How do you Fill Up Your Motorcycle Gas Tank?

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How do you Fill Up Your Motorcycle Gas Tank?
A simple question, but one that has to be asked....
#motorcyclegastank #fillup #highwayrobbery
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Did I just watch 4:09 minutes of uncle Bobby putting gas in his tank?


I pull up with the left side of the bike near pumps and I get off like you did. For whatever reason I have a hard time seeing down into the tank which makes it difficult to tell how much gas I'm putting in. Once it's full, I turn the nozzle at an angle to keep gas from dripping on tank.


which ever side the gas cap is on I lean the bike towards the pumps so I'm not draping the hose across my paint and bike.


I roll up I go inside and pay with cash because I don’t trust using my credit card. Then I fill the tank just like you’re doing right now. Cmon man show us your pin lol 😂. 4.49? Yes I get off the bike and I’m fortunate to have to pay 6.87 a gallon here so consider yourself lucky for now. MLH&R to you and your awesome son Bob!


Same as you...but wad a chunk of paper towel, and turn the nozzle upside down with the paper towel under it when taking it out of the tank.


I'm usually sitting on the bike. It's a little easier for me to top it off that way. I've never thought abt the bike bursting into flames because of fuel spilling on the hot engine!


If the handle is good for the slight trickle squeeze, I sit there and squeeze every ounce i can into it. About a half gallon left when it starts flashing low fuel on me.


I wish bike friendly gas stations had a pump-pressure option. I'd love to push the low-pressure button for when I'm filling the bike, and the firehose for when I'm filling the car. I'm serious. Someone please invent the low-pressure option for us bikers!!!


I think the only time I have filled up whilst not sat on the bike, was when I had to push the bike to the fuel station 🤦🏻‍♂️


I personally get off the bike as I like to take the opportunity to stretch. Sport bikes thst sit up higher I feel can do this a bit easier.


Since the prices have gone up I've been siphoning it from my brother's car.😂😂 He's on an expense account and likes to tell everyone it doesn't matter what the prices are he's not paying so he don't care!🤯 Lol jokes aside, I have Jerry cans at home and fill up from there to keep fuel stocks cycling. It's my buffer in case there are issues tomorrow.👍🏼😀 Hope you had a nice break! Take care and ride safe 😊🖖🏼


I'm still running on a stock Dyna seat so you bet I get my carcass off the bike! I favour a certain couple gas stations that have slightly lower nozzle pressure so I don't Vesuvius gasoline into my eyeballs. I pull the trigger around 3/4 until I hear the gas starting to gurgle and tiny drips start to hit the tank, then I back waaaay off and dribble until the tank nearly runneth over. Then I look around real sly to see if anyone's looking, and if not, I SMASH THE TV that's on the pump blasting its unrequested advertising malarkey into my ears while I'm trying not to get robbed or stabbed. I hate those pump TVs with the fury of a thousand suns. I didn't ask for them. I don't want them. I don't need to look at a screen everywhere I go. Sometimes I just want to pump my gas and think my own thoughts, however benign they may be!


I roll up, usually on the left and get off the bike. Easier to insert nozzle on the proper angle so Ii don't get splashed with the pressure. My bike is small and so is my tank.


I paid $4.14 a gallon for 100% pure gas a few days ago. I do not use ethanol fuel in my bike... yet.


I always get off the bike.

Rochelle and I pull up to a pump together and fill both bikes up at the same time.

Fun fact, for some reason I always get off the bike on the high side… no idea why, just began that way and never changed. ✌️😂


Here in the UK I've had several occasions where the garage wont turn the pump on if you are sitting on the bike. (they say you are in danger if fuel runs onto the hot engine) We usually just get off now and use pay at the pump.


I rarely fill up at the pump, as I usually have gas cans full at home. But, if I do fill up at the pump, I always get off, fill up and give the bike a quick look over so see if all is good. Ride safe bro.


I get off the bike and fill from the other side.


I make my wife get off and do everything


My gas cap is in the middle of the tank, so I generally will sit on the bike to fill it up.
