening people, just tell yourself you’re gonna feel better in about 10-15 minutes after it’s gone :D


I thought i was getting better but its back. Thank you, I never thought NOT to run when im grounding myself. The first thing i do when i feel it coming is say "i have to go outside!" Then i dont talk anymore for awhile because im exhausted 😢


Honestly, God bless you! I'm 28 and have been suffering from SEVERE panic disorder since I'm 18. It's beyond annoying, exhausting, embarrassing, and just fucking TERRIFYING! Over the past 10 years with a lot of trial and era with different medications, what feels like 100 different therapists, and a lot of different coping skills, I am finally starting to get some sort of control over my panic attacks! Every day is a struggle but, I don't fear them half as much as I use to anymore. And trust me, if I can get through this, ANYONE can! I found this video SOOOO helpful. Thank you so much and good luck to everyone! XOXO


My breathing is shallow and small breaths. I move fast and make quick movements.
I stopped moving quick and started breathing slower and deeper and it helps:-)!


I am so fucking happy that I discovered your channel! I have suffered from Generalized Anxiety all my life, I am 52 now. I am a singer/songwriter, musician, visual artist and writer. During my 30's-40's, I began suffering from severe panic attacks and insomnia. I was self-medicating with speed, alcohol and eventually heroin! I was diagnosed with EDNOS, PTSD and OCD along with Bi-Polar disorder and Panic Disorder and was prescribed Effexor XR for about 12 years. I have been clean from my passed discrepancies for about 8 years now. After 12 years of Effexor XR, I literally was so dumbed down that I stopped writing music and I really couldn't, make my Arte'. So 4 years ago, I stopped my meds cold turkey and took my mind back! It was absolutely ARDUOUS but I began writing what will now be my eighth album! During this same junction I entered menopause and suddenly I re-entered the cycle of panic attacks, yet again! Scary heart-palpatations cause me to be afraid even during my daily workouts now! It is debiltatiing! I am in the midst of writing my double album...unfortunately, I am experiencing Nocturnal Anxiety Attacks and daily Panic...I DO NOT WANT TO BE ON DAILY MEDS AS THEY CAUSE ME TO NOT BE ABLE TO FUCTION AS AN ARTIST...I hope that you can give me some guidance! ^..^


As I watch this video what arises in me
are feelings of powerlessness and hopelessness.
I am filled with terror and grief and rage.
