Why Do Some People Bruise So Easily?

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We've all woken up with mystery bruises, but what exactly causes bruising, and why do some people bruise more easily than others?

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Why You Bruise So Easily
"Sure, we all get occasional bumps and bruises, but some people seem to bruise like a peach at the smallest poke. Is excessive bruising just a reminder that you're a klutz, or could it signal a more serious health concern?"

Bleeding Disorders
"Bleeding disorders are a group of conditions that result when the blood cannot clot properly. In normal clotting, platelets, a type of blood cell, stick together and form a plug at the site of an injured blood vessel."

Bruises and Blood Spots Under the Skin
"Bruises develop when small blood vessels under the skin tear or rupture, most often from a bump or fall. Blood leaks into tissues under the skin and causes the black-and-blue color. As bruises (contusions) heal, usually within 2 to 4 weeks, they often turn colors, including purplish black, reddish blue, or yellowish green."

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And here i though i had a serious illness or that i was abducted.


me: wakes up with a bruise or scratch i don't remember getting
me: [x-files theme]


1:45 like smashing your shit on a coffee table


a boy from my school died from a school a while ago with a disease that made him bleed for a long time because his blood cloth didn't close it and it was internal he died at 16


love how different people have a different pronunciation for capillaries


ca-PILL-a-reez? When did this start? CAP-ill-air-eez


I have the bleeding disorder called hemophilia 🌎❤️ thanks Dnews making people aware of this disorder.


Follow-up question: Why do I have to fight (manually breath) to not pass out while watching this?


My dad has VEDS (Vascular Ehlers Danlos Syndrome), his collagen in his blood veins don't hold well so whenever he gets a bruise it stays for a LONG TIME. Shout out to people who bruise easily~! Seriously consider looking into why you may bruise! :3


It can also be a sign of a food allergy. My bruises went away entirely once I cut the offending food out of my diet.


Forget bruising, I scar easily. It's ridiculous, the tiniest scrape, I get scarred for life! I guess I really am a Millennial. When they said we were thin-skinned, they sure weren't kidding.


The other day I woke up with about 1/3 of my thigh covered in black/dark blue bruising. That's been a pretty normal thing for me during my life. I bruise super easily and they always last for like a minimum of 1 week (usually longer. I once had a massive bruise that took 3 weeks to go away). I always just wake up with bruises, that had no trauma to cause them. I've had several nice hand print bruises from people just gently touching my arm to get my attention or hug me. None of things listed here apply to me though. I don't take anything that would thin my blood, Ive been tested for several different blood disorders (all negative), i'm not malnourished or lacking vitamins (in fact my levels are always pretty perfect when I have tests). Whats wrong with T.T Anyone else like this? lol


I love having bruises, kinda pleasures me

Im weird af :l


I really love this presenter, she's nice but not too chipper and is relaxed


This hits close to home. I have a condition called Immune Thrombocytopenia that can cause frequent bruising. It's caused by my immune system attacking my platelets and destroying them. If you ever notice a lot of bruising or nose bleeds. Please see your doctor. These can be signs of a blood disorder like my condition. It can cause internal bleeding, which can be very dangerous.


For me even small bruises last longer than two weeks...don't know if that's normal. I also have to desinfect every little cut or scratch because it can quickly become infected.


I'd be really interested to hear you talk about different types of amnesia


Have I been misprounouncing "capillaries" my entire life?


The problem that I have with this channel is that it's blatantly obvious that many of the hosts don't actually understand the content they're covering; which results in minor mistakes that wouldn't mean much on other topics, but this is science and the details matter quite a lot. Especially when you're aiming to briefly teach these subjects to a large number of people for the first time. I feel that by taking that platform, they also need to take on the responsibility to do it correctly. (--just a passionate lover of science.)


I can only think of maybe four times in my whole life that I had bruises. and that was when I got shots/really badly injured.
