How to Make a Real-Time Strategy RTS game! (High Level Overview feat. They Are Billions)

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💬 Here's a high level overview on how to make a Real-Time Strategy RTS game using They Are Billions as an example.
These kinds of games involve Placing Buildings, spawning lots of Units and controlling them while engaging in Combat and Resource Gathering.

00:00 Intro
01:58 Unit Selection
02:56 Flow Field Pathfinding
04:04 Fog of War
05:49 Place Buildings
06:35 Building Types
07:09 Resource Manager
07:36 Resource Generation
08:05 Unit Spawning
08:55 Horde
09:56 Zombie AI
11:04 Villagers
11:50 Map
12:47 World Map
13:23 Performance
14:23 Outro

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See you next time!

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I'm your Code Monkey and here you will learn everything about Game Development in Unity using C#.

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like if you agree codemonkey should release a RTS tutorial!!!!


You have no idea how excited I am for this! I've been wanting to make a game like They Are Billions for years. I waited for DOTS to get it's full release and now I've finally started on it. I've followed a lot of your DOTS tutorials even from previous versions and they have helped a ton (even though it took ages to convert some stuff to newer ecs versions). I literally would have never been able to figure out DOTS without your tutorials and now that you are doing an RTS course it will make learning some of these crazy performance gains 100x easier.


I'm so glad to hear you are working on a full RTS tutorial. I used some of your tutorials in the past to attempt basic movement in a project I now since abandoned. But I'd definitely like to give it a try again.


I am recreating Factorio and learning through your grid system videos how to do this. It is great to see this kind of videos, I am learning a lot in this channel.


I would like to see RTS like "They are Billions" but in 3D. Once you will published it, I'm buying it at once :)


Love your tutorials! Very useful and easy to understand for beginners! If it's possible, please make a video how to make a crafting system like in Ravenous devils 🙏


Are you planning to create a new Course (and now with ECS / DOTS)?

That's really good news. 🔥🎮😁💯👍🏻 I am sure it's going to be lots of fun and a great opportunity to learn to use DOTS and related Performance Optimization good practices.


It's been a long time, but the selection was actually fairly tricky. The selection box is easy and simple, however you can select units by single clicks, holding shift also alters the way selection works, and you use the same mouse button for disselecting and issuing commands as well. A complex scenario that requires a complex solution.


Love how you break down these videos! It really helps with project planning and makes everything less overwhelming, huge thanks to you!


your videos are alot better to understanding game development at a deeper level than 80% of unreal educational content out there. This is really what I always wanted in the unreal community which is always alot more plain rather than going into these topics like efficient algorithms etc. Didnt know about the flow algorithm.


I love RTS games, certainly will be my next game project!


I made a really basic RTS using the Unity Nav Mesh for Path finding. Seems performant enough, for ~ 30 Units.
It would be useful to have a beginners guide on how to use the Performance Analyser effectively, and what are the most common Performance issues and solutions.


Just a point of note - when you talk about two kinds of Fog of War - the blacked out exploratory part is called the Shroud. The regenerating greyed out areas are called Fog of War.

The idea is basically if it's a previous unexplored area in a game with a setting (fantasy, medieval, no tech) that has no Satellites or RADARs you have Shroud.
In games that have those, you would only use Fog of War, cause doesn't really make sense to be with Shroud....


Waiting so much this course. I'm already finished your course about turn base strategy game. Learned a lot, the best unity course on my experience


Huge RTS fan, can not wait for your RTS course, I one hundred percent will complete the course, this is a promise to myself! Haha.

Thanks again for all you do!


I can't believe you're doing a course in my favorite genre! I hope it will be on udemy? I'm really looking forward to it!


I can't wait until you launch the DOTS strategy game course, I already registered on the page and am really looking forward to it


This is great. I've been wanting to make a RTS for a while now! Can't wait for this to happen 😀


Please do a fully course for multiplayer DOTs not just single-player DOTs :D you absolute champ! in terams of course content can you cover procedural generation for creating maps as well as hand crafted bits


If you will make your promise a reality and after all those years you give us a complete RTS tutorial from scratch then i would definitely buy it.
